Anasar is a small village located in Jasrasar Tehsil of Bikaner District, Rajasthan, India.

People residing in this village mainly depends on agriculture, consists both irrigated and non-irrigated farming.


According to the 2011 Census, conducted by the Government of India, the population of this village was 320, out of which 162 were males and 158 were females.[3] Literacy rate of this village is 45.94%.

Inhabitants of this village follows Hinduism.[4]

Religion in Anasar village (2011)[5]
Religion Percent
Distribution of religions in Anasar Village

Bagri is the most spoken language here. Hindi, and English are officially used languages.[6]

Languages of Anasar village(2011)
  1. Bagri (98%)
  2. Hindi (1%)
  3. English (1%)

Pin Code (Postal Index Number Code) of this village is 334802.[7]


Transport facility in this village is at good condition. This village is located near SH-20, and SH-20(B).[8]


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