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Government of Luxembourg post WW1
In the article is mentioned "...in Luxembourg where no stable government existed after Germany's defeat and exit of the region." I do not completely agree with this statement. Indeed, in spite of the Grand-Duchess Marie-Adelaïde having abdicated, industry workers having displayed revolutionary aspirations (as in so many other European countries by that time), many other issues have been handled successfully handled by the Government (in place since September 1918), e.g. universal suffrage was introduced, important social acts were voted, just to name a few.
for more details, see https://sip.gouvernement.lu/dam-assets/publications/brochure-livre/minist-etat/sip/livre/gouvernements_depuis_1848_-_version_2011/Gouvernements_depuis_1848-version_2011.pdf (in French only)
Any comments are very much welcome! Peffercl (talk) 11:52, 9 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I agree, but there won't be any category like that in any foreseeable future. The code (sadly) isn't set up as you'd expect and fixing it will probably require a large rewrite of sections, which is why I'm asking if this can work like this. Currently Tom is manually fixing anything the bot can't and already has done around 100k pages but the bot should really do that if it can. Gonnym (talk) 10:23, 10 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
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