The 1985 Queen's Birthday Honours for Australia were announced on Monday 10 June 1985 by the office of the Governor-General.[1]

The Birthday Honours were appointments by some of the 16 Commonwealth realms of Queen Elizabeth II to various orders and honours to reward and highlight good works by citizens of those countries. The Birthday Honours are awarded as part of the Queen's Official Birthday celebrations during the month of June.

Order of Australia

Companion (AC)

Military Division

Branch Recipient Citation Notes
Army General Sir Phillip Harvey Bennett, KBE DSO For service to the Australian Defence Force, particularly as Chief of the Defence Force [1]

Officer (AO)

General Division

Recipient Citation Notes
Anthony Joseph Ayers For service to the development and implementation of administrative structures, systems and procedures [2]
Duilio Barro For service to the Italian community
Professor David Parker Craig For service to the community, particularly in the field of physical chemistry
John Dowell Davies For service to the arts
Dr Eric Cunningham Dax For service to medicine, particularly in the fields of psychiatry and mental health
Dr Edgar John Donaldson For service to ophthalmology, particularly in the field of retinal detachment surgery
Professor Hugh Alexander Dunn For services to the public service, particularly in the field of international relations and in the development of Australian relations with China
Sister Fabian Elliott For service to the community, particularly in the fields of hospitals and nursing
James Herbert Forrest For service to the community and to the legal profession
Ray Gietzelt For service to the trade union movement
Dr Bryan Hudson For service to medicine, particularly in the field of endocrinology
Professor Helen Hughes-Dorrance For service to international relations, particularly in the field of economics
Donald Aitken Johnstone For service to conservation
Donald James Little For public service, particularly in the field of engineering education
John Laurence Menadue For public service
Raymond Ford Paley For service to industry particularly private and public sector financial institutions and to the community
Anthony John Walker Powell For public service, particularly in the field of town planning
Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Sawer For service to learning in the field of law
Dr Brian Walter Scott For service to commerce particularly in the field of management consultancy
John Hackman Sumner, CBE For service to theatre in Australia
John Edward Truscott For service to the arts, particularly in the field of theatre and film design
Dr Howard Ernest Williams For service to medicine particularly in the field of paediatrics
Richard Arthur Woolcott For public service as a diplomatic representative

Military Division

Branch Recipient Citation Notes
Navy Rear Admiral Ian Warren Knox For service to the Australian Defence Force as Vice Chief of the Defence Force [2]
Army Major General Barry Herbert Hockney For service to the Australian Army, particularly in the field of personnel administration and policy
Major General William Brian James, MBE MC For service to the Australian Army, medical services and as Director-General of Army Health Services
Air Force Air Vice Marshal Raymond George Funnell For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as Chief of the Air Staff
Air Vice Marshal Edward Arundel Radford, AM For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as Chief of Air Force Personnel

Member (AM)

