Donetsk Oblast is subdivided into districts (raions) which are further subdivided into territorial communities (hromadas).

On 18 July 2020, the number of districts was reduced to eight.[1][2] This includes territories not under control of Ukrainian government, where the old territorial division is in use. The eight districts are:
- Bakhmut (Бахмутський район), the center is in the city of Bakhmut;
- Donetsk (Донецький район), the center is in the city of Donetsk;
- Horlivka (Горлівський район), the center is in the city of Horlivka;
- Kalmiuske (Кальміуський район), the center is in the city of Kalmiuske;
- Kramatorsk (Краматорський район), the center is in the city of Kramatorsk;
- Mariupol (Маріупольський район), the center is in the city of Mariupol;
- Pokrovsk (Покровський район), the center is in the city of Pokrovsk;
- Volnovakha (Волноваський район), the center is in the city of Volnovakha.
Donetsk Oblast | |
As of January 1, 2022 | |
Number of districts (райони) | 8 |
Number of hromadas (громади) | 66 |
Administrative divisions until 2020

Districts (raions): a – Amvrosiivka, b – Bakhmut, c – Velyka Novosilka, d – Volnovakha, e – Nikolske, f – Dobropillia, g – Kostiantynivka, h – Pokrovsk, i – Lyman, j – Marinka, k – Novoazovsk, l – Oleksandrivka, m – Manhush, n – Sloviansk, o – Starobesheve, p – Telmanove, q – Shakhtarsk, r – Yasynuvata,
Cities of regional significance: 1 – Donetsk, 2 – Avdiivka, 3 – Bakhmut, 4 – Vuhledar, 5 – Horlivka, 6 – Debaltseve, 7 – Toretsk, 8 – Myrnohrad, 9 – Dobropillia, 10 – Dokuchaievsk, 11 – Druzhkivka, 12 – Yenakiieve, 13 – Zhdanivka, 14 – Kirovske, 15 – Kostiantynivka, 16 – Kramatorsk, 17 – Lyman, 18 – Pokrovsk, 19 – Makiivka, 20 – Mariupol, 21 – Novohrodivka, 22 – Selydove, 23 – Sloviansk, 24 – Snizhne, 25 – Torez, 26 – Khartsyzk, 27 – Shakhtarsk, 28 – Yasynuvata
Until 2020, Donetsk Oblast was subdivided into 46 regions: 18 districts (raions) and 28 city municipalities (mis'krada or misto), officially known as "territories governed by city councils".[3][4] In 2014, the War in Donbas started, and whereas some areas are controlled by the central Ukrainian government, others are under control of separatists representing Donetsk People's Republic. The pro-Ukrainian government of the oblast was relocated from Donetsk to Mariupol.
- Cities under the oblast's jurisdiction:
- Donetsk municipality
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Urban-type settlements under the city's jurisdiction:
- Horbachevo-Mykhaylivka (Горбачево-Михайлівка)
- Laryne (Ларине)
- Avdiivka (Авдіївка)
- Bakhmut municipality
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Urban-type settlements under the city's jurisdiction:
- Krasna Hora (Красна Гора)
- Debaltseve (Дебальцеве)
- Dobropillia municipality
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Bilozerske (Білозерське)
- Bilytske (Білицьке)
- Dobropillia (Добропілля)
- Urban-type settlements under the city's jurisdiction:
- Novodonetske (Новодонецьке)
- Vodianske (Водянське)
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Dokuchaievsk municipality
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Dokuchaievsk (Докучаєвськ)
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Druzhkivka municipality
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Druzhkivka (Дружківка)
- Urban-type settlements under the city's jurisdiction:
- Novohryhorivka (Новогригорівка)
- Novomykolaivka (Новомиколаївка)
- Oleksiievo-Druzhkivka (Олексієво-Дружківка)
- Raiske (Райське)
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Horlivka municipality
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Horlivka (Горлівка)
- Urban-type settlements under the city's jurisdiction:
- Holmivskyi (Гольмівський)
- Panteleimonivka (Пантелеймонівка)
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Khartsyzk municipality
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Urban-type settlements under the city's jurisdiction:
- Hirne (Гірне)
- Mykolaivka (Миколаївка)
- Pokrovka (Покровка)
- Shakhtne (Шахтне)
- Shyroke (Широке)
- Troitsko-Khartsyzsk (Троїцько-Харцизьк)
- Voykove (Войкове)
- Zuivka (Зуївка)
- Kirovske (Кіровське)
- Kostiantynivka (Костянтинівка)
- Kramatorsk municipality
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Kramatorsk (Краматорськ)
- Urban-type settlements under the city's jurisdiction:
- Bilenke (Біленьке)
- Komyshuvakha (Комишуваха)
