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Martin Helme
- 1919 in poetry
- 2004 in aviation
- 92nd (Gordon Highlanders) Regiment of Foot
- Abortion in Belgium
- Abraham Ulrikab
- Abumi (stirrup)
- Access to public information in Europe
- Adetokunbo Lucas
- Administrative division of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
- Admiralty M-N Scheme
- Adoro te devote
- Adrianne Byrd
- Adult Education Series
- Advent Sunday
- Aeolic order
- Affusion
- Agustina de Aragón
- Alakozai
- Alan H. Goodman
- Albert Henry Krehbiel
- Albert Londres
- Alexander Mezhirov
- Alfred Freddy Krupa
- Alfredo Ottaviani
- Allen Hall (University of Pittsburgh)
- Alma Redemptoris Mater
- Alpamysh
- Altar bell
- Ananya Roy
- Anat Ninio
- Ancient church councils (pre-ecumenical)
- Anderson & Lembke
- Andreas Tsipas
- Angitis
- Anthony Indelicato
- Anthony Thirlwall
- Antipater the Idumaean
- Apostles of Infinite Love
- Apostolic Blessing
- Arlo and Janis
- Art Paul
- Arthur Jenkins (musician)
- Artisans Angkor
- Association of Serbo-Macedonians
- Athanasios Lefkaditis
- Atommash
- B. R. Deepak
- Balthasar Walther
- Banco Crédito y Ahorro Ponceño (building)
- Barbara Rosenthal
- Basic Education High School No. 2 Mandalay
- Battle of Cieneguilla
- Battle of Deçiq
- Battle of Mandora
- Battle of Ojo Caliente Canyon
- Bibliography of Thomas Jefferson
- Bibliography of the American Revolutionary War
- Birecik
- Bisento
- Bishopric of Courland
- Bitola inscription
- Blaže Koneski
- Bliss-Leavitt torpedo
- Bobby Henrey
- Bobby Thomas
- Book
- Boris Sarafov
- Bozhidar Dimitrov
- Breakfast with Buddha
- British Armed Forces Federation
- British police strikes in 1918 and 1919
- Britons, Strike Home!
- Bulgar calendar
- Bulgarian Australians
- Bulgarian Greek Catholic Church
- Bulgarian Millet
- Bulgarian resistance movement during World War II
- Bulgarians in the Republic of Macedonia
- Bulgaria–Republic of Macedonia relations
- Bulgarisation
- Byzantine conquest of Bulgaria
- Bái Tử Long National Park
- C. J. Hambro
- C.mmp
- CSS Acadia
- Calf
- Calumma boettgeri
- Camp Napoleon Council
- Capsian culture
- Carlavirus
- Carolinda Witt
- Carrosserie Pourtout
- Castillo Serrallés
- Castor and Pollux (Prado)
- Caturix
- Caudium
- Ceinwen Rowlands
- Cementerio Católico San Vicente de Paul
- Charles J. Train
- Charles Rumney Samson
- Charles Stuart (abolitionist)
- Check digit
- Chelypus
- Chernorizets Hrabar
- Cherry (comics)
- Cheta
- Christian Heath
- Christian Peace Conference
- Christians in Science
- Chryse (island)
- Circular convolution
- Claude E. Robinson
- Codex Marianus
- Cometopuli dynasty
- Computer: A History of the Information Machine
- Conception of the Virgin Mary
- Concha de Albornoz
- Constantine II of Bulgaria
- Convention Relative to the Preservation of Fauna and Flora in their Natural State
- Cremna, Pisidia
- Cretingham
- Crimean Tatars in Turkey
- Culture of Corruption
- Cyclic delay diversity
- Cypria
- Côn Đảo
- Dame Gruev
- Danger Theatre
- Daniel Dölschner
- Daniel Norton
- Daraa
- Dave Torbert
- David Appleyard
- David Littman (activist)
- Denis Evans
- Dierkow
- Dimitar Blagoev
- Dimitar Vlahov
- Dimitri Papadimos
- Domingos Caldas Barbosa
- Don Sickler
- Dragan Bogdanovski
- Dōtanuki
- E. S. & A. Robinson
- Earl Gardner (musician)
- Edmund the Martyr
- Eduard Taaffe, 11th Viscount Taaffe
- Eleni Karinte
- Elisha Leavitt
- Elizabeth Kent (writer)
- Emjo Basshe
- Encyclopedia of Ethics
- Enez
- Episcopal blessing
- Episcopal see
- Erhard Bodenschatz
- Eternal life (Christianity)
- Ethnic Macedonians in Bulgaria
- Eudocias (Pamphylia)
- Eugénie Smet
- European Trade Union Confederation
- Evagrius Ponticus
- Ezra Drown
- F. F. Bruce
- FOOD Programme
- Fairmile A motor launch