General Division

Recipient Citation Notes
Leonard Lyof Amadio For service to the arts, particularly as director of the SA Department of the Arts [2]
Marjory Alice Angas For service to Aboriginal welfare
Dr Patricia Marea Bale For service to medicine, particularly in the field of histopathology
Franco Belgiorno-Nettis, CBE For service to secondary industry and to the arts
Dr Henry Joseph Blackmore For service to the deaf and hearing impaired
Walter Lewis Bridgland, OBE For service to the community
George Julian Browning For service to museums, particularly in the design and construction of dioramas
Meryl Caldwell-Smith For service to the community and nursing
Clive Bernard Churchill For service to sport, particularly rugby league football and to the community
Douglas Harold Collett For service to the wine industry
Christopher Samuel Cullen For service to industry, particularly in the field of commerce and to the community
John Macdonald Davidson For service to the profession of architecture
Douglas Ian Donaldson For service to the automotive industry
Dr Peter Dunn For services to the public service as a Defence scientist in the field of chemical research for Australia and UN organisations
Dorothy Joan Durdin For service to nursing education
Doreen Josephine Eblen For service to nursing, particularly with repatriation general hospitals
Monsignor Paul El Khoury For service to the Lebanese community
Alexander George Everard For service to the French community
James Michael Bede Fitzpatrick For public service, particularly as chairman of the Housing Loans Insurance Corporation
Emeritus Professor Gustav Julius Fraenkel For service in the field of medical education
The Honourable Henry Bernard French For service to the trade union movement
Dr Bryan Harle Gandevia For service to the Australian War Memorial and to the public service
George Golla For service to music
The Reverend Dr Ian Hamilton Grimmett For service to religion and to education, particularly as Master of Kings College University of Queensland
Dr Elsie Harwood For service to the welfare of the ageing
Trevor Haworth For service to the tourist industry
Matthew Edward Heagney For service in the field of industrial relations
Dr Reginald William Hession For service to the dental profession
Irene Ellen Healy Hughes, MBE For service to the War Widow's Guild
Patrick Michael Hurley For public service, particularly with the South Australian Police Force
Gilbert Wallace Jackson For service to the community of Norfolk Island, particularly as a member of the Norfolk Island Legislative Assembly
Claude Harold Kellion For service to diabetic research particularly through the Kellion Diabetes Foundation
Dr Hugh Daley Kennare For public service particularly with the South Australian Dental Service
John Michael Kerin For service to primary industry, particularly in South Australia
Leslie Ross Lester For service to the insurance industry, particularly in relation to natural disaster relief
Con Marinos For service to the Greek community in Australia
Ian George Martin For service to industry particularly in the field of international trade
John Eric McClelland For service to hospital administration
David James McGarry For service to industry, particularly in the development of Australia's natural resources
Clarice McNamara For service to the community, particularly in the development of human relationships
Donald James Munro For service to the performing arts particularly as an administrator
Francis Perry Nolan For public service
Bernard Matthew O'Sullivan For service to the community
Elizabeth Florence Patterson For service to the community and to education
Douglas Gordon Price For service to engineering
Sheila Mary Grace Prior, BEM For service to the community
Aleksander Ranoschy For service to education
Alderman Michael Francis Reynolds For service to local government and to the community
John Hornby Rowland For public service, particularly with the Department of Transport
John Saunders For service to industry and to the community
The Very Reverend Lancelot Rupert Shilton For service to religion
James Chadder Shovelton For service to the community particularly as chairman of the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal in Western Australia
Shirley Colleen Smith, MBE For service to the Aboriginal community
Professor Alice Erh-Soon Tay For service to legal teaching and research
Jack Anzac Tremaine For service to the community of Kangaroo Island
Peter John Valkenburg For service to industry particularly in the areas of trade and manufacturing
Dr Andrew Elgar Vern-Barnett, MBE For service to the welfare of people with disabilities, particularly autistic children
Michael John Vernon For service in the field of consumer affairs
Alan Everard Watkin For service to the welfare of those with impaired hearing and to the community
Dr Robert James Whitelaw, OBE For public service, particularly to the department of the treasury and international financial institutions
Allen Edward Williams For public service with the railway of Western Australia
The Reverend John David Williams For service to religion
George Winston For service to welfare of those with disabilities, particularly as the founder of technical aid to the disabled
Dr Hugh John Wirth For service in the field of animal welfare, particularly with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Military Division

Branch Recipient Citation Notes
Navy Commodore Richard Malcolm Baird For service to the Royal Australian Navy, particularly as the Director General Naval Manning and Training [2]
Commander John Joseph Doyle For service to the Hydrographic Branch of the Royal Australian Navy, particularly as Deputy Hydrographer
Commodore Anthony Lancaster Hunt For service to the Royal Australian Navy, particularly as Helicopter Project Director
Commander Kerry Charles Stephen For service as the Commander, Australian Mine Warfare and Patrol Boat Force
Army Colonel Alexander Bartsch For service to the Army Reserve, particularly in Western Australia
Lieutenant Colonel Brian William Cloughley For service to the Office of the Chief of the Army Reserve
Lieutenant Colonel Peter Douglas Gibbons For service as Commanding Officer of the North West Mobile Force
Major Geoffrey Frank Healey For service as the Officer Commanding 211 Supply Company
Captain Roderick Douglas McLeod For service as Quartermaster of 1st Battalion the Royal Australian Regiment
Captain Robert Edward Mills For services as Adjutant/Quartermaster of 2nd Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Services Unit
Principal Chaplain Douglas Hodson Percival For services as an Army Chaplain
Major Barry John Rust For service to the Australian Army in the field of Personnel Administration
Captain Paul Duncan Thompson For service to the Australian Army Reserve, particularly in the Brisbane Water Transport Unit
Captain Albert John Whipp For service as the Quartermaster of the Infantry Centre
Air Force Air Commodore William John Belton For service to the Royal Australian Navy as the Senior Engineering Officer of the Tactical Fighter Project Office in the USA
Squadron Leader Leigh Macquarie Gordon For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as a pilot and particularly as leader of the RAAF Formation Aerobatic Team, the Roulettes
Squadron Leader Donald Joseph Lynam For service to the Royal Australian Air Force with Logistics Branch, Headquarters Support Command
Wing Commander Raymond John Maclean For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as a Supply Officer
Squadron Leader Colin George Storey For service to the Royal Australian Air Force in the Directorate of Personnel, Airmen
Flight Lieutenant Stephen Henry Williams For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as a Supply Officer at Base Squadron Richmond

