A terrorist attack targeted the Besançon courthouse on 9 May 1970. It was perpetrated with a bomb by two men from OAS and UDR movements, in a context of resurgence of far-right violence in France.
On 9 May 1970, at 10:30 pm, the place du Huit-Septembre (September 8 Square) was shaken by an explosion.[1] The Besançon courthouse was just attacked[2][3] with a bomb containing explosives and scrap metal.[1] Damage was substantial but limited : only the porch, the bay windows, and the salle des pas perdus (hall of lost steps), partly classifieds, were seriously affected.[1] A couple and their baby narrowly escaped the impact, but no one injuries were reported.[1] The mayor, the socialist Jean Minjoz, immediately condemned this act, while the investigation began.[1] Witnesses said they saw a man throw a device through, before escaping in an accomplice's car.[1] At first the attack was attributed to the left[3][4][5] but two individuals were arrested on 14 May with the number of their a registration plate.[1] They were former soldiers, workers at the Rhodiaceta factory, one was a member of the OAS and the other a member of the UDR[3][6][4][7][8] acting for defiant motives possibly related to access to power through the SAC.[9][10][2] The suspects admitted the facts, while weapons and ammunition were found.[1]
See also
- ^ a b c d e f g h Willy Graff for L'Est Républicain, April 6, 2021 : « Savez-vous que Besançon a été frappé d’un attentat en 1970 ? ».
- ^ a b Christian Bougeard, René Pleven - Un Français libre en politique, 1994, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 473 pages, ISBN 9782868471291, page 310.
- ^ a b c Hervé Hamon et Patrick Rotman, Les années de poudre - Volume 2, Auguste 29, 2016, Éditions du Seuil, 704 pages, ISBN 9782021342468.
- ^ a b Dominique Lejeune, La peur du rouge en France - Des partageux aux gauchistes, 2003, Belin, 303 pages, ISBN 9782701132419, page 248.
- ^ Le nouvel observateur, 1974, page 28.
- ^ L'Année politique, économique, sociale et diplomatique en France, 1970, Éditions du Grand Siècle, page 31.
- ^ Gérard Vincent and Véronique Aubert, Les Français, 1945-1975 - chronologie et structures d'une société, 1977, Masson, 383 pages, ISBN 978-2-225-82120-2, page 200.
- ^ Le Monde, May 16, 1970, « Besançon : les deux auteurs de l'attentat contre le palais de justice n'étaient pas des gauchistes »
- ^ Sébastien Laurent, Politiques du renseignement, 2009, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 355 pages, ISBN 9782867815485, page 132.
- ^ Bernard Thomas, Les provocations policières, 1972, Fayard, 508 pages, page 385.
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