The men's shot put athletics events for the 2012 Summer Paralympics took place at the London Olympic Stadium from 31 August to 8 September 2012. A total of 11 events were contested incorporating 19 different classifications.[1]


Event↓/Date → Fri 31 Sat 1 Sun 2 Mon 3 Tue 4 Wed 5 Thr 6 Fri 7
F11–12 F
F20 F
F32–33 F
F34 F
F37–38 F
F40 F
F42–44 F
F46 F
F52–53 F
F54–56 F
F57–58 F



Rank Athlete Nationality Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 Best Score Notes
1st place, gold medalist(s) Andrii Holivets  Ukraine F12 x 15.00 15.16 15.54 16.25 16.03 16.25 991 RR
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Vladimir Andryushchenko  Russia F12 14.39 14.05 14.23 14.55 15.21 x 15.21 966 SB
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Russell Short  Australia F12 14.45 14.33 14.17 14.23 14.73 14.26 14.73 950 SB
4 Vasyl Lishchynskyi  Ukraine F11 12.58 11.72 11.84 12.52 13.09 12.80 13.09 945
5 David Casino  Spain F11 12.57 12.56 13.01 x x 13.01 13.01 942
6 Siarhei Hrybanau  Belarus F12 13.43 13.48 13.63 13.32 13.65 x 13.65 906
7 Sergei Shatalov  Russia F12 13.02 12.36 13.04 x 13.02 13.63 13.63 905
8 Bil Marinkovic  Austria F11 11.79 11.91 11.98 12.21 x x 12.21 903 SB
9 Edwin Rodriguez Gonzales  Colombia F11 10.13 10.46 11.33 - - - 11.33 845
10 Rolandas Urbonas  Lithuania F12 12.13 11.79 12.14 - - - 12.14 810
11 Ronald Carlos Greene  Trinidad and Tobago F11 9.59 10.87 10.20 - - - 10.87 807 PB
12 Anibal Bello  Venezuela F11 10.00 10.83 x - - - 10.83 804
13 Mahdi Al-Saadi  Iraq F12 10.99 10.80 11.12 - - - 11.12 719
14 Sebastian Baldassarri  Argentina F11 9.39 9.87 9.16 - - - 9.87 705
15 Isaac Leiva  Guatemala F11 9.59 9.83 8.65 - - - 9.83 700
16 Hameed Hassain  Iraq F11 9.41 9.14 9.81 - - - 9.81 698
17 Alfonso Olivero Encarnacion  Dominican Republic F11 9.54 9.80 x - - - 9.80 697 PB
18 Nelson Gonçalves  Portugal F11 9.51 9.52 9.74 - - - 9.74 689
19 Sergio Paz  Argentina F11 9.12 9.13 9.43 - - - 9.43 650
20 Luciano dos Santos Pereira  Brazil F11 8.63 9.29 9.26 - - - 9.29 632
- Osamah Masaud Al Shanqiti  Saudi Arabia F12 x x x - - - NM 0


Rank Athlete Nationality 1 2 3 4 5 6 Best Notes
1st place, gold medalist(s) Todd Hodgetts  Australia 15.62 15.42 16.24 16.29 15.86 15.36 16.29 WR
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Jeffrey Ige  Sweden 13.84 14.61 15.50 14.56 14.80 13.64 15.50 RR
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Muhammad Ziyad Zolkefli  Malaysia 13.79 15.21 x 14.35 14.13 14.36 15.21 PB
4 Efstratios Nikolaidis  Greece 13.43 13.89 14.29 13.41 x 14.51 14.51 PB
5 Danyelo Hernandez  Venezuela 12.95 11.39 13.10 13.03 13.34 13.18 13.34 PB
6 Lindsay Sutton  Australia 13.04 12.02 12.28 12.87 13.03 12.68 13.04
7 Ronny Valdes  Venezuela 12.53 12.33 12.68 x 12.79 x 12.79 PB
8 Kostas Dibidis  Greece 12.67 x 12.79 x x 12.55 12.79
9 Jüri Bergmann  Estonia 11.86 12.09 11.93 12.09 PB
10 Dali Fatnassi  Tunisia x 11.35 11.99 11.99
11 Damien Rumeau  France 11.36 11.02 x 11.36
12 Ricardo Marques  Portugal 10.97 10.86 x 10.97
13 Jose Benitez Sanchez  Puerto Rico x 9.88 x 9.88


