Bomberman B-Daman Bakugaiden Victory or Bomberman B-Daman Bakugaiden V (Bビーダマン爆外伝V(ボンバーマンビーダマンばくがいでんビクトリー), Bonbāman Bīdaman Bakugaiden Bikutorī) is a Coro Coro Comic series by Koichi Mikata, based on Bomberman and B-Daman. The animated television series is broadcast on Nagoya TV. V stands for "Victory" but the anime is also based on the 5th BB-daman manga.



  • Shirobon (White Bomber): A B-da Cop who travels through space and time to protect peace in the world. He is determined but a bit childish at times.
  • Aobon (Blue Bomber): Shirobon's partner. He is very shy and timid, but always pulls through in the end to save his friends.
  • Kurobon (Black Bomber): An elite B-da Cop who is very independent and acts on his own. He often comes in at critical times to save the other B-da Cops and then disappears as quickly as he came. He also has a number of shining medals, and is said to be the "uncrowned king".
  • Akabon (Red Bomber): She is the princess of Border Kingdom. After Devil Vader attacks her country she is saved by the B-da Cops Shirobon and Aobon. She later joins them as a B-da Cop to stop Devil Vader and save her kingdom.
  • Kiirobon (Yellow Bomber): A Kansai speaking shipping carrier who dreams of becoming a B-da Cop. While he waits to become one, he assists the others in their battles against dark B-da.
  • Midoribon (Green Bomber): A soldier from Border Kingdom who was stranded on an island. After being rescued by the B-da Cops, he joins forces with them to save Border Kingdom. He is very dedicated to Akabon and is willing to die for her.
  • Graybon Hakase (Professor Gray Bomber): A genius scientist who builds new armors for the B-da Cop.
  • Mimitan: A bat-like animal who is Graybon Hakase's assistant.


  • Akumantle:A mustached villain. For a while, the only one with a mecha of his own, but Docdandy and Gestler both obtain mechas as well in Episode 20. His Mecha resembles an scorpion.
  • Docdandy:A rather girly villain who likes pretty things, dislikes Kiirobon and has a crush on Kurobon. His mecha resembles a bee.
  • Devil Slinger: A very experienced Devilvader who seems to resemble a gunslinger. He and Kurobon are rivals.
  • Gestra:A chubby villain who is the brains of his trio, formed by him, Akumantle and Docdandy.
  • King Vader: The demon-like Devilvader leader.


  • Geniusbon
  • Witchy
  • Carrierbon
  • Bestbon
  • B-DaMaster
  • B-Da King


  1. 出動!ビーダコップ: written by Akiyoshi Sakai
  2. 発進!ジークホワイター: written by Akiyoshi Sakai
  3. 爆走!宅配便野郎: written by Isao Shizuya
  4. 憧れのビーダコップ: written by Isao Shizuya
  5. 謎のくろボン登場!: written by Akiyoshi Sakai
  6. 撃て!ガトリングシュート: written by Isao Shizuya
  7. キャビレット城の秘宝: written by Akiyoshi Sakai and Masashi Miura
  8. ボーダー王を探せ!: written by Isao Shizuya
  9. 発見!第4のクリスモンド: written by Isao Shizuya
  10. きっと明日は晴れるから: written by Seishi Minakami
  11. 影の戦士くろボン: written by Seishi Minakami
  12. 荒野の少年シェリフ: written by Shigeru Yanagawa
  13. たたかえ!ダイブレッダー: written by Tomoyasu Okubo
  14. 名探偵あおボン: written by Isao Shizuya
  15. 登場!みどりの疾風: written by Seishi Minakami
  16. 暴走!みどりの騎士: written by Tomoyasu Okubo
  17. 飛べ!ジークホワイター: written by Isao Shizuya
  18. くろボンの正体!?: written by Seishi Minakami
  19. とりもどせ!ボーダー王の記憶: written by Tomoyasu Okubo
  20. 射て!レーザーホワイター: written by Seishi Minakami
  21. 古代エジプタンの秘宝: written by Hideo Takayashiki
  22. 怪盗ねずみボン現る: written by Isao Shizuya
  23. きいろボンVSビーダコップ: written by Tomoyasu Okubo
  24. 参上!クリスホワイター: written by Tomoyasu Okubo
  25. 完成!?謎の三体合体: written by Seishi Minakami
  26. 潜入!くろボンを追え: written by Isao Shizuya
  27. 翔べ!クリスブルード: written by Seishi Minakami
  28. グレイボン博士のライバル: written by Isao Shizuya
  29. 新たな敵デビルスリンガー: written by Tomoyasu Okubo
  30. 荒野のスリンガー: written by Tomoyasu Okubo
  31. 魔女の特訓便: written by Seishi Minakami
  32. みどりボンVSくろボン: written by Seishi Minakami
  33. ヒロインボンを救え!: written by Isao Shizuya
  34. くろボンVSスリンガー: written by Tomoyasu Okubo
  35. クリスブラッカー誕生!: written by Tomoyasu Okubo
  36. 飛び散ったクリスモンド: written by Seishi Minakami
  37. 幽霊船を追え!: written by Isao Shizuya
  38. 地と海のビーダロイド: written by Tomoyasu Okubo
  39. スーパービーダコップきいろボン: written by Seishi Minakami
  40. 小さくなったビーダコップ: written by Isao Shizuya
  41. 奪われたクリスモンド: written by Seishi Minakami
  42. 裏切りのスリンガー: written by Tomoyasu Okubo
  43. スリンガーの最後: written by Tomoyasu Okubo
  44. 襲来!キングベーダー: written by Seishi Minakami
  45. めざせ!ビーダキャリバー: written by Seishi Minakami
  46. 発現!ビーダキャリバー: written by Tomoyasu Okubo
  47. ボーダー王を救出せよ: written by Tomoyasu Okubo
  48. きいろボンギャグ100連発: written by Seishi Minakami
  49. 暴走!歪んだ時空: written by Seishi Minakami
  50. 輝け!ビーダキャリバー: written by Tomoyasu Okubo


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