Wellington Meetup 4 July 2020

  • Date: Saturday 4 July 2020
  • Time: 10:00 am to midday
  • Location: He Matapihi Molesworth Library at National Library, corner Molesworth and Aitken Streets, Wellington
    Come to the main entrance of the National Library on Molesworth Street.
  • Cost: Free
  • Bring: a laptop if you have one. There are publicly available computers if you don't have a laptop.


The group meet at the He Matapihi Molesworth Library within the National Library. This is a Wellington City Council pop up public library. It was formerly The National Library net.work space. Drinks are permitted in the library.

Future Meetups

This is a fortnightly event but double check the Wikipedia:Wellington Meetup page to confirm.

Join the Wikimedia User Group of Aotearoa New Zealand to be kept informed.

Also see Wikipedia:New Zealand Wikipedians' notice board for discussion relevant to New Zealand Wikipedians.


Add your name to the list by adding an asterisk and four tildes like this: * ~~~~


  1. Einebillion (talk)
  2. Giantflightlessbirds (In the flesh!)
  3. Pakoire (talk) (exciting)
  4. Ambrosia10 (talk)
  5. Gertrude206 (talk) 05:42, 2 July 2020 (UTC) (for about half an hour)[reply]
  6. Quilt Phase
  7. David Nind
  8. slow_djinn
  9. noracrentiss

Unable to come

Agenda and Notes from Meeting

1. Nicola Frean from Alexander Turnbull Library will be joining us to thank us for our contribution to the mix'n'match group Turnbull 1. She's treating us with a thank you morning tea for the group in recognition of our work.

  • Thank you Nicola!

2. Introduction to meet up by organisers (if there are any newbies joining us)

  • No newbies.

3. Progress on Action Points

Saturday 2pm to 4pm with 3 of 11 people Yes if need be
Sunday 10 to noon with 3 of 11 people Yes if need be
Sunday Noon to 2pm with 2 of 11 people Yes if need be.
Results of the poll are that the Online meeting time will be Sunday noon to 2pm. Einebillion to update Online Aotearoa New Zealand Meetup page.
  • Einebillion to make a forward meeting an edit-a-thon to focus on this open collection and also identify reporting tools to help DCC Archives track impact. This item is deferred until next meeting.
  • Giantflightlessbirds will report on the status of the second Turnbull Names upload to Mix'n'Match.
Turnbull Names 2 upload likely to happen next week. Discussion on what the main name should be. Full name and description - citizenship, as many occupations as possible, and birth and death dates. Also known as has as much power as the main name.

4. Wiki News - add any news from the wider Wiki movement the group may be unaware of

  • There were a variety of presentations on GLAM use cases for Wikidata. See the link here. It gives a great overview of how Wikidata can be used to improve the impact of GLAM data. Ambrosia10 (talk). Noted by group.
  • Update from the Wikimedia Foundation regarding the Movement Brand Project: there is a survey to collect feedback from each user group which I'm happy to complete on behalf of everyone. I've put a link to the brand project presentation and the survey questions on the WP NZ noticeboard; feel free to add your comments there. The deadline for feedback has been extended into mid-July. There is also an open letter from community members and affiliates requesting the process be paused, which can be signed by individuals. If there is support for the Aotearoa NZ User Group to sign the open letter as a group, please post on the thread on the noticeboard. MurielMary (talk) 11:43, 3 July 2020 (UTC) Noted by group.[reply]

5. Round table for participants to say what you’re working on and if you need help to do anything or want anything demonstrated - You can add requests for help here prior to the meeting if you want