- Felicissimus and Agapitus
- Fighting Dems
- Filiberto Ojeda Ríos
- Finno-Volgaic languages
- Fire arrow
- Flambards Divided
- Forced orgasm
- Fractio panis (liturgy)
- Frank Coe
- Frank R. Palmer
- Frederick Vanderbilt Field
- French destroyer Cyclone
- Furnos Maior and Furnos Minor
- Fussala
- Fuzûlî
- Gabriel Walsh
- Gammalite
- Gaston du Bousquet
- George Washington Bowie
- Georgi Pulevski
- Georgi Sugarev
- Gerald of Wales
- Geshur, Golan Heights
- Girl Crazy
- Giuseppe Allamano
- Guy Dollman
- HMS Vectis (D51)
- HMS Vega (L41)
- HMS Venturous (D87)
- HMS Whitehall
- Haitōrei Edict
- Harald Gutzelnig
- Harold Shedd
- Health economics (Germany)
- Heinz Zöger
- Hekuran Isai
- Helen Miller (songwriter)
- Heterohyus
- Higher Life movement
- Hoko yari
- Holocaust in Bolekhiv
- Hristo Silyanov
- Hristo Uzunov
- Hristofor Žefarović
- Ilag
- Imagination age
- Imprimatur (novel)
- Inside baseball (metaphor)
- Instituto Tecnológico de La Piedad
- Internal Thracian Revolutionary Organisation
- International Cable Protection Committee
- Iris printer
- Israel's Border Wars 1949–1956
- Itinerarium Alexandri
- Ivan Hadzhinikolov
- Ivan Timokhovich
- Jacobus van Meteren
- James Alexander (lawyer)
- James Herbert Veitch
- James P. Parker
- Jarosław Kozakiewicz
- Jean-Michel Coron
- Jennifer Marlowe
- Jeremy Burgess
- Jeremy Castro Baguyos
- Jesse Brock
- Jessie Bond
- Joan Francés Blanc
- Jocelyne LaGarde
- Joe Evans (musician)
- Johann Anton von Pergen
- Johann Nepomuk Berger (politician)
- John 21
- John Bello
- John Cassian
- John Eldridge (sociologist)
- John Hubbard (admiral)
- John Jeppson
- John Kennedy McCray
- John Leavitt
- John Merbecke
- Jonathan Kaye (linguist)
- Joseph Spiess (engineer)
- Juan Rondón
- Jude, brother of Jesus
- Julien Freund
- Julián Villodas
- Junije Palmotić
- Just a Song Before I Go
- Kago
- Karl Moore (academic)
- Kasa (hat)
- Kefken Island
- Keith F. Otterbein
- Kenneth L. Curtis
- Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation
- Kinanthropometry
- Kiro Gligorov
- Koreans in Japan: Critical Voices from the Margin
- Kruševo Manifesto
- Kusari (Japanese mail armour)
- Kutmichevitsa
- Kyahan
- La Frontera, Chile
- Lake Elkhorn
- Laminar armour
- Languages of the Republic of Macedonia
- Lapsed Catholic
- Lazar Mladenov
- Lazar Poptraykov
- Leo of Ohrid
- Limnae
- List of Macedonians (Bulgarian)
- List of sovereigns of Vatican City State
- List of wars involving Algeria
- List of wars involving Iraq
- List of wars involving Kuwait
- List of wars involving North Korea
- List of wars involving Saudi Arabia
- List of wars involving Syria
- List of wars involving Tunisia
- Lochailort
- Louis Osman
- Louis Vauxcelles
- Macedonia (terminology)
- Macedonia Timeless
- Macedonian Federative Organization
- Macedonian literary circle
- Macedonian literature
- Macedonians (Bulgarians)
- Maedi
- Mahdi Bray
- Malakia
- Manaki Brothers Film Festival
- Mando Dalianis
- Marina Karaseva
- Mastaura (Lycia)
- Mastaura in Asia
- Max Freedom Long
- May Manifesto
- Mempo
- Metousiosis
- Mihailo Apostolski
- Mikita Brottman
- Military history of the United Kingdom during World War II
- Milivoje Kostic
- Mimi Smith (artist)
- Mirche Atsev
- Mongol elements in Western medieval art
- Moral authority
- Moselle Franconian dialects
- Music of Somalia
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act
- Mystical psychosis
- NOAAS Mount Mitchell (S 222)
- Nagamaki
- Narcyza Żmichowska
- Nathan Rogers (writer)
- Nathan of Gaza
- National Council of Women of Australia
- National Geographic Image Collection
- National colours of Australia
- Nazi eugenics
- Neil Brand
- Neo-Mudéjar
- New York State Route 175
- Nickforce
- Nicolae Popescu
- Nikola Martinoski
- Nomen à clef
- Non-monogamy
- North American Islamic Trust
