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Erstwhile analytical chemist and biology group director, but now devoted full-time to developing astronomy software and taking measurements on hundreds of variable stars, specifically of Miras.

Bayesian, Stoic, intermittently menschlich.

Vindemiatrix has escaped from Texas and once more lives on planet Earth, specifically in New Mexico. Huzzah!


If you work at that which is before you,
following right reason seriously,
without allowing anything else to distract you,
but keeping your divine part pure, as if you were bound to give it back immediately;

if you hold to this,
expecting nothing, but satisfied to live now according to nature,
speaking heroic truth in every word that you utter,
you will live happy.

And there is no man able to prevent this.
— Marcus Aurelius


Hey! Pay attention!
You might call this a haiku
Be assured, it's not.

Vindemiatrix (talk) this page initiated 10 September 2008

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