Rank Athlete Nationality Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 Best Score Notes
1st place, gold medalist(s) Kamel Kardjena  Algeria F33 11.73 12.14 10.65 8.59 10.57 10.20 12.14 997 PR
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Karim Betina  Algeria F32 10.37 x x 10.14 x x 10.37 976
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Mounir Bakiri  Algeria F32 9.49 8.12 x 8.26 8.96 8.65 9.49 929
4 Maciej Sochal  Poland F32 9.18 8.91 x 8.50 8.63 x 9.18 908 RR
5 Youssef Ouaddali  Morocco F32 7.93 7.41 7.18 8.39 8.32 7.64 8.39 844 PB
6 Mohammad Naser  Kuwait F32 7.61 7.71 7.95 6.89 7.20 7.42 7.95 800 RR
7 Ahmed Alhousani  United Arab Emirates F33 7.76 x 8.89 8.45 8.27 8.33 8.89 800 SB
8 Dimitrios Zisidis  Greece F32 7.08 7.24 7.48 7.17 7.21 7.27 7.48 747 SB
9 Hani Alnakhli  Saudi Arabia F33 7.94 8.16 7.90 - - - 8.16 724
10 Mourad Idoudi  Tunisia F33 x 7.65 x - - - 7.65 664
11 Naser M S Saleh  Kuwait F33 7.46 x x - - - 7.46 639
- Abdulaziz Alshekaili  United Arab Emirates F33 x x x - - - NM 0


Rank Athlete Nationality 1 2 3 4 5 6 Best Notes
1st place, gold medalist(s) Azeddine Nouiri  Morocco 12.20 13.10 12.69 11.76 12.05 12.09 13.10 WR
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Mohsen Kaedi  Iran 11.64 12.51 12.52 12.94 12.31 12.72 12.94 RR
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Thierry Cibone  France 12.23 x 11.94 11.50 11.34 12.86 12.86 RR
4 Alexander El'min  Russia 12.76 12.11 11.82 11.76 12.23 11.32 12.76 PB
5 Mauricio Valencia  Colombia 11.62 11.18 11.82 x x x 11.82 RR
6 Kyle Pettey  Canada 11.41 x 11.41 x 11.15 10.99 11.41 SB
7 Daniel West  Great Britain 11.37 10.63 10.63 10.67 11.00 11.20 11.37 =PB
8 Wang Yanzhang  China 11.00 10.79 10.86 10.12 10.67 10.65 11.00 PB
9 Abdulrahman Abdulqadir Abdulrahman  Qatar 9.27 9.45 10.86 10.86 PB
10 Mohamed Ali Krid  Tunisia 10.55 10.21 9.81 10.55 SB
11 Hamish MacDonald  Australia 10.11 10.34 10.31 10.34 PB
12 Damien Bowen  Australia 10.21 10.19 x 10.21
13 Jean Pierre Talatini  France x 10.18 10.08 10.18
14 Jonathan Adams  Great Britain 8.53 9.23 9.84 9.84
15 Raymond O'Dwyer  Ireland 8.27 8.66 8.86 8.86
Salman Abbariki  Iran x x x NM


Rank Athlete Nationality Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 Best Notes
1st place, gold medalist(s) Xia Dong  China F37 17.26 17.52 x 16.33 x 16.86 17.52 WR
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Ibrahim Ahmed Abdelwareth  Egypt F38 14.71 15.15 15.53 14.99 15.17 15.44 15.53 PR
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Javad Hardani  Iran F38 15.27 14.47 15.34 x 14.41 15.43 15.43 RR
4 Oleksandr Doroshenko  Ukraine F38 15.02 14.26 14.69 x 14.22 14.93 15.02
5 Tomasz Blatkiewicz  Poland F37 14.86 15.18 14.80 x x 14.67 15.18 PB
6 Mindaugas Bilius  Lithuania F37 14.38 x 15.16 14.07 14.36 14.73 15.16 PB
7 Hamdi Ouerfelli  Tunisia F38 13.24 x x x 12.68 13.74 13.74
8 Dušan Grézl  Czech Republic F38 12.88 12.67 12.99 x 13.40 12.65 13.40 PB
9 Ahmed Meshaima  Bahrain F37 13.52 13.39 13.33 - - - 13.52 PB
10 Mykola Zhabnyak  Ukraine F37 12.59 13.08 12.99 - - - 13.08
11 Khusniddin Norbekov  Uzbekistan F37 11.92 12.79 13.03 - - - 13.03
12 Ivan Panafidin  Uzbekistan F38 9.69 9.76 x - - - 9.76 SB


