- ▌Chris Flanagan (D, 1st Barnstable)
- ▌Kip Diggs (D, 2nd Barn.)
- ▌David Vieira (R, 3rd Barn.)
- ▌Hadley Luddy (D, 4th Barn.)
- ▌Steven Xiarhos (R, 5th Barn.)
- ▌Dylan Fernandes (D, Barn., Dukes, Nan.)
- ▌John Barrett (D, 1st Berkshire)
- ▌Tricia Farley-Bouvier (D, 2nd Berk.)
- ▌Smitty Pignatelli (D, 3rd Berk.)
- ▌F. Jay Barrows (R, 1st Bristol)
- ▌Jim Hawkins (D, 2nd Bris.)
- ▌Carol Doherty (D, 3rd Bris.)
- ▌Steve Howitt (R, 4th Bris.)
- ▌Patricia Haddad (D, 5th Bris.)
- ▌Carole Fiola (D, 6th Bris.)
- ▌Alan Silvia (D, 7th Bris.)
- ▌Paul Schmid (D, 8th Bris.)
- ▌Christopher Markey (D, 9th Bris.)
- ▌William M. Straus (D, 10th Bris.)
- ▌Christopher Hendricks (D, 11th Bris.)
- ▌Norman Orrall (R, 12th Bris.)
- ▌Antonio Cabral (D, 13th Bris.)
- ▌Adam Scanlon (D, 14th Bris.)
- ▌Dawne Shand (D, 1st Essex)
- ▌Kristin Kassner (D, 2nd Ess.)
- ▌Andy Vargas (D, 3rd Ess.)
- ▌Estela Reyes (D, 4th Ess.)
- ▌Ann-Margaret Ferrante (D, 5th Ess.)
- ▌Jerry Parisella (D, 6th Ess.)
- ▌Manny Cruz (D, 7th Ess.)
- ▌Jenny Armini (D, 8th Ess.)
- ▌Donald Wong (R, 9th Ess.)
- ▌Daniel Cahill (D, 10th Ess.)
- ▌Peter Capano (D, 11th Ess.)
- ▌Thomas Walsh (D, 12th Ess.)
- ▌Sally Kerans (D, 13th Ess.)
- ▌Adrianne Ramos (D, 14th Ess.)
- ▌Ryan Hamilton (D, 15th Ess.)
- ▌Francisco E. Paulino (D, 16th Ess.)
- ▌Frank A. Moran (D, 17th Ess.)
- ▌Tram Nguyen (D, 18th Ess.)
- ▌Natalie Blais (D, 1st Frnk.)
- ▌Susannah Whipps (I, 2nd Frnk.)
- ▌Todd Smola (R, 1st Hpdn.)
- ▌Brian Ashe (D, 2nd Hpdn.)
- ▌Nicholas Boldyga (R, 3rd Hpdn.)
- ▌Kelly Pease (R, 4th Hpdn.)
- ▌Patricia Duffy (D, 5th Hpdn.)
- ▌Michael Finn (D, 6th Hpdn.)
- ▌Aaron Saunders (D, 7th Hpdn.)
- ▌Shirley Arriaga (D, 8th Hpdn.)
- ▌Orlando Ramos (D, 9th Hpdn.)
- ▌Carlos Gonzalez (D, 10th Hpdn.)
- ▌Bud Williams (D, 11th Hpdn.)
- ▌Angelo Puppolo (D, 12th Hpdn.)
- ▌Lindsay Sabadosa (D, 1st Hampshire)
- ▌Daniel R. Carey (D, 2nd Hpsh.)
- ▌Mindy Domb (D, 3rd Hpsh.)
- ▌Margaret Scarsdale (D, 1st Middlesex)
- ▌James Arciero (D, 2nd Mid.)
- ▌Kate Hogan (D, 3rd Mid.)
- ▌Danielle Gregoire (D, 4th Mid.)
- ▌David Linsky (D, 5th Mid.)
- ▌Priscila Sousa (D, 6th Mid.)
- ▌Jack Lewis (D, 7th Mid.)
- ▌James Arena-DeRosa (D, 8th Mid.)
- ▌Thomas M. Stanley (D, 9th Mid.)
- ▌John J. Lawn (D, 10th Mid.)
- ▌Kay Khan (D, 11th Mid.)
- ▌Ruth Balser (D, 12th Mid.)
- ▌Carmine Gentile (D, 13th Mid.)
- ▌Simon Cataldo (D, 14th Mid.)
- ▌Michelle Ciccolo (D, 15th Mid.)
- ▌Rodney Elliott (D, 16th Mid.)
- ▌Vanna Howard (D, 17th Mid.)
- ▌Rady Mom (D, 18th Mid.)
- ▌Dave Robertson (D, 19th Mid.)
- ▌Bradley Jones Jr. (R, 20th Mid.)
- ▌Kenneth Gordon (D, 21st Mid.)
