Currently featured
See also Software development around WikiProject Open Access.
- February 12: The Open Access Media Importer now has a gallery featuring popular audio and video files amongst its uploads.
- February 10: The two Requests for comment on using icons in citation templates to signal accessibility of the cited sources have been closed. One of them was concerned with the behaviour of the citation templates, the other one with the design of the icons. In both cases, consensus was not clear, though some aspects could be agreed upon.
- February 8: Open Access report in the January 2017 issue of This month in GLAM.
- January 10: Open Access report in the December 2016 issue of This month in GLAM.
- December 13: The PhD comics video on Open Access is now available in Russian as well.
- December 10: Open Access report in the November 2016 issue of This month in GLAM.
- November 10: Open Access report in the October 2016 issue of This month in GLAM.
- November 9: The open license text reuse tool for the Visual Editor toolbar originally proposed in June is reposted as part of the community wishlist.
- November 1: The Open Access Media Importer crosses the mark of 30,000 uploads after expanding in scope and uploading over 7000 multimedia files to Wikimedia Commons within a few days.

- October 29: Citation templates on the English Wikipedia have been updated so they can now signal the accessibility of cited sources. References cited via their PubMed Central ID automatically get a green OA lock.
- October 29: Two Requests for comment have been started on using icons in citation templates to signal accessibility of the cited sources. One of them is concerned with the behaviour of the citation templates, the other with the design of the icons.
- October 24-30: Open Access Week
- October 22: A bot request is filed for a bot to flag accessibility of sources cited on the English Wikipedia.
- October 13: Open Access report in the September 2016 issue of This month in GLAM.
- September 21: At the annual conference of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association, a talk on WikiCite and bibliographic metadata was given, highlighting the existing interactions between Wikimedia sites and open access publishing.
- September 10: Open Access report in the August 2016 issue of This month in GLAM.

- August 17: The infographic on benefits of openness is now available in Welsh as well.
- August 10: Open Access report in the July 2016 issue of This month in GLAM.
- August 8: The Open Science Lab at the German National Library of Science and Technology has an opening (email announcement) for a Wiki(p/m)edian in Residence to work on integrating images from open-access sources with Wikimedia platforms.

- July 14: The main page of the English Wikipedia ran a Did you know about Scolopendra cataracta, the world's only known amphibian centipede, which had been discovered by an entomologist while on honeymoon and was formally described in May in ZooKeys.
- July 14: Open Access report in the June 2016 issue of This month in GLAM.

- July 12: The article Ancestral reconstruction (pageview stats) has been updated by way of a PLOS Computational Biology Topic Page article that was published today.

- June 23: A discussion on the color of the Open access lock has been started.
- June 22: An open license text reuse tool for the Visual Editor toolbar is proposed.
- June 11: Open Access report in the May 2016 issue of This month in GLAM.
- May 27: Wikimedia Deutschland and the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft are launching an Open Science Fellows Program
- May 25-26: WikiCite — the first community gathering around collecting the metadata of sources cited on Wikimedia projects — took place in Berlin.
- May 10: Open Access report in the April 2016 issue of This month in GLAM.
- April 14: In a blog post, PLOS are voicing their support for the Wikipedia:Year of Science.
- April 12: Open Access report in the March 2016 issue of This month in GLAM.

- April 7: The article Hypercycle (chemistry) (pageview stats) has been updated by way of a PLOS Computational Biology Topic Page article that was published today.
- March 9: Open Access report in the February 2016 issue of This month in GLAM.
- February 12: Open Access report in the January 2016 issue of This month in GLAM.
- January 11: Open Access report in the December 2015 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- December 11: Open Access report in the November 2015 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- November 13: Open Access report in the October 2015 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).

