Aotearoa New Zealand online meetup 30
- Date: Sunday 13 November 2022
- Time: midday to 2pm
- Location: Virtual Meeting at this link
Note this video conferencing software link will ask permission to use your computer camera and microphone. You will need to agree to get full functionality. Google Chrome or Chromium is recommended for the best experience (not all aspects work correctly with other browsers). The Jitsi web-based video conferencing platform is 100% open source and fully encrypted. No account is needed and it's free. - Cost: Free
Meetup code of conduct and anonymity when meeting via video conference
All attendees are expected to understand and abide by the Draft Universal Code of Conduct for the Wikimedia Movement.
This video conferencing meetup is a replacement for an in-person meetup. While attending and remaining anonymous is supported by the group, lurking is not supported and will be actively discouraged. All attendees are expected to use their User name as an identifier on the video conference call and to introduce themselves and their interest in joining the call on the chat channel of the call as a minimum. Participation using video and / or voice in addition to Chat is encouraged but not required.
Some members of the group have been the target of cyber bullying in the past and these measures are intended to support creating a safe space for collaboration.
If a new attendee joins the group with video and voice disabled, they will be encouraged to participate by the facilitator, using this script:
- Welcome new attendee. This group respects your right to remain anonymous. This group has a policy of discouraging lurking as it makes some of us uncomfortable. If you are happy to introduce yourself over voice, please let us know what you've been working on and if you need help with any editing issues.
- If you're not comfortable updating the group by voice, then that's okay. You have the option of introducing yourself and adding your user page link into the chat feature. The chat is deleted once the video conference finishes.
- If you want to remain completely anonymous and not chat, then this meetup is not for you. We make comprehensive and extensive notes of the meetup that will be included in the meetup page afterwards. That's the best way to catch up with what this meetup has been doing if you don't want to contribute during the video call.
- If you're not sure how to use the chat feature you can access it by clicking on the icon that looks like a speech bubble in the bottom left corner.
If, after an appropriate length of time, the new attendee does not participate by video, voice, or chat, the facilitator of the group will remove the attendee from the video call.
If the new attendee persists in logging in, the group will discuss abandoning the meet up.
Chat for sharing pastes, URLs and so on
The Jitsi video conferencing platform has a chat feature. This is used to share URLs and other commentary while the discussions are occurring. The facilitators may take a copy to help with writing up outcomes from the meeting on the meeting Wikipedia page. Any copies will be deleted once outcomes and notes are completed.
Future meetups
This is a monthly event running every 4 weeks, but double check the Aotearoa New Zealand Online page to confirm.
Join the Wikimedia User Group of Aotearoa New Zealand to be kept informed.
Also see Wikipedia:New Zealand Wikipedians' notice board for discussion relevant to New Zealand Wikipedians.
Add your name to the list by adding an asterisk and three tildes like this: * ~~~
- Ambrosia10 (talk)
- Einebillion (talk)
- DrThneed (talk)
- Schwede66
- Paora (talk)
- David Nind (talk)
- Marshelec (talk)
- Oronsay (talk)
- Paulpat99 (talk)
- MargaretRDonald (talk)
Unable to come
Add your name to the list by adding an asterisk and three tildes like this: * ~~~
- Gertrude206
- Giantflightlessbirds (talk · contribs) — apologies, life has intervened at the last minute
Agenda and notes
1. Introduction to meet up by organisers
- It is possible that 2 journalists from Radio New Zealand may be attending this meeting. The journalists are talking to a number of editors and recording interviews in order to create an episode about New Zealand Wikipedia community. I understand they are intending to ask the attendees whether they would be prepared to allow them to record parts of the discussion in order to add these parts into their podcast. If attendees could consider their response to this request. - Ambrosia10 (talk)
2. Wikimedia User Group of Aoteaora New Zealand Update and Discussion (15 minutes)
- Comms Channels
- User Group Page
- User Group Twitter account – please message @wikiprojectnz with what you're working on so they can message / retweet.
- User Group Facebook group (closed group for editors)
- Mailing list for newsletter please contact Giantflightlessbirds
- Comms to the Public: Facebook page (public page for promoting Wikimedia content relevant to NZ, encouraging editing and contributing)
- Comms & Reporting to Wikimedia Foundation metawiki:Wikimedia User Group of Aotearoa New Zealand/Annual Report 2022
- Comms & Reporting to Wikimedia Foundation Campaign Dashboard]
- Comms & Reporting to Wikimedia Foundation GLAM Newsletter
- Comms & Reporting to Wikimedia Foundation Diff blog posts
- Wikimedia Aotearoa New Zealand Inc (WANZ) update
- Funding grant application for 2022/23 successful
- Note: Transparency of meeting agendas and minutes is limited at the moment due to a lack of a website for WANZ. This is being worked on to make them publicly available. If you want copies please contact
- Update from President - Committee has been working on
- Establishing the New Zealand Wikidata Fellowship with Wikimedia Australia. Applications for the fellowships open on Monday 9 January and close Sunday 26 February. There are three fellowships on offer - one for New Zealand and two for Australia. We're encouraging applicants from all backgrounds and skills levels to submit proposals that involve investigations. Enthusiams and innovation count more than technical knowledge. Those granted with a fellowship will be assigned a mentor to help them. For further information on how to apply click here
- The contract for services for a data wrangler for the NZ Thesis Wikidata project has been agreed and work completed.
