Changes to Featured and Good content

Summary: In the past quarter the VG project gained four Featured Articles, one Featured List, three Featured Pictures, and twenty-seven Good Articles. The project has also lost a Featured Article.
The final total for the project this year has been twenty-five Featured Articles, seven Featured Lists, thirteen Featured Pictures, two Featured Topics, five Good Topics, and 144 Good Articles. At the same time, we have lost four Featured Articles, one Featured List, one Good Topic, and five Good Articles.
Congratulations to the contributing editors!
October 2014
- Promoted FA/FL/FP:
3DO-FZ1-Console-Set (FP), Fez, Fez gameplay (FP), List of Sega video game consoles, Nintendo Famicom Disk System (FP)
- Promoted GA:
Drakengard 3, The Idolmaster Dearly Stars, Monument Valley, Mother (video game), Mother 3, Music of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, Pokémon Black and White, Project M (mod), The Punisher (1993 video game), Sonic the Hedgehog (1991 video game), Tales of Xillia, TowerFall
- Demoted FA:
Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None
November 2014
- Promoted FA:
Lightning (Final Fantasy), Master System, Tony Hawk's Underground
- Promoted GA:
Ethnic Cleansing (video game), Resident Evil: Revelations, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Sonic Lost World, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sword of Mana, Zero (Drakengard)
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