Medal (OAM)

General Division

Recipient Citation Notes
Daisy Evelyn Louise Aitken For service to the performing arts
Henry Samuel Alexander For services to medicine, particularly in the field of optical dispensing
Gloria Fay Balcombe For service to the community, particularly through the CWA
Richard Messenger Banks For service to the community, particularly in relation to co-operative societies
Edmund James Bartrim For service to the community
Janice Gwendoline Bateman For service to the community
Walter Victor Bates For service to the sport of soccer
Frederick Hector Bathurst For service to the welfare of people with impaired vision
Jocelyn Reta Bayly For service to the sport of netball
Cecilie Bearup For service to the community, particularly in the field of occupational therapy education
Dr Fred Cyprian Better For service to sports medicine
David Henry Bibby For service to the community and local government
Steele Roy Bishop For service to the sport of cycling
Isobel Kendall Bowden For service to the community and conservation
William Thomas Boyd For service to the community
Maxwell Thomas Brisbane For service to the sport of basketball
Allen William Bryan For service to the community
Thelma Elizabeth Budrodeen For service to the community, particularly through the Riding for the Disabled programme
Alderman Harold Manus Bull For service to the community and local government
Noel Edgar Burge For service to sport
Molly Veronica Byrne For service to the community and parliamentary service
Neville Allan Byrnes For service to the community
Ian James Warner Cameron For service to the sport of motor cycling
Carmelo Caruso For service to the Italian community
Leonard Francis Cheffers For service to the community and local government
Henry Humphrey Marsden Chilton, OBE For service to primary industry, particularly the growing marketing of fruit and vegetables
Henry Ernest Chipperfield For service to the community, particularly in the field of hospital administration
Robin Wayne Chisholm For service to industry, particularly in the field of small business
Alice Constance Clark For service to the community
Olive Bell Clifton For service to the community, particularly through the St John Ambulance Brigade
Essieina Coffey For service to the Aboriginal community
Dr Conn Constantinou For service to the Greek community
Sergeant Second Class William Denis Crompton For service to the community, particularly through the Citizens Youth Welfare Association
Michael William Cronin For service to the sport of rugby league football
Grace Laurette Cuming For service to the community
Clarence James Daley For service to the sheep industry in Australia
Janice Faye Davis For service to the sport of judo and to the community
Kevin Dodd For service to the community, particularly in the field of hospital administration
Betty Jean Dunkley For service to the welfare of children, particularly those with intellectual disabilities
Mathew Francis Dwyer For service to the Office of Australian War Graves
Elaine Margaret Fairclough For service to the community, particularly the welfare of the aged
Bertram Albert Farquhar For service to the community and to primary industry
Gwendoline Ethel Farrington For service to the community and to local government
Francis Anthony Finegan For service to the sport of boxing and to the community
Cindy-lu Fitzpatrick For service to the sport of swimming
Margaret Joyce Ford For service to the welfare of ex-service personnel
Christopher Charles Edwin Gahan For service to local government and to the community
Phillip Raleigh Ginsberg For service to the sport of ice hockey
John Herbert Gleeson For service to the trade union
Councillor Harold George Golland For service to local government and to the community
Sergeant Third Class Clive Keith Grimshaw For service to local government and to the community
Leslie Brian Gronow For service to sport and to the community
Kenneth Charles Gulliver For service to sport, particularly cricket and basketball
George Thomas William Hall For service to the welfare of ex-service personnel and to the community
Kenneth Valentine Hampton For service to the Aboriginal community
Claudia Adams Hargreaves For service to the community through music
Keith Edward William Harper For public service
Charles William Harriman For service to the outback community of North Queensland
Millicent Treeby Herbert For service to the community
Walter Bernard Hesling For service to the arts
Wanda Zofia Teresa Hessler For public service and for service to the Polish community in Australia
Sergeant Second Class William Charles Hipwell For public service with the New South Wales Police Force
Arthur Oswald Hoad For service to primary industry and to the community
Noel George Hodges For service to the community, particularly through the State Emergency and Country Fire Services
William Laurence Hoffmann For service to music
Councillor Allan George Holden For service to local government and the community
Stephen Roy Holland For service to the sport of swimming
Valerie Major Howse For service to international relations through the Australian Committee for Venice
William Richard Henry James, MC For service to nursing
Eric Clifford Jamieson For service to the community
John Christian Jeppesen, RFD For service to the welfare of ex-service personnel and to the community
Robert Vincent Jervis For service to journalism
Sister Mary Perpetua Johnston For service to the community
Clifford Hubert Stewart Johnstone For service to the community
Walter Leslie Kelly For service to the community
Mavis Maud Kennedy For service to Aboriginal children