- ▌Marc Lombardo (R, 22nd Mid.)
- ▌Sean Garballey (D, 23rd Mid.)
- ▌Dave Rogers (D, 24th Mid.)
- ▌Marjorie Decker (D, 25th Mid.)
- ▌Michael Connolly (D, 26th Mid.)
- ▌Erika Uyterhoeven (D, 27th Mid.)
- ▌Joe McGonagle (D, 28th Mid.)
- ▌Steven Owens (D, 29th Mid.)
- ▌Richard Haggerty (D, 30th Mid.)
- ▌Michael Day (D, 31st Mid.)
- ▌Kate Lipper-Garabedian (D, 32nd Mid.)
- ▌Steven Ultrino (D, 33rd Mid.)
- ▌Christine Barber (D, 34th Mid.)
- ▌Paul Donato (D, 35th Mid.)
- ▌Colleen Garry (D, 36th Mid.)
- ▌Dan Sena (D, 37th Mid.)
- ▌Bruce Ayers (D, 1st Norfolk)
- ▌Tackey Chan (D, 2nd Norf.)
- ▌Ron Mariano (D, 3rd Norf.)
- ▌James M. Murphy (D, 4th Norf.)
- ▌Mark Cusack (D, 5th Norf.)
- ▌William C. Galvin (D, 6th Norf.)
- ▌William Driscoll (D, 7th Norf.)
- ▌Ted Philips (D, 8th Norf.)
- ▌Marcus Vaughn (R, 9th Norf.)
- ▌Jeffrey Roy (D, 10th Norf.)
- ▌Paul McMurtry (D, 11th Norf.)
- ▌John H. Rogers (D, 12th Norf.)
- ▌Denise Garlick (D, 13th Norf.)
- ▌Alice Peisch (D, 14th Norf.)
- ▌Tommy Vitolo (D, 15th Norf.)
- ▌Matt Muratore (R, 1st Plymouth)
- ▌Vacant (2nd Plym.)
- ▌Joan Meschino (D, 3rd Plym.)
- ▌Patrick J. Kearney (D, 4th Plym.)
- ▌David DeCoste (R, 5th Plym.)
- ▌Vacant (6th Plym.)
- ▌Alyson Sullivan (R, 7th Plym.)
- ▌Angelo D'Emilia (R, 8th Plym.)
- ▌Gerard Cassidy (D, 9th Plym.)
- ▌Michelle DuBois (D, 10th Plym.)
- ▌Rita Mendes (D, 11th Plym.)
- ▌Kathleen LaNatra (D, 12th Plym.)
- ▌Adrian Madaro (D, 1st Suffolk)
- ▌Daniel Joseph Ryan (D, 2nd Suff.)
- ▌Aaron Michlewitz (D, 3rd Suff.)
- ▌David Biele (D, 4th Suff.)
- ▌Christopher Worrell (D, 5th Suff.)
- ▌Russell Holmes (D, 6th Suff.)
- ▌Chynah Tyler (D, 7th Suff.)
- ▌Jay Livingstone (D, 8th Suff.)
- ▌John F. Moran (D, 9th Suff.)
- ▌Bill MacGregor (D, 10th Suff.)
- ▌Judith García (D, 11th Suff.)
- ▌Brandy Fluker Oakley (D, 12th Suff.)
- ▌Daniel J. Hunt (D, 13th Suff.)
- ▌Robert Consalvo (D, 14th Suff.)
- ▌Sam Montaño (D, 15th Suff.)
- ▌Jessica Giannino (D, 16th Suff.)
- ▌Kevin Honan (D, 17th Suff.)
- ▌Michael Moran (D, 18th Suff.)
- ▌Jeff Turco (D, 19th Suff.)
- ▌Kimberly Ferguson (R, 1st Worcester)
- ▌Jonathan Zlotnik (D, 2nd Wor.)
- ▌Mike Kushmerek (D, 3rd Wor.)
- ▌Natalie Higgins (D, 4th Wor.)
- ▌Donnie Berthiaume (R, 5th Wor.)
- ▌John Marsi (R, 6th Wor.)
- ▌Paul Frost (R, 7th Wor.)
- ▌Michael Soter (R, 8th Wor.)
- ▌David Muradian (R, 9th Wor.)
- ▌Brian Murray (D, 10th Wor.)
- ▌Hannah Kane (R, 11th Wor.)
- ▌Meghan Kilcoyne (D, 12th Wor.)
- ▌John J. Mahoney (D, 13th Wor.)
- ▌Jim O'Day (D, 14th Wor.)
- ▌Mary Keefe (D, 15th Wor.)
- ▌Dan Donahue (D, 16th Wor.)
- ▌David LeBoeuf (D, 17th Wor.)
- ▌Joseph D. McKenna (R, 18th Wor.)
- ▌Kate Donaghue (D, 19th Wor.)
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