- October 19-25: Open Access Week 2015, with editathons in multiple places as well as online
- October 11: Open Access report in the September 2015 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- September 13: Open Access report in the August 2015 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- August 10: Open Access report in the July 2015 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- July 18: A panel on Open Access on Wikipedia takes place at Wikimania.
- July 10: Open Access report in the June 2015 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- June 30: The Open Access Media Importer crosses the mark of 20,000 files uploaded from PubMed Central to Wikimedia Commons.
- June 25: a paper on how scholarly references are cited on Wikipedia concludes "the chief effect of open access policies may be to significantly amplify the diffusion of science, through an intermediary like Wikipedia"
- June 10: Open Access report in the May 2015 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- May 10: Open Access report in the April 2015 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- April 10: WikiProject Open Access started on Wikidata
- April 9: Open Access report in the March 2015 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- March 25: The Wikimedia Foundation's Open Access Policy is covered in The Signpost. (traffic stats).
- March 18: In a blog post, the Wikimedia Foundation announced its Open Access Policy.
- March 11: Open Access report in the February 2015 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- March 4: A sound recording of a Rinjani Scops Owl is featured (again, after October 24, 2013) on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day (WebCite copy). It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2013 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, sound recording, Rinjani Scops Owl article.
- February 7: Open Access report in the January 2015 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- January 16: A video of a female of the ovoviviparous frog Limnonectes larvaepartus with tadpoles moving through its abdomen is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in December and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video.
- January 14: The Wikidata for research proposal was submitted to the European Union.
- January 11: Open Access report in the December 2014 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- January 5: A video of the bipedal robot RunBot walking is featured (Webcite archive) on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in November and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video.
- December 31: WikiProject Wikidata for research was featured in The Signpost
- December 13: Open Access report in the November 2014 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- December 5: WikiProject Wikidata for research was started on Wikidata to integrate Wikidata more closely with research, and to this end, a grant proposal is being drafted (more via this blog post).
- November 15: A video of a female Anopheles stephensi mosquito locating a caterpillar to feed on it is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE earlier this month and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video.
- November 14-17: OpenCon in Washington, DC
- November 9: Open Access report in the October 2014 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- October 20-26: Open Access Week 2014.
- October 20: A blog post about Open Access and Wikimedia appears on the blog of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
- October 20: a video on the Open Access Signalling project is released.
- October 11: Open Access report in the September 2014 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- September 12: Open Access report in the August 2014 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- August 13: Open Access report in the July 2014 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- August 6-10: Wikimania 2014 in London, with an Open Scholarship track
- July 19-20: A two-day pre-Wikimania event is taking place in London: Open Scholarship Weekend
- July 9: Open Access report in the June 2014 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- July 6: A video of the snail Angustopila huoyani is featured (WebCite archive) on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in ZooKeys in May and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video.
- June 10: Open Access report in the May 2014 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- May 23: An organization account was set up on GitHub to coordinate software development related to WikiProject Open Access. All its repositories are public and reusably licensed.
- May 10: Open Access report in the April 2014 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- April 15: About three months after passing 15,000 uploads from PubMed Central to Wikimedia Commons, the Open Access Media Importer crosses the mark of 16,000 files.
- April 10: As part of the Open Access Signalling project, a few Wikimedia-based altmetrics have been demoed in this blog post.
- April 6: Open Access report in the March 2014 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).

- April 1: A JATS-Con talk discusses technical aspects of importing open-access materials from PubMed Central into Wikimedia projects on an automated basis. (traffic stats).

- March 28: Jisc's Wikimedia Ambassador Martin Poulter publishes a case study of PLOS Computational Biology's Topic Pages on the Jisc blog.
- March 9: Open Access report in the February 2014 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- February 12: Open Access report in the January 2014 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).

- January 19: An op-ed in the Wikipedia Signpost presents the Signalling OA-ness project to a wider audience and contains a demo of how it might fit with both the NISO recommendations and existing Wikimedia workflows for handling references, especially with signalling full text available via Wikisource, media via Wikimedia Commons and metadata via Wikidata.
- January 15: On the 13th birthday of Wikipedia, two posts on the Wikimedia blog discuss access to the scholarly literature in the context of Wikimedia projects. The first one concentrates on The Wikipedia Library and its efforts to provide Wikipedia authors with read access to quality sources in order to improve and expand Wikipedia content. The second one focuses specifically on Open Access and how the Wikimedia and Open Access communities have interacted over the years. Both form part of the Wikimedia contributions to Copyright Week, a week of actions around copyright legislation, led by the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

- January 10: WikiProject Open Access was created on this day in 2012. It now counts about 60 members who oversee about 260 articles on the English Wikipedia as well as about 23,000 files on Wikimedia Commons, about 6,000 of which are used some 66,000 times across 300 Wikimedia projects, gathering around 30 million monthly page views.
- January 8: A video of the tardigrade Richtersius coronifer undergoing anhydrobiosis is featured (WebCite archive) on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE last week and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video.
- January 6: The NISO Workgroup on Open Access Metadata and Indicators have released a draft of recommendations for how to signal use and reuse rights of scholarly publications. These consist of a
tag intended to signal whether and when a publication is available publicly without a requirement for payment or registration, and a<license_ref>
tag intended to point to a URI containing the licensing terms. The draft is open for public comments until February 4. Wikipedia:WikiProject Open Access is exploring how such signalling could work in a Wikipedia/ Wikimedia context.
- January 3: About two days less than a year after passing 10,000 uploads from PubMed Central to Wikimedia Commons, the Open Access Media Importer crosses the mark of 15,000 files with a video of chromosome rearrangements during Meiosis.
- January 1: A video of infrared thermography of a sleeping newborn is featured (WebCite archive) on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in BioMedical Engineering OnLine in 2011 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video.
- December 31: A video of the four-cell alga Tetrabaena socialis is featured (WebCite archive) on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE earlier this month and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video.

- December 24: The article on Flow cytometry bioinformatics is featured in the Did you know section on the Main Page of the English Wikipedia (WebCite copy). The article is the sixth in PLOS Computational Biology's Topic Page series: published earlier this month in the journal, it went on to become this Wikipedia article — that way, the article starts at a very high quality level and can be revised as new information becomes available about the topic. Traffic stats.
- December 23: The OA signalling project has been approved for funding, with a working prototype to be presented at Wikimania 2014.
- December 8: Open Access report in the November 2013 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).

- December 5: The sixth PLOS Computational Biology Topic Page has been published today, from which the new article Flow cytometry bioinformatics has been created.