Rank Athlete Nationality 1 2 3 4 5 6 Best Notes
1st place, gold medalist(s) Wang Zhiming  China 14.46 13.28 12.61 12.67 12.40 12.43 14.46 WR
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Hocine Gherzouli  Algeria 12.29 12.51 12.57 x 12.26 12.91 12.91 RR
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Paschalis Stathelakos  Greece x 12.34 12.78 x x x 12.78
4 Bartosz Tyszkowski  Poland 11.92 11.37 x 11.98 x 11.81 11.98
5 Kyron Duke  Great Britain 10.28 10.56 10.34 9.89 10.84 11.24 11.24 PB
6 Sofyane Mejri  Tunisia 10.07 10.71 10.64 10.81 x 11.07 11.07
7 Jonathan De Souza Santos  Brazil 10.88 x x x 10.40 10.37 10.88
8 Kovan Abdulraheem  Iraq 10.14 10.60 10.40 x 9.88 9.69 10.60 PB
9 Wildan Nukhailawi  Iraq 9.93 9.34 10.46 - - - 10.46 SB
10 Alexandros Michail Konstantinidis  Greece 10.38 x 9.93 - - - 10.38
11 Mohamed Amara  Tunisia 9.99 9.84 9.98 - - - 9.99
12 Clemarot Christian Nikoua-Rosel  Central African Republic 9.52 9.24 9.68 - - - 9.68 PB


Rank Athlete Nationality Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 Best Score Notes
1st place, gold medalist(s) Jackie Christiansen  Denmark F44 17.29 17.87 x 17.62 x 18.16 18.16 1012
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Darko Kralj  Croatia F42 14.21 13.34 13.87 14.05 13.80 x 14.21 987
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Aled Davies  Great Britain F42 12.86 12.83 13.63 13.59 13.19 13.78 13.78 961
4 Kang Guofeng  China F42 12.34 12.68 x 13.29 x 13.41 13.41 935
5 Mladen Tomic  Croatia F42 10.94 12.19 12.64 13.00 11.73 12.37 13.00 903
6 Shaquille Vance  United States F42 12.25 11.11 11.63 12.06 12.02 x 12.25 837
7 Josip Slivar  Croatia F44 14.13 15.07 14.36 x 14.46 x 15.07 828
8 Adrian Matusik  Slovakia F44 13.84 15.03 14.67 x 14.48 14.03 15.03 825
9 Alexander Filatov  Russia F44 14.58 14.41 x 14.58 788
10 Frank Tinnemeier  Germany F42 10.95 x 11.14 11.14 718
11 Josue Cajuste  Haiti F42 7.19 7.03 7.63 7.63 238


Rank Athlete Nationality 1 2 3 4 5 6 Best Notes
1st place, gold medalist(s) Nikita Prokhorov  Russia 13.46 14.61 15.68 14.92 14.73 14.86 15.68 WR
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Hou Zhanbiao  China 14.64 15.57 14.80 15.19 15.22 14.84 15.57 RR
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Tomasz Rebisz  Poland 13.93 14.32 15.01 x 14.69 14.61 15.01 SB
4 Dmytro Ibragimov  Ukraine 14.97 x 14.38 14.91 x 14.33 14.97
5 Matthias Uwe Schulze  Germany x 12.73 14.04 13.20 x x 14.04
6 Soselito Sekeme  France 13.18 13.91 13.69 x 13.76 13.85 13.91
7 Andis Ozolnieks  Latvia 13.45 13.21 12.88 12.79 12.77 13.19 13.45 PB
8 Abdullah S A S A Alsaleh  Kuwait 13.10 12.76 13.09 12.94 x 12.79 13.10 PB
9 Ravil Diganshin  Uzbekistan 12.31 x 12.44 - - - 12.44


Rank Athlete Nationality Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 Best Score Notes
1st place, gold medalist(s) Aigars Apinis  Latvia F52 9.60 10.23 8.80 x x x 10.23 1039 WR
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Mauro Maximo de Jesus  Mexico F53 8.53 8.08 8.68 8.15 8.39 8.36 8.68 977 SB
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Scot Severn  United States F53 8.07 8.14 8.26 8.26 8.16 8.18 8.26 884
4 Ales Kisy  Czech Republic F53 8.07 8.23 7.95 7.83 8.00 8.19 8.23 878 SB
5 Peter Martin  New Zealand F52 8.22 8.62 8.36 7.70 8.10 8.07 8.62 726 PB
6 Che Jon Fernandes  Greece F53 7.36 7.35 6.99 4.53 7.20 7.10 7.36 681
7 Henrik Plank  Slovenia F52 6.58 6.65 6.47 6.28 6.46 6.57 6.65 357
Georgios Karaminas  Greece F52 x x x NM
Gerasimos Vryonis  Greece F53 x x x NM


