Wikipedia:Babel |
sv-0 | Denna användare saknar kunskaper i svenska. |
da-0 | Denne bruger forstår ikke dansk. |
is-0 | Þessi notandi talar ekki íslensku (á erfitt með að skilja hana eða kýs að tala hana ekki). |
fi-0 | Tämä käyttäjä ymmärtää suomea hyvin vähän tai ei yhtään. |
fr-0 | Cet utilisateur ne comprend pas le français ou seulement avec des difficultés notables. |
it-0 | Questo utente non capisce l'italiano (o lo capisce con notevoli difficoltà). |
ca-0 | Aquest usuari no entén el català (o li costa molt d'entendre). |
es-0 | Este usuario no entiende español (o lo entiende muy difícilmente). |
he-0 | משתמש זה אינו מבין עברית (או מבין אותה בקשיים ניכרים). |
hi-0 | इस उपयोगकर्ता को हिन्दी भाषा नहीं आती है अथवा हिन्दी समझने में बहुत कठिनाई होती है। |
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Hi! Welcome to my page.
I am an alumnus of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, class of 2007. I studied Biomedical Engineering with concentrations in Biomechanics, Biomedical Physics, and Mathematics.
I contribute mainly to articles that are related to Thailand or the Thai language. I also have interests in science, technology, mathematics, linguistics, and atheism.
For written works, I prefer the use of logical quotations (applied to other punctuation marks as well), the metric system, and ISO date-time format. I would also support a wide-scale adaptation of some form of the IPA for English.
These are pages that I created and maintain:
These are pages that I help maintain:
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