- Krasnotorka (Красноторка)
- Malotaranivka (Малотаранівка)
- Oleksandrivka (Олександрівка)
- Shabelkivka (Шабельківка)
- Sofiivka (Софіївка)
- Yasna Poliana (Ясна Поляна)
- Yasnohirka (Ясногірка)
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Lyman municipality[5]
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Urban-type settlements under the city's jurisdiction:
- Drobysheve (Дробишеве)
- Novoselivka (Новоселівка)
- Yampil (Ямпіль)
- Yarova (Ярова)
- Zarichne (Зарiчне), formerly Kirovsk[5]
- Makiivka municipality
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Makiivka (Макіївка)
- Urban-type settlements under the city's jurisdiction:
- Hruzko-Lomivka (Грузько-Ломівка)
- Hruzko-Zorianske (Грузько-Зорянське)
- Huselske (Гусельське)
- Kolosnykove (Колосникове)
- Krasnyi Oktiabr (Красний Октябр)
- Krynychna (Кринична)
- Lisne (Лісне)
- Maiak (Маяк)
- Mezhove (Межове)
- Nyzhnia Krynka (Нижня Кринка)
- Proletarske (Пролетарське)
- Sverdlove (Свердлове)
- Velyke Orikhove (Велике Оріхове)
- Vuhliar (Вугляр)
- Vysoke (Високе)
- Yasynivka (Ясинівка)
- Zemlianky (Землянки)
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Mariupol municipality
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Mariupol (Маріуполь)
- Urban-type settlements under the city's jurisdiction:
- Sartana (Сартана)
- Staryi Krym (Старий Крим)
- Talakivka (Талаківка)
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Myrnohrad municipality[6]
- Novohrodivka (Новогродівка)
- Pokrovsk municipality[6]
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Urban-type settlements under the city's jurisdiction:
- Shevchenko (Шевченко)
- Selydove municipality
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Urban-type settlements under the city's jurisdiction:
- Hostre (Гостре)
- Komyshivka (Комишівка)
- Kurakhivka (Курахівка)
- Tsukuryne (Цукурине)
- Vyshneve (Вишневе)
- Shakhtarsk municipality
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Shakhtarsk (Шахтарськ)
- Urban-type settlements under the city's jurisdiction:
- Kontarne (Контарне)
- Moskovske (Московське)
- Serdyte (Сердите)
- Stizhkivske (Стіжківське)
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Sloviansk municipality
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Sloviansk (Слов'янськ)
- Sviatohirsk (Святогірськ)
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Snizhne municipality
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Snizhne (Сніжне)
- Urban-type settlements under the city's jurisdiction:
- Andriivka (Андріївка)
- Brazhyne (Бражине)
- Hirnytske (Гірницьке)
- Lymanchuk (Лиманчук)
- Nykyforove (Никифорове)
- Pervomaiske (Первомайське)
- Pervomaiskyi (Первомайський)
- Pobieda (Побєда)
- Sieverne (Сєверне)
- Zalisne (Залісне)
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Toretsk municipality[5]
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Urban-type settlements under the city's jurisdiction:
- Kurdiumivka (Курдюмівка)
- Nelipivka (Неліпівка)
- Novhorodske (Новгородське)
- Petrivka (Петрівка)
- Pivdenne (Південне), formerly Leninske
- Pivnichne (Північне), formerly Kirove
- Shcherbynivka (Щербинівка)
- Torez municipality
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Torez (Торез)
- Urban-type settlements under the city's jurisdiction:
- Pelahiivka (Пелагіївка)
- Rozsypne (Розсипне)
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Vuhledar (Вугледар)
- Yasynuvata (Ясинувата)
- Yenakiieve municipality
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Yenakiieve (Єнакієве)
- Yunokomunarivsk (Юнокомунарівськ)
- Urban-type settlements under the city's jurisdiction:
- Druzhne (Дружне)
- Karlo-Marksove (Карло-Марксове)
- Korsun (Корсунь)
- Cities under the city's jurisdiction:
- Zhdanivka municipality
- Donetsk municipality
- Districts (raions):
- Amvrosiivka (Амвросіївський район)
- Cities under the district's jurisdiction:
- Amvrosiivka (Амвросіївка)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Kuteinykove (Кутейникове)
- Novoamvrosiivske (Новоамвросіївське)
- Voikovskyi (Войковський)
- Cities under the district's jurisdiction:
- Bakhmut (Бахмутський район)[5]
- Cities under the district's jurisdiction:
- Chasiv Yar (Часів Яр)
- Siversk (Сіверськ)
- Soledar (Соледар)
- Svitlodarsk (Світлодарськ)
- Vuhlehirsk (Вуглегірськ)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Bulavynske (Булавинське)
- Luhanske (Луганське)
- Myronivskyi (Миронівський)
