Al-Qāʾim, al-Qaim, or al-Ḳāʾim (Arabic: القائم, "the riser") may refer to:
- al-Qāʾim Āl Muḥammad, a messiah-like figure in Shi'a Islam, similar to the Mahdi
- People with full name or honorific al-Qāʾim bi-amr Allāh ("the one raised by [or 'who carries out'] God's order"):
- Muhammad al-Mahdi (869–?), 12th Shia imam, also called Muhammad al-Qa'im
- al-Qa'im (Fatimid caliph) (r.934–946), the second Fatimid caliph in Ifriqiya
- al-Qa'im (Abbasid caliph at Baghdad) (1031–1075), son of al-Qadir
- Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Faraj, rival sultan to Muhammad IV of Granada in 1327
- al-Qa'im (Abbasid caliph at Cairo) (f. 1451–1455), caliph under Mamluk authority
- Abu Abdallah al-Qaim (fl. 1509–1517), ruler of Sous in Morocco
- Al-Qa'im District, a district of Iraq
- Al-Qa'im (town), a town situated in the above district
- Al-Qa'im border crossing, between Syria and Iraq
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