- December 1: The Open Access File of the Day turns two years.
- November 18: A workshop on Signalling OA-ness was given at the Student and Early Stage Researcher Satellite Conference to Berlin 11 Open Access Meeting in Berlin. In a parallel workshop at the same event, the Open Access Button was launched.
- November 12: Open Access report in the October 2013 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- October 21-27 was Open Access Week, and WikiProject Open has chosen the articles on Open Access Week and Creative Commons license as Collaboration of the week. See here for further details.
- October 27: A video of hamster walking is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology in 2011 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video.
- October 26: A video of a driving scene, with eye movements of an observer highlighted by way of eye tracking is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2010 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Eye tracking article.
- October 25: A video of two male Green humphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) engaged in headbutting is featured (WebCite copy) on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2012 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Green humphead parrotfish article, Head butting article.
- October 24: A sound recording of a Rinjani Scops Owl is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in February and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, sound recording, Rinjani Scops Owl article.
- October 23: A video of a Pacific leaping blenny (Alticus arnoldorum) climbing up a vertical surface of plexiglas is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2010 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Pacific leaping blenny article, Poly(methyl methacrylate) article.
- October 22: A video of macromolecular juggling by enzymes - accompanied by music after Ernst Toch - is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in BMC Biology in June and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Enzyme article, Ernst Toch article.
- October 21: The Open Access Media Importer project received one of the three inaugural Accelerating Science Awards at a ceremony that formed part of the Open Access Week kick-off event at at the World Bank. The other two winning projects are a smartphone-based HIV self-test and an open science drug discovery project directed at malaria.
- October 21: A post on the Wikimedia Blog describes how scientific multimedia files like this sound recording of a frog's advertisement calls get a second life on Wikipedia by way of the Open Access Media Importer.
- October 21: A video in which inventor Jack Andraka and NIH Director Francis Collins discuss Open Access is featured (WebCite copy) on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Jack Andraka article, Francis Collins article, Open Access article.

- October 18: The article on spider water beetles is featured in the Did you know section on the Main Page of the English Wikipedia, along with a photo that was originally published in ZooKeys in August. Traffic stats.
- October 17: A video of a contest between males of the jumping spider Cosmophasis umbratica is featured (WebCite copy) on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in April and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Cosmophasis umbratica article.

- October 15: The article fetus in fetu is featured in the Did you know section on the Main Page of the Italian Wikipedia, along with a photo that was originally published in the Journal of Medical Case Reports in 2008. Traffic stats.
- October 15: A video of a crash simulation is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS Medicine in 2010 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Crash simulation article.
- October 13: A µCT-based 3D animation of a sea turtle skull is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2012 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Kemp's ridley sea turtle article.
- October 10: A video of Reticulitermes termites grooming their eggs is featured on the Main Page (WebCite archive) of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2007 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Reticulitermes article.
- October 7: Open Access report in the September 2013 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- October 7: A 3D animation of the anatomy of a polychaete is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in ZooKeys in February this year and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, polychaete article.
- October 5: A video of a pelagic thresher shark using tail slaps while hunting sardines is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in July this year and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Pelagic thresher article.
- October 2: An audio recording of a courtship song of a male parasitic wasp, Cotesia congregata, is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in April this year and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot in May. Traffic stats: Main Page, sound file, Cotesia congregata article.
- October 1: The Open Access Media Importer is named a finalist in the Accelerating Science Awards Program.
- September 30: A paper on how inconsistent XML delivered by publishers to PubMed Central hinders the reuse of open-access materials by automated tools like the Open Access Media Importer is now available on the NCBI Bookshelf. It shall be presented at JATS-Con at the NIH on October 22.
- September 30: The Open Access Media Importer passed 14,000 uploads.
- September 26: The BaGLAMa reports with page view stats for August are out, indicating 31 million visits across 210 Wikimedia projects to a total of 56k article pages that use images or media from the Commons category Open access (publishing).

- September 25: The spider Cupiennius salei is featured in the Did you know section on the Main Page of the English Wikipedia, along with a photo that was originally published in Frontiers in Zoology in 2011 and is currently featured on the Main Page of Wikispecies too. Traffic stats.

- September 22: The snail Zospeum tholussum, originally described in the open-access journal Subterranean Biology last month, is featured in the Did you know section on the Main Page of the Swedish Wikipedia (traffic stats).
- September 21: A video showing the simultaneous audiovisual and EEG recordings of a pair of guitarists playing an improvisation is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE on September 10 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot on September 16. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Electroencephalography article.
- September 19: A workshop for editing the English Wikipedia's entry on open science and its French counterpart takes place in Geneva as a satellite event of OKCon 2013.
- September 18: According to GLAMorous (WebCite copy), over 300 Wikimedia projects now use materials from Category:Open access (publishing) on Wikimedia Commons, which currently has 21107 files, 5626 of which are used a total of 64326 times across Wikimedia platforms.
- September 16-18: The Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon) 2013 takes place in Geneva - while focused on open data, it covers all facets of open knowledge, including open access and open science.
- September 12: A video showing a spontaneous ejaculation in a wild Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE on August 28 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot on September 10. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Ejaculation article.
- September 9: Supporters of open access prepare for Wikipedia-related Open Access Week outreach at Wikipedia:WikiProject Open Access/Open Access Week 2013
- September 8: Open Access report in the August 2013 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- August 28: A Wikimedia mailing list dedicated to open access has been created to discuss work on integrating Wikimedia and open access.
- August 27: User:Lawsonstu has been chosen as the Open Access Community Liaison for Wikimania 2014.