  • David Nind looking at oak trees planted for people who died overseas during WWI. None of them are in Wikidata and are individually linked to certain people. There is a template now for trees. Giantflightlessbirds will share template with David Nind. David Nind wants to make a map and note personnel. There’s a lot of personnel information out there. Will be going home to take photographs and add in geographical markers. Great project.
  • Quilt Phase has emailed James Taylor with a strong suggestion that the group would like to hear from him about where Auckland Museum are with regards to wikidata / wikimedia work. We want to hear both what he's doing right now and again once he's done the work he wants to. We recognise that he'll be working on the weekend but we're really interested in hearing back from him. Quilt Phase is still challenged but the upload of a set of photographs from Black Lives Matter UK protests. He still working on it but is now feeling anxious about it because of the privacy risks to the protesters.
  • Giantflightlessbirds Last week at Massey University is happening next week. In the process of completing a Wikipedia progress report and finishing off getting a bunch of Massey University academics into Wikidata and Wikipedia. Staying in the historic place Longwood in Featherston and taking photographs and building a list of people and places connected with it to make a project. Met with Masterton Wairarapa Archive Manager and discussed making their content open.
  • Ambrosia10 Continuint to work on the early Canadian and USA women botanists paper. Has been working on getting these botantists in Wikidata, researching their births and death dates and connecting collecting activity in Bionomia for weeks and only up to the Ds. Its the main project at the moment. Also working on Turnbull Names - creating new Q items for those without. Smithsonian Institution digital women project - talking with Effie Kapsalis. There is an upcoming online conference about Smithsonian women. Applying to do a presentation at that conference - based on the current main work.
  • Pakoire Written or upgraded a few Wikipedia articles. The cancelled Playmarket edit-a-thon is being rescheduled. The two dates possible are Sat 8 Aug or Sat 15 Aug. Is either better to enable any other editors to be able to come and help? Playmarket prefer Sat 15 August. Group discussed this and agreed 15 August 11am to 4pm is best and a number of people keen to attend.
  • Nicola Frean’s husband - Doing a digital humanities project on Maori land records. We’ve got names like you wouldn’t believe. There's a lot of work to do to as disambiguation is difficult because individuals are known as multiple identifiers. Also investigating Maori Land online, Cenotaph, Auckland Museum datasets. LINZ is an unexplored area.
  • Nicola Frean - a big description project happening at the Alexander Turnbull Library is the Flying Nun collection. This is likely to create a great dataset of New Zealand musicians. Still a lot of work to do on that collection.
  • slow_djinn has been working on linguistic stubbs.
  • noracrentiss Trying to get more Wikipedia editors on board. Contacted University of the 3rd Age representative to try and get a workshop or talk or some connection with the group advanced. Her response was that she personally didn’t think Wikipedia would be of interest to the U3A and she was quite dismissive. Seemed to have a negative view of Wikipedia possibly because she's a retired academic. Group suppported noracrentiss to keep going. A number from the group offered to attend and support any workshop that eventuates.
  • Jay the data wrangler from Alexander Turnbull Library visited the group and asked for feedback on how Alexander Turnbull Library does data formats for Turnbull Names set. How does the group want more sets if names delivered to Mix'n'Match. The feedback from the group is that the description text is really useful. Group discussion on squeezing in additional name extras. group agreed that the description will be best including additional name elements that don't appear in the preferred name, a dash, then bio dates. Where the biodates are activity dates rather than birth and death dates the word "active" will be included to indicate this. Then a dash then the description up to the 250 character maximum. Do you want the groups of 2000 feed on a piecemeal basis? Group said no - do break them up into 2000 lots as that makes it easier to get through but get them all in so we can work on them. Do we want organisations as well? Yes we do.
  • Einebillion has been working on setting up the Open Refine workshop and the pages for the Aotearoa New Zealand Online meetup.

Group finished meeting at midday.

6. Review of questions raised during round table Answered during discussions.

7. Demonstration of another tool - deferred to next meeting

  • WikiCommons structured data tool AC/DC. Can install it via WikiCommons preferences. Then you can use it to bulk add structured data to WikiCommons. For a video showing how to see this. Ambrosia10 (talk)

8. Get on with problem solving, editing, and chatting

  • I propose that in light of the National Library buying us morning tea we work on the Alexander Turnbull Mix'n'Match set creating new Wikidata items for those folk who are notable. It will give folk a chance to discuss notability and get guidance if they are unsure. It will also help to show how to appropriately enrich newly created items made via the Mix'n'Match tool. Ambrosia10 (talk) - deferred to next meeting


Next meeting and Meetup timetables

  • 1 August, same time, same place

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