Badel 1862 d.d. is a Croatian alcoholic beverage company headquartered in Zagreb.
Today's Badel originated following the Second World War, after the communist government nationalized the companies Pokorny, Patria, Arko, Marijan Badel, and Badel-Vinoprodukt. In March 2011, Badel took over Eurobev d.o.o., which produces fruit juices and soft drinks.[2]
Badel 1862 produces some of the regionally most recognizable alcoholic brands, including:
- Spirits: Pelinkovac, Vigor Vodka, Travarica, Stara Šljivovica, William's, Loza, Prima Brand (formerly Prima Brandy), Glembay Vinjak, Cezar Vinjak, Zrinski Vinjak, Sax Gin
- Wines: Graševina Daruvar, Postup, Dingač, Ivan Dolac, Korlat
- Soft drinks: Voćko, Inka, Nara
Badel 1862 is also the distribution company for major alcohol and soft drink brands, such as:
- Rum: Bacardi
- Tequila: Sierra Tequila
- Amaro: Amaro 18 Isolabella
- Gin: Bombay Sapphire
- Whisky: Dewar's
- Amaretto: Disaronno
- Cognac: Otard Cognac
- Vodka: Grey Goose
- Coffee liqueur: Tia Maria
- Vermouth: Martini
- Soft drinks: Pepsi Cola, 7 Up, Mirinda
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