- August 15: Wikipedia articles on the newly discovered mammal species of Bassaricyon neblina ("Olinguito") - whose formal description was published earlier today in ZooKeys - exist in 8 languages and are featured (with the image shown here) in the "in the news" sections of the Main Pages of the Catalan, English, Portuguese and Russian Wikipedias as well as in an article on the Polish Wikinews.
- August 10: A session on Open Access and Wikimedia takes place at Wikimania 2013 in Hong Kong.
- August 8: Open Access report in the July 2013 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- August 2: The Open Access Media Importer passed 13,000 uploads.
- July 31: According to GLAMorous, there are now over 20,000 files in Category:Open access (publishing) on Wikimedia Commons.
- July 29: A bug inflating some of the GLAMorous stats has been fixed. For the Commons category Open access (publishing), the corrected version now indicates a total of 19683 files, 5266 of which have been used a total of 54308 times across 296 Wikimedia projects.

- July 24: A photograph of a female chalcid wasp Hydrophylita emporos hitchhiking a female Psolodesmus mandarinus mandarinus damselfly has been proposed as Featured picture candidate. It was originally published in PLOS ONE earlier that day. The voting period ended on July 30. The result: not featured.
- July 13: An overview has been produced on how Wikipedia articles could signal whether a cited reference is open access, and to what extent: Wikipedia:WikiProject Open Access/Signalling OA-ness. Feedback is encouraged (example).
- July 11: The BaGLAMa reports with page view stats for June are out, indicating 35 million visits across 206 Wikimedia projects to a total of 47k article pages that use images or media from the Commons category Open access (publishing).
- July 9: Open Access report in the June 2013 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- July 4: The Open Access Media Importer passed 12,500 uploads.
- July 3: The GLAMorous tool has been ported to Wikimedia Labs. For the Commons category Open access (publishing), it indicates a total of 19218 files, 5111 of which have been used a total of 93839 times across 297 Wikimedia projects.
- July 1: An abstract on "Inconsistent XML as a barrier to reuse of Open Access Content" has been accepted for JATS-Con at NCBI from October 22-23 (i.e. during Open Access Week). It documents how work on the Open Access Media Importer has been impeded by inconsistencies in the XML that publishers supply to PubMed Central.
- June 30: The BaGLAMa reports with page view stats for May are out, indicating 39 million visits across 207 Wikimedia projects to a total of 45k article pages that use images or media from the Commons category Open access (publishing).

- June 27: The fifth PLOS Computational Biology Topic Page has been published today, providing the basis for a significant expansion of the article Cooperative binding.
- June 19-21: Four members of WikiProject Open Access (User:Aubrey, User:Bluerasberry, Daniel Mietchen, User:Mattsenate) attended the CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI8) at the University of Geneva, presented ways in which the Wikimedia and Open Access communities can and do interact, and discussed opportunities for expanding their mutual engagement.
- June 7: Open Access report in the May 2013 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- May 31: Earlier this month, PLOS crossed the mark of 10,000 files on Wikimedia Commons. Most of the uploads in May have come from the Open Access Media Importer, including a recording of a singing canary.
- May 24-25: A code sprint for the Open Access Media Importer took place in Berlin.
- May 17: A breakout session entitled Reusing Open Access materials - a Wikimedia perspective has been submitted to the 8th CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI8), which is to take place from June 19-21 at the University of Geneva.
- May 8: Open Access report in the April 2013 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).

- April 30: The submissions for Wikimania 2013 include three that are directly relevant to Open Access: a panel on Open Access & Wikipedia as well as presentations on Wikimedia and Open Access (broader in scope than the panel) and on the Open Access Media Importer.
- April 14: The Dutch Wikipedia becomes the next Wikimedia project to use files from open access sources more than 1,000 times.

- April 12: A photograph of the tiger beetle Cicindela marginata has been proposed as Featured picture candidate. It was originally published in ZooKeys in 2012. The voting period ended on April 22. The result: featured.
- April 9: Open Access report in the March 2013 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- March 31: A video showing tail elongation in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis, with muscle cells highlighted in green, is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2007 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Ciona intestinalis article.
- March 22: Files from open access sources are used over 1,000 times on Wikispecies.

- March 21: The fourth PLOS Computational Biology Topic Page has been published today, providing the basis for the new article Viral phylodynamics. See also the accompanying blog post.
- March 17: Files from open access sources are used over 80,000 times across Wikimedia projects.
- March 10: Open Access report in the February 2013 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).

