Bhom Beedasariya is a village, located in Jasrasar tehsil of Bikaner district.
Bhom Beedasariya village is located nearby Beedasariya, These villages are co-linked with each other. Inhabitants of this village are dependent on agriculture, which contains both irrigated and non-irrigated farming.
As per Census-2011, conducted by Government of India, Total population of this village is 545, out of which, 279 are males, and 266 are females. Literacy rate of this village is 33.94%[3]
Population of the village follows Hinduism.[4]
Bagri is the major language spoken here, while Hindi and English are the language of the educated.[6]
Bhom Beedasariya village is co-linked with Beedasariya; these villages are connected to each other, and people of Bhom Beedasariya travel through the same routes that go through Beedasariya. So, the road transportation facility in this village can be considered in good condition. However, railway transportation facilities are not available. Inhabitants need to travel to either Bikaner (60 km) or Shri Dungargarh (40 km).[7]
- ^ ORGI. "Census of India : Provisional Population Totals Paper 1 of 2011 : Rajasthan".
- ^ "52nd Report of the Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities in India" (PDF). Ministry of Minority Affairs. Archived from the original (PDF) on 25 May 2017. Retrieved 26 October 2024.
- ^ "Census of Bhom Beedasariya Village(2011)". Retrieved 26 October 2024.
- ^ "Population by religious community - Bikaner District".
- ^ "Table C-01 Population By Religion - Rajasthan". Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India.
- ^ "Languages".
- ^ "Overview Of Bikaner Division" (PDF). Retrieved 27 October 2024.
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