- North Pacific Marine Science Organization
- Nukunu
- Numerius Negidius
- Octave Octavian Teodorescu
- Ohrana
- Onomacritus
- Opisometer
- Orcistus
- Ortgies Semi-Automatic Pistol
- Oscar Brashear
- Oscar Washington
- Ovule
- Oxford Circus fire
- Oyumi
- Paisius of Hilendar
- Pamphleteer
- Panko Brashnarov
- Panteón Nacional Román Baldorioty de Castro
- Parteniy Zografski
- Parthenia (place)
- Paul Barroilhet
- Peter Millican
- Petrine privilege
- Petrit Dume
- Philip Furia
- Pilo Peristeri
- Pirro Dodbiba
- Pjetër Bogdani
- Plus and minus signs
- Poe Reef Light
- Polish heraldry
- Polish–Soviet War
- Polong
- Polotsk State University
- Polystylus (place)
- Pope-elect Stephen
- Potosi Mining District
- Praxis (Byzantine Rite)
- Prayer for the dead
- Pretash Zekaj Ulaj
- Primacy of Peter
- Primates in the Anglican Communion
- Proofing (armour)
- Puerto Rican citizenship
- Qena
- Quinn Martin's Tales of the Unexpected
- Quo primum
- R. Radhakrishnan
- Radio frequency microelectromechanical system
- Radosav Stojanović
- Ramadan Çitaku
- Ranton Abbey
- Raymond L. Brett
- Rebaptism
- Red blood cell distribution width
- Reflecting telescope
- Rethinking Religion in India
- Rexhep Demi
- Rhema
- Rheta Grimsley Johnson
- Richard Lovett (Seigneur)
- Richard Wettstein
- Risk IT
- Robert Deyber
- Robot Dreams
- Roger E. Mosley
- Rol Nagaur
- Role-playing game theory
- Roman Catholic Diocese of Bethlehem in the Holy Land
- Roman Question
- Ron Simms
- Russian language in Belarus
- Ryotwari
- SQL Access Group
- SQL Server Reporting Services
- SS Conte Verde
- Sabretache
- Salena Jones
- Sanctus
- Santa Barbara School of the Arts
- Santander, Spain
- Sasumata
- Savoy Sultans
- Scattering amplitude
- Schism
- Scientific Working Group – Imaging Technology
- Sheri Khan Tarakai
- Shia Islam in Kenya
- Shitagi
- Siebengemeinden
- Simeon I of Bulgaria
- Skopje-Veles dialect
- Snap matchlock
- Society of Business Practitioners
- Society of Saint Sava
- Société des Artistes Indépendants
- Solemn vow
- Solomon Goldstein
- Source code escrow
- Soviet influence on the peace movement
- Sozopolis, Pisidia
- Sport in Września
- Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje
- St Hilary's Church, Wallasey
- St. Xavier's Institution
- Stanley Spencer (aeronaut)
- State church of the Roman Empire
- Swing boat
- Sycaeboae
- Sylvester Weaver (executive)
- Talking tree
- Tantō
- Temska manuscript
- Teresa Lalor
- The Alcoholics
- The Asphalt Jungle (TV series)
- The Insider's Guide to the Colleges
- The Kallikaks
- The Lochmaben Harper
- The Poverty of Historicism
- The Sirius Mystery
- The Ted Knight Show (1978 TV series)
- Theodor of Shkodra
- Theodore D. Wilson
- Thermes de Cluny
- Thomas Douglas (American judge)
- Thomas Green (general)
- Thomas Harman
- Thomas Sheasby
- Thorold Rogers
- Thracian language
- Thraco-Roman
- Tolmeita
- Tom Ellis (architect)
- Tony Crunk
- Torghut
- Totekiko
- Trevor M Jones
- Tringe Smajli
- Tripolis on the Meander
- Tropical North Queensland
- Tsardom of Vidin
- Tsilhqot'in
- Tubunae
- Turanid race
- Turkish nationalism
- Turvayana
- USC&GS Hilgard (ASV 82)
- USC&GS Wainwright (ASV 83)
- Uchigatana
- Uganda Martyrs
- Union Station (Gary, Indiana)
- United Nations Emergency Force
- United States farm bill
- Uprising of Asen and Peter
- Uprising of Peter Delyan
- Uuno Klami
- Valentinian III
- Ventimiglia Giovanni
- Via Francigena
- Vineta
- Vladimir Sitta
- Volunteer Training Corps (World War I)
- Wakizashi
- Walsh diagram
- Werner Landgraf
- Willard H. Brownson
- Willem B. Drees
- Women's Royal Voluntary Service Medal
- Working (musical)
- Ya (arrow)
- Yagyū Shingan-ryū
- Yossi Vardi
- Yugoslav Black Wave
- Zen Tricksters
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