- IRD registration, establishing executive officer information (ongoing)
- Starting to prepare for the mid-year financial and activity reporting required by WMF cover the use of our first General Support grant from Wikimedia Foundation. The grant term runs from July 2022 - June 2023. This reporting is specifically on the financial and activities documented in the grant application and will be completed by the committee. It is separate from the 2022 User Group report.
I note that everyone in the User Group is encouraged to add their activities to the 2022 Yearly (January to December) Annual report
- Wiki-Con Weekends, Editathons, Events and Outreach in 2022
- Don't forget to add your program to the Dashboard. The Dashboard is a key tracking tool for reporting back to Wikimedia Foundation and will help us ensure that we get funding in future years. If you are unsure how to add programs to the Campaign dashboard contact: Ambrosia10 (talk) on her talk page.
- New Zealand Wikidata Thesis Project aims to get New Zealand dissertations into Wikidata. Project Page, Project Dashboard. There is a google spreadsheet of theses authors with Wikipedia pages who need their theses adding to their page if folk want to work on this. Project Contacts: DrThneed, Giantflightlessbirds and Ambrosia10.
- 2022 November 16-18 Worlds of Wikimedia Conference, Sydney Diversity, Diaspora and Digitality
- 2022 November 18-20 ESEAP Conference, Sydney Regional conference for the East, Southeast Asia, and Pacific.
- Pakoire going to WOW and ESACP conferences and will present on her NZ Performance project. Einebillion, Beeswaxcandle, Giantflightessbirds and Stitchbird2 are also attending with Beeswaxcandle also getting approval for his Wikisource workshop to go ahead and Einebillion on a panel to discuss Affiliate Leadership challenges.
- 2023 February WikiCon Wellington
- Discussion at the October Aotearoa New Zealand Wiki meetup about the Wellington community having a capacity issue currently and is having difficulty finding someone with the time or energy to organise this conference. Many of the editors in Wellington are either on the committee while at the same time holding down full time jobs or are currently over committed with their volunteering as well as other wiki work. As a result organising this conference is currently seen as a real challenge. An editor has agreed to lead the organisation of this conference.
- Other suggestions for themes around events include Library Week, Conservation Week, International Volunteers Day, 24hr editathon for Ada Lovelace Day, WikiSource Women's History Month for Wikisource, Winter Olympics, Matariki Event, Library Week. We should think about the focus of the work - is it to onboard folk or to focus on content. Any further update?
- Anything to update / discuss?
- Einebillion (talk) - updated group on Committee news. Said Wikidata fellowships coming up with applications opening on Monday 9th of Jan. 1 for NZ editors and 2 for Australian editors. All backgrounds and skill levels. So if you have a cool question or investigation apply. You'll get a mentor! The link is in the agenda if you want to apply. DrThneed (talk) reporting back on her funded data cleaning for the Thesis project. Mid year financial report is due from the Committee to the Wikimedia Foundation for our use of the 1st general grant which runs from July 22 to June 23. It's a Financial activities report and a Committee mid year published report.
- Reminder the User group report is going to be submitted mid Jan so please edit it and add what you've been doing during the year. Link should be in the agenda. Ambrosia10 aiming to do a big edit on it by the end of December but everyone else should definitely add projects and efforts they've been doing.
- Wikiconferences - Two Australia conferences in Sydney are being held next week. 5 editors going along to represent NZ at the conference. There will be a waiata at the Friday night gathering. Wellington Wikicon is planned for Feb. Einebillion (talk) to touch base with AtticEdit.
3. Wiki News – add any news from the wider Wiki movement the group may be unaware of

- Ambrosia10 recently virtually attended TDWG2022, her attendance was funded by Wikimedia Aotearoa New Zealand. She'll report back to the community on the conference. She's also drafted an entry on the Wiki GLAM newsletter about the conference.
- Diff blog post featuring mention of Aotearoa New Zealand user group was published.
- Request from MargaretRDonald (talk) to user Giantflightlessbirds to demonstrate how to obscure the GPS co-ordinates when uploading images to iNaturalist.
4. Round table for participants to say what you’re working on and if you need help to do anything or want anything demonstrated – You can add requests for help here prior to the meeting if you want
- Adam Dudding - Stuff podcaster -recorded some of the meeting and was a "fly on the wall" getting a feel for how the meeting was run.