Maxwell Kevin Kirwan For service to the sport of water skiing
Jack Robert Larcombe For public service and for service to the community
Anne Mary Lobato For service in the community
Eric Stephen Loft For service to the community
George Antonio Lonzar For conservation and to tourism
Margaret Frances Lukes For service to the community, particularly in the field of mental health
Senior Constable Ronald Malcolm Macfarlane For public service with the Australian Federal Police
Dr Geoffrey Charles Macfarlane For service in the field of hyperbaric medicine
Dorothy Mary McAdam For service to the community, particularly to youth
John James McAnulty For public service as a diplomatic representative
Ethel Constance McEwen For service to the community
John Norman Muir McFarlane For service to industry and to the community
Monica Cecilia McGillivray For service to those with learning difficulties
Vera Catherine McKeown For public service
Robert Joseph McKerrow For service to industry, particularly with building societies in Western Australia
James McLoughlin For service to the welfare of those with disabilities
Merva Millicent McMorrow For service to the community
John Robert McMurray For service to the community and to the sport of Australian rules football
Gladys Alvena McNaught For service to the community
Betty Jean McSweeney For service to the community
Doris Rosetta (Dot) Mendoza For service to the performing arts
Millthorpe Malcolm Midgley, AFC For service to the community
Ian McDonald Mill For service to the community
Donald Peter Morrison For service to the sport of surf life saving
The Reverend Father Grant Morrow For service to youth with disabilities, particularly through scouting
Councillor Brenda Murray For service to the community
Thomas Charles Nash For service to the community
Raymond Bede Newland For service to the Australian Dental Association and to the community
Ray Ruby Gertrude Oldham For service to the community through conservation of the man-made and natural environment
John Anthony Osborne For service to the community
Madeline Overmyer For service to the community
Sister Helena Parker For service to the community
David Leland Parsons For service to the community, particularly to charitable organisations
Ettie Pau For service to the Torres Strait Islands community
Gordon Adrian Perlstein For service to the trade union movement particularly with the Australian Transport Officers' Federation
Margaret Helen Peters For service to nursing, particularly midwifery education and practice
Angelo George Pippos For service to the Greek community in Queensland
Lilian Purves For service to the nursing of the aged
John Francis Quinn For service to the welfare of ex-service personnel
Robert Reid For service to the dairy industry and to the community
Jean Elizabeth Reid For service to the education of children with learning difficulties
Roy Brendon Reidy, BEM For service to the welfare of children
Ian Pountney Richmond Rex For service to the community, particularly with the voluntary fire service
Thomas Albert Roberts For service to the community
Dr Lancelot Turbet Robey For service to the community, particularly in the field of medicine
Jean Neal Robinson For service to early childhood education
Alfred Douglas Ross For public service
Phyllis Mary Russell For service to the scouting movement
Terence John Santry For service to art, both as an artist and teacher
Jack William Robert Scott For service to the community particularly through the Country Fire Authority
Robert James Scott For service to the community and to local government
Elizabeth Alice Silsbury For service to music and music education
Colleen Ellen Sims For service to the education of children in outback Queensland
Francis Ernest Sims For service to the education of children in outback Queensland
Robert Alan Smith For service to the sport of surf life-saving
Leslie Ernest Smith For service to the welfare of children
Donald Braithwaite Snadden For service to the community, particularly through the Victoria Hospitals' Association
Jesse Franklin Spicer For service to the Rostrum movement
Jean Elizabeth Starr For service to the conservation and care of koalas, and treatment of the diseases affecting them
Dorothy Ruth Stewart For service to the welfare of people with impaired vision
Arthur Raymond Sullivan For service to youth through the Air Training Corps
Wendy Lois Swift For service to nursing, particularly in the field of burns injuries
Peter Swindells For service to local government, particularly in the fields of education and management
Eva Florence Syers For service to the community and to charitable organisations
Francis Inglis Synnott For service to the printing industry
Alwyn Florence Tamo For service to the community
Detective Sergeant Ronald Albert Thomas For public service with the South Australian Police Force
Arthur David Timms For service to local government and to the community
Arthur Alan Tonkin For service to the trade union movement, particularly through the meat industry employee's union
Wilfred Thomas Hood Truelove For service to the community
Gordon James Vesperman For service to the sport of swimming
William Glyn Walkley For service to the community
Edward Moss Waxman For service to the community
Wallace Robert Werrett For service to the welfare of ex-service personnel and to the community
Thomas James Whitehouse For service to the sport of lawn bowls, particularly in the development of participation in sport by the visually impaired
Elizabeth Dorothy Wilson, MBE For service to the welfare of the ageing
Frank Zions For service to the community