- March 7: The third PLOS Computational Biology Topic Page has been published today, providing the basis for a new version of Evolving digital ecological networks.
- February 20: Files from open access sources are used over 1,000 times on the French Wikipedia.
- February 14: A video interview with Peter Suber on past, present and future developments in open access to the research literature is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It had been recorded in February 2012 on the occasion of a meeting commemorating the tenth anniversary of the Budapest Open Access Initiative. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Peter Suber article, Open access article, Budapest Open Access Initiative article.

- February 13: An infographic depicting the succession of deep sea communities on wood fall has been proposed as Featured picture candidate. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in January. The voting period ended on February 22. The result: not featured.
- February 13: Over 4,000 distinct files from the Category "Open access (publishing)" on Wikimedia Commons are now in use a total of over 78,000 times across 289 Wikimedia projects.
- February 8: Open Access report in the January 2013 issue of This month in GLAM (traffic stats).
- February 8: The BaGLAMa reports with page view stats for January are out, indicating 42 million visits (up from 21 million last January) across 203 Wikimedia projects (up from 142) to a total of 39k article pages (up from 19k) that use images or media from the Commons category Open access (publishing).
- February 6: An audio recording of a sleeping patient's snoring being interrupted by an episode of sleep apnea is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in BMC Medicine in 2011. Traffic stats: Main Page, sound file, Sleep apnea article.
- February 5: More than 200 multimedia files that have been uploaded by the Open Access Media Importer are now used a total of over 600 times across Wikimedia projects.
- February 5: A video of a beetle attacking and preying upon a treefrog is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in 2012 in ZooKeys and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Epomis article, Hyla savignyi article.

- February 4: An image of an ovipositing Magicicada cassini female has been proposed as Featured picture candidate. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2007. The voting period ended on February 13. The result was: not featured.
- February 1: Files from open access sources are used over 1,000 times on the German Wikipedia.
- February 1: An audio recording of a Black-chinned Hummingbird (Archilochus alexandri) is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in 2011 in PLOS ONE and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, sound file, Black-chinned Hummingbird article.
- January 31: A video of water droplets rolling down an inclined plane with a superhydrophobically coated surface is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in Nanoscale Research Letters last August and recently uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Drop (liquid) article, Inclined plane article, Superhydrophobe article.
- January 29: A video of a Haematococcus pluvialis cell filled with astaxanthin (red) is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE earlier this month and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Haematococcus pluvialis article, Astaxanthin article.
- January 27: An audio recording of the calling song of the 17-year cicada Magicicada cassini is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in 2007 in PLOS ONE and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, sound file, Magicicada cassini article.

- January 24: The beetle Termitotrox cupido, originally described in ZooKeys earlier this month, is featured in the Did you know section on the Main Page of the Russian Wikipedia (traffic stats).
- January 18: A video highlighting the dynamics in a social network of mice is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS Computational Biology in November and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Social network article.
- January 16: A video special of PhD Comics on Open Access is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day, starring phylogeneticist Jonathan Eisen and SPARC's Nick Shockey. It was originally published on the occasion of Open Access Week 2012. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Open Access article, Open Access Week article, Phylogenetics article, Jonathan Eisen article, Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition article.
- January 14: A video showing motion-tracked finger movements of two pianists playing the same piece is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE earlier this month and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Motion tracking article, Pianist article.

- January 13: The frog Paedophryne swiftorum, originally described in PLOS ONE in January last year, is featured in the Did you know section on the Main Page of the English Wikipedia (traffic stats), one year after its slightly smaller sister species Paedophryne amauensis, the smallest known vertebrate, was there in the news (traffic stats).

- January 11: Aaron Swartz (User:AaronSw), an activist for open access and open knowledge more broadly as well as against internet censorship, dies. See this post on the Wikimedia blog for more information and The Signpost for further details.

- January 10: The second PLOS Computational Biology Topic Page has been published today, providing the basis for a new version of Approximate Bayesian computation.
- January 10: The Category "Open access (publishing)" on Wikimedia Commons has crossed the mark of 15,000 files this afternoon with a video originally published in BMC Biophysics in June 2012 and uploaded by the Open Access Media Importer.
- January 10: A video showing weekly incidence rates of Dengue fever on a map of Cambodia from January 2002 to December 2008 is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases last month and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Dengue fever article, Incidence rate article, Cambodia article.
- January 10: WikiProject Open Access turns one year.
- January 8: A video demonstrating how cells can help microstructures with origami is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS Biology last month and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Microstructure article, Origami article.
- January 7: Open Access report in the December 2012 issue of This month in GLAM, along with a Tool testing report on the reuse of multiple open-access files in Wikipedia pages. Traffic stats: Open Access report, Tool testing report

- January 5: The first image from commons:Category:Open access (publishing) is deployed on Wikivoyage, in the German-language article Pasco. It was originally published in ZooKeys in October 2012.

