Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
	if ( histlimit === undefined ) var histlimit = 40;
	if ( typeof histwidth === 'undefined' ) var histwidth = 200;
	diffRequestLocked = "f";
	function userHistMain() {
		var me = this;
		this.displayBox = function ( user ) {
			// if user is set, this name will automatically be displayed on load
			if ( user == null ) { user = ''; } else {
				user = user.replace ( /(_|%20)/gi, ' ' );
				user = user.replace ( /(%3A)/gi, ':' );
			var box = document.createElement( 'input' );
			box.setAttribute ( 'id', 'userhist-isolate' );
			box.setAttribute ( 'type', 'text' );
			box.setAttribute ( 'value', user );
			box.setAttribute ( 'style', 'width: ' + histwidth + 'px' );
			var button = document.createElement( 'input' );
			button.setAttribute ( 'type', 'button' );
			button.setAttribute ( 'value', 'Isolate history' );
			button.setAttribute ( 'style', 'margin-left: 4px;' );
			if ( button.addEventListener ) { 
				button.addEventListener( 'click', function () { userHist.getUserHist(document.getElementById('userhist-isolate').value); }, false ); 
				button.attachEvent( 'onclick', function () { userHist.getUserHist(document.getElementById('userhist-isolate').value); } ); 
			var span = document.createElement ( 'span' );
			span.setAttribute ( 'style','margin-left: 20px;' );
			span.appendChild ( box );
			span.appendChild ( button );
			document.getElementById( 'mw-history-search' ).appendChild ( span );
		this.getUserHist = function ( user ) {
			var api = '/w/api.php';
			if ( typeof user == 'undefined' ) return false;
			if ( ! user ) return false
			// remove useless interface
			var histPar = document.getElementById ( 'mw-history-compare' );
			histPar.innerHTML = '<span style="padding: 4px;">isolating edits by <strong>' + user + '</strong> - please wait...</span>';
			var apiLink = '?action=query&format=xml&prop=revisions&titles='+encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get("wgPageName"))+'&rvprop=ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user|size&rvlimit=500&rvuser='+encodeURIComponent(user)+'';
			this.req 				= new wa_ajaxcall ();
			this.req.requestUrl		= api + apiLink;
			this.req.get			( function() {
 = userHist.req.response;
										userHist.showUserHist ();
										return true;
									} );
		this.showUserHist = function () {
			var data =;
			if ( data.getElementsByTagName( 'rev' ).length <= 0 ) {
				this.showError('That user has never edited this page.');
				return false;
			// get output
			var output = [];
			for ( var i = 0; i < data.getElementsByTagName( 'rev' ).length; i ++ ) {
				var dataset = data.getElementsByTagName( 'rev' )[i];
				output[i] = [];
				output[i][0] = dataset.getAttribute ( 'revid' ); // oldid
				output[i][1] = dataset.getAttribute ( 'user' ); // user
				output[i][2] = dataset.getAttribute ( 'timestamp' ); // timestamp
				output[i][3] = dataset.getAttribute ( 'comment' ); // comment
				output[i][4] = dataset.getAttribute ( 'size' ); // size
				output[i][5] = dataset.getAttribute ( 'minor' ); // minor
			// build our own interface
			var newInt = document.createElement("ul"); = "pagehistory";
			var url = '/w/index.php?title='+mw.config.get("wgPageName");
			for (var i = 0; i < output.length; i ++) {
				var timestamp = me.convertTimestamp(output[i][2]);
				var comment = me.parseComment(output[i][3]);
				if ( output[i][5] != null ) { var m = '<span class="minor">m</span> '; } else { var m = ''; }
				newEntry = document.createElement("li");
				newEntry.className='""'; = "rev" + output[i][0];
				newEntry.innerHTML = '(<a href="'+url+'&oldid='+output[i][0]+'&diff=cur">cur</a> | <a href="'+url+'&oldid='+output[i][0]+'&diff=prev">prev</a>) <span style="padding-left: 5px;"><a href="'+url+'&oldid='+output[i][0]+'">'+timestamp+'</a></span> <span class="history-user"><a href="/wiki/User:'+output[i][1]+'">'+output[i][1]+'</a></span> '+m+'<span class="history-size">('+output[i][4]+' bytes)</span> '+comment+' ';
				         if(typeof inlineDiffSmallUI != "undefined")
                                              inlineDiffButton = document.createElement("a");
					      inlineDiffButton.href = "#";
					      inlineDiffButton.innerHTML = '<b><span style="color:black;">[</span><span style="color:MidnightBlue;">inspect diff</span><span style="color:black;">]</span></b>';
                                              inlineDiffButton = document.createElement("input");
					      inlineDiffButton.type = "button";
					      inlineDiffButton.value = "Inspect edit";
                                        } = output[i][0];
				$(inlineDiffButton).click(function(){ return userHist.inspectDiff(this);});
			var histPar = document.getElementById( 'mw-history-compare' );
			histPar.innerHTML = "";
		this.inspectDiff = function( button)
			if(diffRequestLocked === "t")
				alert("An old request is still being processed, please wait...");
				diffRequestLocked = "t";
				$.getJSON("/w/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&format=json&rvprop=timestamp&revids=""&rvdiffto=prev", function(response, status){