- Oleksandrivske (Олександрівське)
- Olenivka (Оленівка)
- Olkhovatka (Ольховатка)
- Pryberezhne (Прибережне)
- Zaitseve (Зайцеве)
- Cities under the district's jurisdiction:
- Dobropillia (Добропільський район)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Sviatohorivka (Святогорівка)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Kostiantynivka (Костянтинівський район)
- Manhush (Мангушський район), formerly Pershotravnevyi Raion[8]
- Marinka (Мар'їнський район)
- Cities under the district's jurisdiction:
- Krasnohorivka (Красногорівка)
- Kurakhove (Курахове)
- Marinka (Мар'їнка)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Illinka (Іллінка)
- Oleksandrivka (Олександрівка)
- Staromykhailivka (Старомихайлівка)
- Cities under the district's jurisdiction:
- Nikolske (Нікольський район), formerly Volodarske Raion[6]
- Novoazovsk (Новоазовський район)
- Cities under the district's jurisdiction:
- Novoazovsk (Новоазовськ)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Siedove (Сєдове)
- Cities under the district's jurisdiction:
- Oleksandrivka (Олександрівський район)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Oleksandrivka (Олександрівка)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Pokrovsk (Покровський район), formerly Krasnoarmiisk Raion[6]
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Hrodivka (Гродівка)
- Novoekonomichne (Новоекономічне)
- Udachne (Удачне)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Shakhtarsk (Шахтарський район)
- Sloviansk (Слов'янський район)
- Cities under the district's jurisdiction:
- Mykolaivka (Миколаївка)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Andriivka (Андріївка)
- Bylbasivka (Билбасівка)
- Cherkaske (Черкаське)
- Donetske (Донецьке)
- Raihorodok (Райгородок)
- Cities under the district's jurisdiction:
- Starobesheve (Старобешівський район)
- Cities under the district's jurisdiction:
- Komsomolske (Комсомольське)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Novyi Svit (Новий Світ)
- Starobesheve (Старобешеве)
- Cities under the district's jurisdiction:
- Telmanove (Тельманівський район)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Telmanove (Тельманове)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Velyka Novosilka (Великоновосілківський район)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Velyka Novosilka (Велика Новосілка)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Volnovakha (Волноваський район)
- Cities under the district's jurisdiction:
- Volnovakha (Волноваха)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Andriivka (Андріївка)
- Blahodatne (Благодатне)
- Donske (Донське)
- Hrafske (Графське), formerly Komsomolskyi
- Myrne (Мирне)
- Novotroitske (Новотроїцьке)
- Olenivka (Оленівка)
- Olhynka (Ольгинка)
- Volodymyrivka (Володимирівка)
- Cities under the district's jurisdiction:
- Yasynuvata (Ясинуватський район)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Keramik (Керамік)
- Ocheretyne (Очеретине)
- Verkhnotoretske (Верхньоторецьке)
- Zhelanne (Желанне)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Amvrosiivka (Амвросіївський район)
- ^ "Про утворення та ліквідацію районів. Постанова Верховної Ради України № 807-ІХ". Голос України (in Ukrainian). 2020-07-18. Retrieved 2020-10-03.
- ^ "Нові райони: карти + склад" (in Ukrainian). Міністерство розвитку громад та територій України.
- ^ Чисельність наявного населення України (in Ukrainian). State Service of Statistics. Archived from the original on 1 July 2014. Retrieved 5 September 2014.
- ^ "Чисельність наявного населення України (Actual population of Ukraine)" (PDF) (in Ukrainian). State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Archived from the original (PDF) on 22 June 2020. Retrieved 2 September 2020.
- ^ a b c d e f g h "Rada de-communized Artemivsk as well as over hundred cities and villages" (in Ukrainian). 4 February 2016. Retrieved 4 February 2016.
- ^ a b c d e f "Pro perejmenuvannja dejakih naselenih punktiv" (in Ukrainian). Holos Ukrainy. 21 May 2016. Retrieved 1 June 2016.
- ^ "Рада перейменувала Дніпродзержинськ на Кам'янське" (in Ukrainian). Українські Національні Новини. 19 May 2016. Archived from the original on 19 May 2016. Retrieved 19 May 2016.
- ^ "Рада переименовала Комсомольск в Горишние Плавни" (in Ukrainian). 19 May 2016. Retrieved 2 June 2016.
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