Rank Athlete Nationality Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 Best Score Notes
1st place, gold medalist(s) Jalil Bagheri Jeddi  Iran F55 10.81 11.09 10.93 11.27 11.57 11.63 11.63 988 PR
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Karol Kozun  Poland F55 10.85 10.58 11.36 x 10.67 11.22 11.36 973 SB
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Robin Womack  Great Britain F55 9.19 11.02 11.34 10.88 10.53 10.64 11.34 972 PB
4 Khamis Zaqout  Palestine F55 9.39 9.49 11.30 x 11.05 x 11.30 969
5 Ulrich Iser  Germany F55 10.75 10.61 10.68 10.07 10.78 11.01 11.01 951 SB
6 Ilias Nalmpantis  Greece F55 10.58 10.72 10.49 10.15 10.66 10.47 10.72 931 SB
7 Krzysztof Smorszczewski  Poland F56 12.02 12.16 12.16 11.92 12.16 12.14 12.16 929 PB
8 Draženko Mitrović  Serbia F54 8.72 8.65 9.15 8.13 8.90 8.58 9.15 917 SB
9 Olokhan Musayev  Azerbaijan F56 11.32 11.42 11.93 - - - 11.93 913 RR
10 Martin Němec  Czech Republic F55 9.72 10.08 10.49 - - - 10.49 913 SB
11 Aleksi Kirjonen  Finland F56 11.80 11.28 11.89 - - - 11.89 911
12 Jacob Dahl  Denmark F54 8.61 8.78 9.00 - - - 9.00 903 PB
13 Scott Winkler  United States F55 10.12 9.54 10.35 - - - 10.35 902
14 Georg Tischler  Austria F54 8.66 8.59 8.69 - - - 8.69 871
15 Ruzhdi Ruzhdi  Bulgaria F55 9.67 9.68 9.78 - - - 9.78 849
16 Mustafa Yuseinov  Bulgaria F55 9.00 9.57 8.80 - - - 9.57 827
17 Manolis Stefanoudakis  Greece F54 7.51 7.71 7.91 - - - 7.91 772
18 Leonardo Diaz  Cuba F56 9.81 8.95 9.85 - - - 9.85 713 SB
19 Christian Bernardi  San Marino F55 4.40 4.54 4.42 - - - 4.54 68 SB


Rank Athlete Nationality Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 Best Score Notes
1st place, gold medalist(s) Alexey Ashapatov  Russia F58 14.98 15.61 15.95 16.17 15.81 16.20 18.16 989 PR
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Janusz Rokicki  Poland F58 15.19 15.53 15.68 14.10 14.96 15.06 15.68 960 SB
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Michael Louwrens  South Africa F57 x 13.26 13.64 13.23 x 12.86 13.64 958 SB
4 Jamil Saleh Elshebli  Jordan F57 13.58 x 13.51 x 12.15 12.89 13.58 954
5 Guoshan Wu  China F58 13.82 15.32 14.68 15.02 15.40 x 15.40 944 RR
6 Mohamad Mohamad  Syria F57 12.54 13.12 13.11 11.66 12.44 12.54 13.12 922
7 Claudiney Santos  Brazil F57 12.68 12.32 12.87 12.72 12.64 12.61 12.87 902 RR
8 Anastasios Tsiou  Greece F57 x x 12.64 x x x 12.64 884
9 Angim Dimitrios Ntomgkioni  Greece F57 x x 12.25 12.25 851
10 Boro Radenovic  Croatia F57 11.51 11.46 11.67 11.67 797
11 Amer Ali Mustafa Al Abbadi  Jordan F58 12.49 12.93 12.93 12.93 758
12 Dennis Ogbe  United States F58 12.84 12.36 12.81 12.84 750
13 James McCarthy  Ireland F57 10.36 10.57 10.70 10.70 696
14 Fernando Mina Cortes  Colombia F58 11.37 11.99 12.21 12.21 690 PB
15 Vanderson Alves da Silva  Brazil F57 9.73 9.36 9.94 9.94 608
16 Zaharani Selemani Mwenemti  Tanzania F58 x 9.52 x 9.52 403 SB
17 Constant Kponhinto  Benin F58 8.25 8.12 7.68 8.25 268 SB
18 Sidi Mohamed Bilal  Mauritania F57 5.63 5.09 5.37 5.63 115


  1. ^ "Athletics – Schedule & Results". Official site of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Archived from the original on 4 December 2012. Retrieved 16 August 2012.
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