				var diffString = response.query.pages[mw.config.get("wgArticleId")].revisions[0].diff["*"];
                                if(diffString == null)
                                     alert("Request failed!");
                                     diffRequestLocked = "f";

				var newTable = document.createElement("table");
                                newTable.className = "diff";
                                var colGroup = document.createElement("colgroup");
                                var diffCol = document.createElement("col");
                                diffCol.className = "diff-marker";
                                diffCol = document.createElement("col");
                                diffCol.className = "diff-content";
                                diffCol = document.createElement("col");
                                diffCol.className = "diff-marker";
                                diffCol = document.createElement("col");
                                diffCol.className = "diff-content";

                       = + "display";

                                if(typeof inlineDiffSmallUI != "undefined")
				    $(button).html('<b><span style="color:black;">[</span><span style="color:MidnightBlue;">hide diff</span><span style="color:black;">]</span></b>');
				    $(button).click(function(){ return userHist.hideSmallEditInspection(this);});
                                    $(button).attr("value","Hide edit");
                                    $(button).click(function(){ return userHist.hideEdit(this);});

                                //$(button).attr("disabled", "disabled");
                                //$(button).click(function(){return false;});

				diffRequestLocked = "f";
                        return false;
                this.showEdit = function( button)
                    $("#""display").css("display", "");
                    $(button).attr("value","Hide edit");
                    $(button).click(function(){ userHist.hideEdit(this);});