- January 5: The article it:Wolbachia is featured on the Main Page of the Italian Wikipedia, along with an image originally published in PLOS Biology in 2004.
- January 5: The Open Access Media Importer crosses the mark of 10,000 files uploaded from PubMed Central to Wikimedia Commons with a video on fin development in zebrafish, originally published in PLOS ONE last month.
- January 3: A video demonstrating how the principles of natural selection can lead to learning in robots is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS Biology in 2010 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Robot article, Natural selection article.
- January 2: Video footage recorded by Brown Boobies in flight off the coast of Nakanokamishima (an uninhabited Japanese island of the Yaeyama group) is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2011 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Brown Booby article, Nakanokamishima article, Yaeyama Islands article.
- December 30: A video of a distal phalanx of a thumb of an ancient hominid, Orrorin tugenensis, is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2010 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Distal phalanx article, Thumb article, Orrorin tugenensis article.
- December 27: A video of a Pocillopora meandrina coral in the fringing reef off Lizard Island, Australia, is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE last week and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Pocillopora meandrina article, Fringing reef article, Lizard Island article.
- December 23: A video of a Maritime Pine demonstrating gravitropism is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in BMC Plant Biology in 2010 and recently uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Maritime Pine article, Gravitropism article.
- December 10: A video of developing Xenopus laevis embryos (haploid, diploid and cybrid) is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS Biology in 2011 and recently uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. One of the authors of that paper was John Gurdon, who is to receive this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine today, along with Shinya Yamanaka, for their work on stem cell therapy. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Xenopus laevis article, haploid article, diploid article, cybrid article, John Gurdon article, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine article, Shinya Yamanaka article, stem cell therapy article.
- December 9: Open Access report in the November 2012 issue of This month in GLAM. Traffic stats.
- December 9: A video of a single cardiomyocyte beating, five days after purification from cell culture, is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2011 and recently uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. One of the authors of that paper was Shinya Yamanaka, who is to receive this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine tomorrow, along with John Gurdon, for their work on stem cell therapy. Traffic stats: Main Page, single cardiomyocyte beating, five days after purification from cell culture.ogv video, Cardiac muscle article, Shinya Yamanaka article, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine article, John Gurdon article, stem cell therapy article.
- December 3: A video of a pregnant bull shark at the Shark Reef Marine Reserve, Fiji, is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2011 and recently uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Bull shark article, Fiji article.
- December 1: The Open Access File of the Day turns one year.
- November 30: The Open Access Media Importer is featured in the Wikimedia Highlights of October 2012.
- November 28: A video of the solitary bee Colletes cunicularius pseudocopulating on the flower labellum of the orchid Ophrys lupercalis is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in BMC Evolutionary Biology in 2010 and recently uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Colletes article, Pseudocopulation article, Ophrys article.
- November 27: A video of astronaut Charles Duke trying to recover a hammer he had dropped on the surface of the moon is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally recorded during the Apollo 16 mission, then republished in PLOS ONE in 2009 and recently uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Charles Duke article, Apollo 16 article.
- November 26: An audio recording of a territorial call of a male toad Atelopus franciscus is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in 2011 in PLOS ONE and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, sound file, Atelopus franciscus article.
- November 22: A video of a Manduca sexta larva on Nicotiana attenuata, reacting to experimental stimulation, is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in eLife last month and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Manduca sexta article, Nicotiana attenuata article.
- November 20: A video - recorded with an acoustic camera - of an African bush elephant rumbling with its nose is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE last week and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, African bush elephant article.
- November 19: An audio recording of calling song of a 17-year periodic cicada Magicicada septendecula is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in 2007 in PLOS ONE and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, sound file, Magicicada septendecula article.
- November 17: An audio recording of an iceberg is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in 2005 in PANGAEA as part of the supplement to a paper published in Science. Traffic stats: Main Page, sound file, iceberg article.
- November 16: The Open Access Media Importer Bot passed the mark of 5000 imported files.
- November 16: A video of a Meioglossus psammophilus acorn worm is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE last week and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Acorn worm article.
- November 15: A video of a moth caterpillar defending itself and parasitoid wasp pupae against a stink bug is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2008 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Thyrinteina article, Glyptapanteles article, Pentatomoidea article.
- November 13: A video of a pelagic thresher shark and a giant manta ray interacting in the presence of cleaner fish is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2011 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Pelagic thresher shark article, Giant manta ray article, Cleaner fish article.
- November 11: Open Access report in the October 2012 issue of This month in GLAM. Traffic stats.
- November 11: A video of Emperor Penguins producing traveling waves is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2011 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Emperor penguin article, Traveling wave article.
- November 10: An audio recording of the giggling call of a spotted hyena is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in BMC Ecology in 2010 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, sound file, Giggling article, Spotted hyena article.
- November 8: A video of chimpanzees sharing a papaya fruit is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2007 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Chimpanzee article, Papaya article.
- November 6: A video of a raspy cricket fabricating silk is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in February and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Raspy cricket article, Silk article.
- November 4: An X-ray video of an American alligator while breathing is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2009 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, American alligator article, X-ray article.
- November 2: A video of a juvenile tentacled snake attacking a fish (a fathead minnow) is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2010 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Tentacled snake article, fathead minnow article.
- October 30: Article alerts for pages in Category:WikiProject Open Access articles are now available via a dedicated subpage of WikiProject Open Access, which is linked from the header of the project's landing page.

