In mathematics, particularly in operator theory, Wold decomposition or Wold–von Neumann decomposition, named after Herman Wold and John von Neumann, is a classification theorem for isometric linear operators on a given Hilbert space. It states that every isometry is a direct sum of copies of the unilateral shift and a unitary operator.
In time series analysis, the theorem implies that every stationary discrete-time stochastic process can be decomposed into a pair of uncorrelated processes, one deterministic, and the other being a moving average process.
Let H be a Hilbert space, L(H) be the bounded operators on H, and V ∈ L(H) be an isometry. The Wold decomposition states that every isometry V takes the form
for some index set A, where S is the unilateral shift on a Hilbert space Hα, and U is a unitary operator (possible vacuous). The family {Hα} consists of isomorphic Hilbert spaces.
A proof can be sketched as follows. Successive applications of V give a descending sequences of copies of H isomorphically embedded in itself:
where V(H) denotes the range of V. The above defined Hi = Vi(H). If one defines
It is clear that K1 and K2 are invariant subspaces of V.
So V(K2) = K2. In other words, V restricted to K2 is a surjective isometry, i.e., a unitary operator U.
Furthermore, each Mi is isomorphic to another, with V being an isomorphism between Mi and Mi+1: V "shifts" Mi to Mi+1. Suppose the dimension of each Mi is some cardinal number α. We see that K1 can be written as a direct sum Hilbert spaces
where each Hα is an invariant subspaces of V and V restricted to each Hα is the unilateral shift S. Therefore
which is a Wold decomposition of V.
It is immediate from the Wold decomposition that the spectrum of any proper, i.e. non-unitary, isometry is the unit disk in the complex plane.
An isometry V is said to be pure if, in the notation of the above proof, The multiplicity of a pure isometry V is the dimension of the kernel of V*, i.e. the cardinality of the index set A in the Wold decomposition of V. In other words, a pure isometry of multiplicity N takes the form
In this terminology, the Wold decomposition expresses an isometry as a direct sum of a pure isometry and a unitary operator.
A subspace M is called a wandering subspace of V if Vn(M) ⊥ Vm(M) for all n ≠ m. In particular, each Mi defined above is a wandering subspace of V.
A sequence of isometries
The decomposition above can be generalized slightly to a sequence of isometries, indexed by the integers.
The C*-algebra generated by an isometry
Consider an isometry V ∈ L(H). Denote by C*(V) the C*-algebra generated by V, i.e. C*(V) is the norm closure of polynomials in V and V*. The Wold decomposition can be applied to characterize C*(V).
Let C(T) be the continuous functions on the unit circle T. We recall that the C*-algebra C*(S) generated by the unilateral shift S takes the following form
- C*(S) = {Tf + K | Tf is a Toeplitz operator with continuous symbol f ∈ C(T) and K is a compact operator}.
In this identification, S = Tz where z is the identity function in C(T). The algebra C*(S) is called the Toeplitz algebra.
Theorem (Coburn) C*(V) is isomorphic to the Toeplitz algebra and V is the isomorphic image of Tz.
The proof hinges on the connections with C(T), in the description of the Toeplitz algebra and that the spectrum of a unitary operator is contained in the circle T.
The following properties of the Toeplitz algebra will be needed:
- The semicommutator is compact.
The Wold decomposition says that V is the direct sum of copies of Tz and then some unitary U:
So we invoke the continuous functional calculus f → f(U), and define
One can now verify Φ is an isomorphism that maps the unilateral shift to V:
By property 1 above, Φ is linear. The map Φ is injective because Tf is not compact for any non-zero f ∈ C(T) and thus Tf + K = 0 implies f = 0. Since the range of Φ is a C*-algebra, Φ is surjective by the minimality of C*(V). Property 2 and the continuous functional calculus ensure that Φ preserves the *-operation. Finally, the semicommutator property shows that Φ is multiplicative. Therefore the theorem holds.
- Coburn, L. (1967). "The C*-algebra of an isometry". Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 73 (5): 722–726. doi:10.1090/S0002-9904-1967-11845-7.
- Constantinescu, T. (1996). Schur Parameters, Factorization and Dilation Problems. Operator Theory, Advances and Applications. Vol. 82. Birkhäuser. ISBN 3-7643-5285-X.
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