                this.hideEdit = function( button)
                    $("#""display").css("display", "none");
                    $(button).attr("value","Show edit");
                    $(button).click(function(){ userHist.showEdit(this);});
		this.showSmallEditInspection = function( button)
       	        	$("#""display").css("display", "");
			$(button).html('<b><span style="color:black;">[</span><span style="color:MidnightBlue;">hide diff</span><span style="color:black;">]</span></b>');
			$(button).click(function(){ return userHist.hideSmallEditInspection(this);});
               	 	return false;
        	this.hideSmallEditInspection = function( button)
			$("#""display").css("display", "none");
			$(button).html('<b><span style="color:black;">[</span><span style="color:MidnightBlue;">show diff</span><span style="color:black;">]</span></b>');
			$(button).click(function(){ return userHist.showSmallEditInspection(this);});
               	 	return false;
		this.showError = function( errorMessage ) {
			var container = document.getElementById( 'mw-history-compare' );
			container.innerHTML = '<span style="padding: 4px; color: #885555; font-weight: bold;">userhist error: ' + errorMessage + '</span>';
			return true;
		this.convertTimestamp = function (timestamp) {
			var regTest = /([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})Z/g;
			regTest.lastIndex = 0;
			time = regTest.exec(timestamp);
			if (time == null) return 'failed to parse timestamp';
			var d = new Date();
			var hourOffset = (d.getTimezoneOffset() / 60) * -1;
			var h = parseInt( time[4], 10 ) + hourOffset;
			if  (h < 10 ) h = '0' + h;
			var months = new Array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
			var month = parseInt(time[2], 10);
			var newStamp = h + ':' + time[5] + ', ' + time[3] + ' ' + months[month-1] + ' ' + time[1]; 
			return newStamp;
		this.parseComment = function (comment) {
			if (comment == null) return '';
			comment = comment.replace('/*', '<span class="autocomment">?');
			comment = comment.replace('*/', '</span>');
			comment = comment.replace(/\[\[(.+?)(#.+?)?(?:\|(.+?))\]\]/g, "<a href=\"/wiki/$1$2\" title=\"$3\">$3</a>");
			comment = comment.replace(/\[\[(.+?)(#.+?)?\]\]/g, "<a href=\"/wiki/$1$2\" title=\"$1\">$1</a>");
			comment = '(<span class="comment">' + comment + '</span>)';
			return comment;
		this.manageSize = function () {
			var regTest = /class="history-size">\(([,0-9]+?) +?bytes\)<\/span>/ig, regMatch;
			var col = { 'add': '#006400', 'remove': '#8b0000' }, results = [], i = 0;
			while ( regMatch = regTest.exec ( document.getElementById ( 'pagehistory' ).innerHTML ) ) {
				results [ i ++ ] = parseInt ( regMatch [1].replace ( ',', '' ), 10 );
				if ( i > histlimit ) break;
			for ( var i = 0, l = results.length; i < ( l - 1 ); i ++ ) {
				var addition = results [i] - results [i + 1];
				if ( addition === 0 ) { var rep = '<span style="color: #555555; ">0</span>'; } else
				if ( addition < 0 ) { var rep = '<span style="color: ' + col ['remove'] + '; font-weight: bold;">' + addition + '</span>'; } else { var rep = '<span style="color: ' + col ['add'] + '; font-weight: bold;">+' + addition + '</span>'; }
				document.getElementById ( 'pagehistory' ).innerHTML = document.getElementById ( 'pagehistory' ).innerHTML.replace ( /class="history-size">\(([,0-9]+?) +?bytes\)<\/span>/i, "class=\"historysize\">(" + rep + ", $1 bytes)</span>" );
		this.init = function () {
			if ( mw.config.get("wgAction") == 'history' ) {
				if ( ( window.location.href.indexOf ( '&isolate=' ) > -1 ) && ( window.location.href.indexOf ( '&offset=' ) == -1 ) && ( window.location.href.indexOf ( '&limit=' ) == -1 ) ) {
					var user = window.location.href.substr ( window.location.href.indexOf( '&isolate=' ) + 9 );
					me.getUserHist ( user );
				} else {
					//me.manageSize (); - FIXME: prevents the history diff selectors from working correctly
					var user = '';
				me.displayBox ( user );
			else if ( ( mw.config.get("wgAction") == 'view' ) && ( mw.config.get("wgPageName") == 'Special:Contributions' ) ) {
				var regContent = document.getElementById ( 'contentSub' ).innerHTML;
				var regTest = /for .*?(?:title="(.+?)">|([\.0-9]+?) \()/i;
				var regMatch = regTest.exec ( regContent );
				if ( regMatch[1] === undefined ) {
					var user = regMatch[2];
				} else {
					var user = regMatch[1];
				var bodyContent = document.getElementById ( 'bodyContent' );
				regTest.lastIndex = 0;
				regTest = /(title="([^<]+?)">hist<\/a>)\)/ig;
				bodyContent.innerHTML = bodyContent.innerHTML.replace ( regTest, "$1 | <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=$2&action=history&isolate=" + user + "\">all</a>\)" );

	importScript ( 'User:Ale_jrb/Scripts/waLib.js' );
	var userHist = new userHistMain ();
	$(window).on( 'load', userHist.init );
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