Hello! Last month, the Signpost hosted a crossword, which can be found here. The answers to last month's crossword can be found at the following link - thank you all for playing! We have a new crossword for this month - once more, all of the answers have something to do with Wikipedia, though the clues may seem unrelated.
You can play the crossword online at this link (recommended) or manually by printing out the image and clues below. Enjoy! Hints may be given in the comments, so scroll cautiously.

Across 4. [Insert numeral here] 7. One who has the power to turn back to what was before 10. Graffiti, with less artistic merit 13. In fashion, traditionally paired with an eye 14. Paired with a knife 16. Impossible! Perhaps these are incomplete 18. The conclusion is obvious 19. Message on a fez 20. Seeking support elsewhere |
Down 1. Imitation is the sincerest form of internet flattery 2. Philosophy of retention 3. Sysadmin 5. Pb 6. The highest honor an article can receive 8. Numismatic forum 9. A blog of change 11. An insignificant change 12. The holy grail of argument 15. Whitespace creation 17. Only here for one reason 21. American Football Conference |
Note: the next crossword appeared in the 28 December 2021 issue, in its own dedicated column.
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