- October 30: The article Pegomastax is featured on the Main Page of the German Wikipedia as part of a Halloween special of Did You Know. The formal description of this heterodontosaur genus was published in ZooKeys earlier this month. Traffic stats: Main Page, image, Pegomastax article.
- October 30: A video of an Aedes aegypti mosquito infected with Wolbachia pipientis unsuccessfully trying to penetrate skin is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases in 2009 and uploaded to Commons by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Aedes aegypti article, Wolbachia pipientis article.
- October 29: The Bot request for the Open Access Media Importer has been approved. The bot will now routinely spider the biomedical literature deposited in PubMed Central for articles that are licensed compatibly with reuse on Wikimedia Commons and that have audio or video files in their supplementary materials. The videos featured under under Media of the Day on Commons this month have all been uploaded during the test phase of the bot.
- October 25: A video showing a MRI scan of the sea urchin Psammechinus miliaris is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2011 and uploaded by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, MRI article, Psammechinus miliaris article.
- October 24: A 200 fps video of a Bicolor angelfish feeding on Ghost shrimp is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2011 and uploaded by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Bicolor angelfish article, Acetes article, Frame rate article.
- October 23: Examples of reusing, revising, remixing and redistributing Open Access materials in the context of Wikimedia projects are being highlighted in a blog post on the PLOS blog on the occasion of Open Access Week.
- October 23: A video of a mudskipper vocalizing in the presence of an intruder is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2011 and uploaded by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Mudskipper article, Oscillogram article, Spectrogram article.
- October 22: The Wikipedia Challenge goes live on Peer-to-Peer University. See also blog post on the OCLC blog.
- October 22: A video of a magpie turning aggressive in the presence of a mirror is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS Biology in 2008 and uploaded by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Pica pica article, Mirror test article.
- October 22: Open Access Week 2012 starts. Some ideas on how to contribute are linked from Wikipedia:WikiProject Open Access/Open Access Week.
- October 18: A video of a Nerodia fasciata snake flicking its tongue towards a parvalbumin-coated lure that "smells like prey" to it is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in June and since uploaded by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Nerodia fasciata article, Parvalbumin article, Prey article.
- October 16: A video of an illusory motion is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE in 2008 and uploaded by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Illusory motion article.
- October 11: A video of a simulation of auxin transport in a plant's meristem is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS Computational Biology in 2008 and uploaded by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Auxin article, Growing tip article, Cell article, Primordium article.
- October 9: Open Access report in the September 2012 issue of This month in GLAM. Traffic stats.
- October 9: A video documenting how muscles, skin, scales and quills are added to a skull cast of the plant-eating dinosaur Heterodontosaurus tucki is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It illustrates an article in ZooKeys published earlier this month. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Heterodontosaurus tucki article.
- October 8: A video documenting pattern formation in a computational model of dendrite growth is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was original published in the supplement of an article in PLOS Computational Biology in 2007 and uploaded by the Open Access Media Importer Bot. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Pattern formation article, Dendrite article.
- October 5: A video documenting how a water droplet is being cut using a superhydrophobic knive on superhydrophobic surfaces is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It illustrates research originally published in PLOS ONE on September 24. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, Water droplet article, Superhydrophobe article.
- October 1: Open Access Files of the Day now have their own category on Commons.

- September 18: The article Lesula was featured on the Main Page of the Swedish Wikipedia after this new species of monkey (scientific name: Cercopithecus lomamiensis) had been described in PLOS ONE. Traffic stats.
- September 10: The article on the green lacewing Semachrysa jade on the German Wikipedia was featured under WP:DYK, pointing out that the species had been described with the help of Flickr and Google Docs. Traffic stats. See also August 14 entry.

- September 3: The article Trogloraptor was featured under WP:DYK (nomination) after the new family-defining genus had been described in ZooKeys. Traffic stats.
- September 2: Open Access report in the August 2012 issue of This month in GLAM. Traffic stats.
- August 23: The article on 'Trogloraptor marchingtoni (see below for image) was featured in Did You Know on the Polish Wikipeda's Main Page. Traffic stats.
- August 22-25: The article on the green lacewing Semachrysa jade (see below for image) is featured on the Main Page of the Russian Wikipedia. Traffic stats.
- August 22: A video documenting a combat between two forked fungus beetle (Bolitotherus cornutus) males is featured on the Main Page of Wikimedia Commons under Media of the Day. It was originally published in PLOS ONE on August 15. Traffic stats: Main Page, video, article.

- August 18: The article Trogloraptor has been nominated for WP:DYK after the new family-defining genus had been described in ZooKeys. It was featured on September 3. Traffic stats.

- August 14: The article Semachrysa jade has been nominated for WP:DYK after the new species had been described in ZooKeys. It was featured on the Main Page on August 20. Traffic stats.

- August 12: The article Oblong rocksnail has been nominated for WP:DYK after the rediscovery of the species had been reported in PLOS ONE. It was featured on the Main Page on August 27. Traffic stats.