Military Division

Branch Recipient Citation Notes
Navy Warrant Officer Martin John Cowper For service to the Royal Australian Navy Fleet Air Arm, particularly as Air electrical Inspector at HMAS Albertross
Warrant Officer Geoffrey William Hickling For service to the communications branch of the Royal Australian Navy, particularly as the Chief Yeoman of Signals in HMAS Adelaide
Chief Petty Officer Lindsay Irwin For service to the development of electronic systems in the Royal Australian Navy
Warrant Officer John Manley For service to medical administration and training in Her Majesty's Australian Fleet
Chief Petty Officer James Lawrence Short For service to the local community and as the Senior Sailor in charge of the Victualling Stores Section HMAS Nirimba
Warrant Officer Kerry James Spencer For service as the Anti-Submarine Warfare Electrical System Specialist at the Royal Australian Navy Trials and Assessing Unit
Army Warrant Officer Class Two Bernard Martin Allen For service to the Army Community Service in Townsville
Ssgt Mario Piero Bernasconi For service as Commander, Kingstown Barracks, Rottnest Island
Warrant Officer Class One Barry Mervyn Bishop For service to Military Engineering Computing
Captain William Thomas Burton For service as Assistant Project Officer, Army Training Facilities Project, NSW
Warrant Officer Class One Glennon Andrew Ernst For service as Vehicle Wing Sergeant Major at the Army Apprentices School
Corporal Barry John Guthrie For service as Deputy President of the Regimental Institute of 6th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment
Warrant Officer Class Two George Edward Jackson For service in the field of aerial delivery equipment
Warrant Officer Class Two Ronald William Joseph King For service in the field of equipment management at 21 Supply Battalion
Warrant Officer Class One Kenneth Alexander Mackenzie For service as Regimental Sergeant Major of the 1st Signal Regiment
Warrant Officer Class One John Frederick May For service to the active Army Reserve in the Sydney area
Warrant Officer Class Two John Douglas William Muller For service to 42nd Battalion, Royal Queensland Regiment
Warrant Officer Class One Michael James Ruffin For service as Regimental Sergeant Major of the Special Air Services Regiment
Warrant Officer Class One Terrence Sheehy For service as Regimental Sergeant Major, Headquarters 11 Field Force Group
Warrant Officer Class Two Dennis Eric Webbe For service as Battery Sergeant Major, 110 Air Defence Battery
Air Force Warrant Officer Paul Gippel For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as a Senior Clerk Supply at Headquarters Support Command
Warrant Officer James Edward Patrick Hall For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as a Warrant Officer Engineer with Maintenance Squadron East Sale
Warrant Officer Alma Florence Lunn For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as a supply supervisor with No 1 Stores Depot
Warrant Officer Terence Bennett Montgomerie For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as a clerk administrative at Headquarters RAAF Richmond
Warrant Officer Ernest Albert Payne, BEM For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as Warrant officer-in charge of maintenance control flight at Number 2 aircraft depot
Sergeant Ronald Robson For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as a Supply Supervisor with Number 77 Squadron
Flight Sergeant Raymond George Viner For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as an Engine Fitter with the RAAF F/A18A Schedule Maintenance Analysis Team in the United States of America
Warrant Officer Joan Wotton For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as a Service Women's Non-Commissioned Officer with Number 1 Recruit Training Unit


  1. ^ a b "QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY HONOURS". Commonwealth of Australia Gazette. Special. No. S198. Australia. 10 June 1985. p. 1. Retrieved 17 September 2020 – via National Library of Australia.
  2. ^ a b c d "THE 1985 QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY HONOURS LIST — THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA". The Canberra Times. Vol. 59, no. 18, 151. Australian Capital Territory, Australia. 10 June 1985. p. 8. Retrieved 17 September 2020 – via National Library of Australia.
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