- Ambrosia10 Had a meeting with Auckland Museum about how she adds content from BHL into WikiProjects. Pre meeting notes can be found here. She's also got an up and coming meeting with the BHL cataloguing group, where she'll also be sharing that documentation. One of the questions they've raised is the updating of existing mix'n'match datasets. Does anyone have any guidance they can give on this? Her Wikidata work with the Women in Genera botany research group is back and kicking with us having a regular meeting every two weeks to write a paper or possibly two on our processes and the results generated. She's meeting once a week with the BIOME group helping to create a CURE for linking "hidden figures". It includes a Wikidata module as well as how to research collectors for creating a Wikidata item. She's spending quite a bit of time creating "how to" documentation at the moment. Her Linnean Society article, again talking Wikidata and Wikipedia, is in the latter stages of editing and a proof should be sent through soon. This week she's attending the Natural History Museum, Berlin workshops and training for the public engaging with Bionomia and Wikidata to get collectors connected to their collections. She's recently had a meeting with David Shorthouse and Sabine von Mering to get a plan to populate/use the new Wikidata item collection items at. She's recently had a recording for the Creative Commons podcast about open access content and is going to be recorded for a Radio NZ podcast on Wikipedia in the coming week. She's been working on the Te Papa botanists dataset project and has been adding and linking botanists to Te Papa's identifier. Finally she's actually been doing EDITING in Wikipedia on NZ moths, having expanded about 10 articles some from stub up to C or even B quality.
- David Nind: No work on Wikidata/Wikisource/Commons over the last month - have been busy on another project (Koha library management software).
- Marshelec visited Melbourne in October, and the visit triggered the creation of a new article for the controversial Australian contemporary artist Paul Yore. Also substantially expanded an out of date stub article about a popular garden in the Dandenong Ranges. See: Dandenong Ranges Botanic Garden . Otherwise rather busy with athletics events administration and issues arising from corrective surgery on my left wrist. Discussed Foulden Maar fossil book and how he's planning to improve the article. David Nind (talk) pointed to recent RadioNZ article.
- Paora (talk) - completed stubs for articles for living NZ Knights; added recent investiture images to Wikicommons then cropped and added to people’s Wikidata and Wikipedia pages. General gardening.
- Schwede66 - taking part in movember, undertaking admin task & ensuring the main page is error free, DYK etc, working on a couple of bios, Mike sent him a Hokitika history book and so did a monument article, was interviewed for Adam Dudding's podcasts, some Wikidata work as well as categories for families.
- DrThneed (talk) - New Zealand thesis project. She's been looking at thesis authors and the Alexander Turnbull dataset to see links and who needed to be added to Wikidata. The thesis project hit 10,000 people disambiguated this week! Also working on Royal Society Te Apārangi people into Wikidata, there are 3 events around the country, most of prizes exist in Wikidata but has to check some. There might be new prizes or they had their names changed? Once events finished she'll ask the Royal Society to make the photos public and get them into Wikicommons. She got a Barn star 25 DYK nominations! She completed her report on the thesis project data cleaning to Aotearoa NZ Wikimedia committee. She's drafted new Wikipedia page for Olveston (house), a historic home and museum. The house as it was lived in - posh Edwardian life. She's drafted it & asked for photos, once they are in Wikicommons she'll publish it. There are also stubs for family members, she'll expand those and then do a flurry of DYK's. Also been attending some of the talks at the Wikicon North America that's happening at the moment. Also is planning to work on data and pages for NZ women architects next year, based on the new "Making Spaces" book.
- Oronsay (talk) - interviewed on an Australian news website. Very pleased how the interview went. Then ABC’s The Drum show but for that she was prerecorded the segment and then panel talked about. Unfortunately they almost to a person had a poor review of Wikipedia. One of the panel panel members says lies all lies - and Oronsay didn't have a right of reply as she was prerecorded and so was frustrated with the experience. She will be going on a radio show ABC Brisbane just for a chat. Wikipedia/Wikidata work continued chasing up constraints of identifiers in Wikidata such as ORCID id, conversation author id, formatting of Linkedin. Updated various fellowships of academies in Australia, New Zealand thesis mix’n’match doing supervisor and student work. Astrogeen mix’n’match dataset has also been enjoyable to work on as a lot are matchable. Quite a lot of women in red monthly project work as well.
- Einebillion (talk) - mostly spending time on the administrative work as she's on the organisation committee. She's also been working on the Victoria University of Wellington Soldiers of Empire project, finding soldiers who were awarded the NZ medal and other awards. If the soldiers are significant enough to be in Wikidata she's been adding them.
- Paulpat99 (talk) working on professional cyclist Wikipedia articles.
5. Review of questions raised during round table
- Discussion about updating mix'n'match datasets. Einebillion to reach out to 99of9 at the Sydney conferences and then report back to the group.
- Oronsay (talk) - raised the issue and the group discussed obtaining and retaining new editors. General group discussion including about the Ada Lovelace Day editathon in Wellington and Marshall's collaboration with User:Wainuiomartian on the en:Evans Bay Patent Slip
- Marshelec (talk) discussed IA bot that archives content to the Wayback Machine doesn’t work. He's getting involved with Phabricator and attempting to leave encouraging messages to get a developer to fix the issue. See ticket:[1]
- David Nind (talk) mentioned about the recent Wikipedia weekly broadcast about editing music and how good it was showing the modelling of the data.
- Adam mentioned about the Radio NZ Podcast he was recording us for!
6. Further discussion
- Add anything you worked on or learned during the meetup.
- Organisation time: 1 hr doing notes.
Next meeting and meetup timetables
- 11 December 2022, same time, same place
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