- August 8: The article Alavaraphidia has been nominated for WP:DYK after the new species had been described in ZooKeys. It was featured on the Main Page on August 12. Traffic stats.
- August 7: The article Cantabroraphidia has been nominated for WP:DYK after the new species had been described in ZooKeys. Traffic stats. It was featured on the Main Page on August 14. Traffic stats.
- August 2: Open Access report in the July 2012 issue of This month in GLAM. Traffic stats.
- July 2: Open Access report in the June 2012 issue of This month in GLAM. Traffic stats.
- June 26: PeerJ is featured under WP:DYK on the Main Page of the English Wikipedia. Traffic stats.
- June 22: A video from the supplementary materials of a PLoS ONE article on the properties of phytotelmata in pitcher plants is Media of the day on Wikimedia Commons today (traffic stats). It shows how a fly falls into water and escapes.
- June 19: PeerJ was nominated for WP:DYK. Traffic stats.
- June 12: Reuse of freely licensed images from Open-Access articles and Wikimedia projects is covered in the Signpost. Traffic stats.
- June 7: The results from an article in PLoS ONE on pendulum-like escape behaviour in the cockroach Periplaneta americana and the house gecko Hemidactylus platyurus are being featured (first with image, then with video) on the main page of the Hebrew Wikipedia. See also the other videos accompanying the paper.
- June 2: Open Access report in the May 2012 issue of This month in GLAM. Traffic stats.
- June 2: Access2Research is featured under WP:DYK on the Main Page of the English Wikipedia. Traffic stats.
- May 31: Access2Research was nominated for WP:DYK. Traffic stats.
- May 30: Access2Research and Wikimedia endorsement covered in the Signpost. Traffic stats.
- May 28: A video from SPARC about the Access2Research initiative is Media of the day on Wikimedia Commons today (WebCite; traffic stats)
- May 25: The Wikimedia Foundation endorses a petition to the White House to mandate public access to publications from publicly funded research.
- May 14: Special report on The Cost of Knowledge and open access more generally in the Signpost. Traffic stats.
- May 2: Open Access report in the April 2012 issue of This month in GLAM. Traffic stats.

- April 17: The article Circular permutation in proteins - about a way in which proteins evolve - is featured on the English Wikipedia's Main Page under DYK (Traffic stats). The article has recently been significantly expanded by way of an article in PLoS Computational Biology - the first in the new manuscript track for Topic Pages, which serve as the version of record for dynamically evolving Wikipedia entries. See also PLoS blog post.
- April 1: WikiProject Open Access is featured in the March 2012 issue of This month in GLAM. Traffic stats.

- March 29: PLoS Computational Biology publishes a Topic Page article that goes straight into Circular permutation in proteins (traffic stats). See also accompanying editorial and three blog posts. The article has since been nominated for DYK.

- March 23: PLoS implement banner ads for WikiProject Open Access on all of their journals. Traffic stats.

- March 22: The article Brookesia micra - about a new chameleon species described on February 14 in PLoS ONE - on the German Wikipedia is featured under DYK. Traffic stats.
- March 22: A video illustrating the subject of a paper from PLoS ONE is Media of the day on Wikimedia Commons today (WebCite; traffic stats)

- March 3: An image by Mauricio Antón of a late Pleistocene landscape in northern Spain has been nominated for Commons:Featured pictures. Voting ended on March 12, with the result "not featured". Image source: Sedwick, C. (2008). "What Killed the Woolly Mammoth?". PLOS Biology. 6 (4): e99. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060099. PMC 2276526. PMID 20076709..
- March 3: According to BaGLAMa for February, the English Wikipedia has now more than 10,000 articles that use files from Open Access sources.
- March 2: Copyright transfer agreement featured on the Main Page of the English Wikipedia under DYK. Traffic stats.
- March 2: WikiProject Open Access progress report is available in the February 2012 issue of This month in GLAM. Traffic stats.
- February 29: The frog Paedophryne amauensis - originally described in PLoS ONE in January - is featured (with image) on the main page of the Simple Wikipedia under Did You Know (traffic stats). See also the gallery of earlier appearances on the Main Page of other Wikipedias.
- February 29: A video from a PLoS ONE article - showing Mexican waves performed by Asian Giant Honeybees that drive hornets away from the nest - is featured under Media of the day on Commons. Traffic stats.
- February 25: A video on copyright transfer agreements was featured under Media of the day on Commons, then taken down as a suspected copyright violation. Traffic stats.
- February 21: Copyright transfer agreement started and nominated for DYK. Needs review. Traffic stats.

- February 19: The article Brookesia micra - about a new chameleon species described on February 14 in PLoS ONE - is featured under DYK. Traffic stats.
- February 14: 10th anniversary of the Budapest Open Access Initiative going public. That article needs a lot of work. Blog post on the occasion. Traffic stats.
- February 13: Wikimedia Germany approved a project to help academic publishers optimize their workflows for reuse of materials on Wikimedia projects

- February 10: The frog Paedophryne amauensis, originally described in PLoS ONE in January, is featured on the main page of the Polish Wikipedia (traffic stats). See also the gallery of earlier appearances on the Main Page of other Wikipedias.
- February 4: {{OA-ness}} started (demo) as spin-off of foundation-l discussion. Needs feedback - just like the nascent Open Access policy of the WMF.
- February 1: WikiProject Open Access is featured in the January 2012 issue of This month in GLAM. Traffic stats.
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