"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." George Orwell

hunTingAgermAnWitch by blackBay
hunTingAgermAnWitch by blackBay
File:Threepointsymbol digitalindustry.jpg
digitalindustry the three point symbol

lemontreecurse track7

Welcome To .theblackBay.

I'm an independent Audio Artist.

I'm interested in Sociology, Psychology & Symbolism.

I understand the modern simple Macro economic situation, in most countries.

I wonder if Humans really want to help themselves?

Think of this : Define an issue that you support totally or strongly, now on a piece of paper write down three true challenges to it, now look at their validity, ask yourself do you really support this issue on it's merits, or due to universal consent, and your strong feelings as a human to be accepted

Coloured Boxes with things about me in them

|The blackBay|
enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.
This user is a professional artist.
This user contributes using Microsoft Windows.
This user is a member of Wikipedians against censorship.
This user tries to do the right thing. If they make a mistake, please let them know.

Articles Created

Articles Contributed important details to

  • I Added what I believe is an important piece of information under controlling the money I separated the Repo's and Outright Transactions into two headings.

Inside the Outright Transactions I corrected the ambiguous nature of the way the original author stated that the "whole process was permanent" and did not mention interest yields, an important piece of information on the Federal Reserve System and as it is these "interest" yields that prompt most criticism.

  • Amygdalin - heading relating to cancer - added other headings for referenced current Research and Dr Dean Burk support.
  • The Money Masters - Added Logo with Permission and contributed to structure and content.
  • G. Edward Griffin - undertaking a reconstruction adding headings developing the stub added photo. And sucessfully defended it from an obvious conspiracy to delete it, for whatever reason? i'm not sure?

Last Update: Wednesday, October 25, 2006. 6:21pm (AEST) ABC News Australia-

"Commsec economist Craig James says the figures (Inflation at 3.9) were surprisingly high."

Last Update: Wednesday, October 25, 2006. 3:24pm (AEST) ABC News

Treasurer Peter Costello would not be drawn on the impact of another interest rates rise.

"I am not going to talk about future movements in monetary policy," he said.

"I think for households, the important thing is that we keep prices steady.

"It doesn't help households if prices are increasing. It's more money they've got to find."

Obviously Aaron Believes A Gold Backing Is a good idea... So we disagree there but Certainly A shutting down of the FED as a first step is great.

Giving back the Issuing power to somebody that is a representative of the people.

less known News

Council on Foreign Relations Meets with President of Iran.

I link this because of the inevitable conflict.

Iran central bank files US treasury complaint with IMF

"Ibrahim Sheibani, governor of the bank, said the complaint was filed for the US Treasury Department's move to cut off the state-owned Bank Saderat's dealings with the US financial system"

More on this Bank issue which turned out to be an argument over Iran Selling off it's Dollar reserves.

I thought as much. (English translation)

Europe Moves To Kill The Internet

Steve Watson / Infowars.net | October 17 "Personal websites would have to be licensed as a “television-like service”." "The latest move to kill off online freedom and the spread of information comes in the form of proposed EU legislation that would prevent users from uploading any form of video, whether that be a hard hitting political documentary film or your friends goofing around with diet coke and Mentos."

blackBay comments:

Shhhhh lets everyone get behind it, we need to support this in Europe, It would be such an Online economic Boost for Counties such as Russia, India and others imagine the online economy drain from Europe and into the next country with a free designation and access of ip addresses let these old fools apply 18th century laws to a 21st century reality.

even if they could apply such a law (which they can not) it would essentially mean the end of "E-business" in the EU.

News theblackBay finds interesting and you may also..section

By Suleyman Kurt, Ankara Friday, September 29, 2006

Classy act, also hillarious.........if your not Turkish I suppose.

By Axel Merk Sep 27, 2006 Asia Times

Look past the sensational heading and read the information, a very good atricle:

"in conclusion, we see the housing market slowdown signal an upcoming recession. We see the dollar at risk should investments in the US decrease faster than consumption slows. And we see substantial risks to the dollar once it becomes apparent that the Fed will come to the perceived rescue of the economy."

here's hopeing

Basically the selling of Oil in denomination other than U.S Dollars by a major oil seller is under way, this will have interesting results please read -digitalindustry explains Paradox and the story below.



"So far, foreigners have been happy to hold dollars in payment for American purchases of cars, televisions and foreign oil. But the concern is what would happen should foreigners at some point decide they want to hold less in dollar-denominated assets."

"A rush for the exits by foreigners could send U.S. stock prices and the value of the dollar plunging and send American interest rates sharply higher."

Thank you I agree, See "digitalindustry explains paradox.." below.

"WASHINGTON — The government Thursday warned consumers and businesses that it is illegal to use alternative money known as "Liberty Dollar" coins, which organizers promote as a competitor to the almighty dollar. "We don't want consumers to be fooled," U.S. Mint spokeswoman Becky Bailey says, noting U.S. Attorneys offices across the USA have noticed a marked increase in inquiries about the coins.

The coins' producers vowed to fight the government's decision."

Updated 9/15/2006 3:01 AM ET By Barbara Hagenbaugh, USA TODAY

Click Here to Find out more about the Liberty Dollar it could be a good hedge against the already apparent inflation.

"Welcome to the Liberty Dollar: Remember when gas was only 25-cents a gallon? You could take a dollar down to the gas station and buy four gallons for a buck! At that time our dollar was backed by REAL money, real silver. Guess what? That same amount of silver still buys four gallons of gas! That just shows that real money like gold and silver holds its value and it is the green paper money that is now worth a lot less. As a matter of fact, when you think about it, you realize that gas, food, and almost everything else has NOT gotten more expensive. It only seems that way because the value of the green paper money is worth less and less and so it takes more and more of it to buy the same goods and services. Most people think prices have gone up, but in reality: it is the value of the US dollar that has actually gone down. Luckily, now there is a simple and profitable solution to the coming inflation - good old-fashioned, REAL money as the Founders intended. Look at these charts by the US government."

could not have said it better myself.

Study shows A 40% rise in repossessions of homes in Australia after interest rate rise.


Thursday, September 14, 2006. 9:40am (AEST) ABC news.

Also Here

September 11, 2006 12:00am News.com.au

"Figures from the NSW Supreme Court show the number of home repossessions has more than doubled in the past three years"


August 04 2006 Moneyweek on Microsoft MSN money.

"And with much of that £1.3 trillion debt secured against housing stock, it’s very likely that we will continue to see both bankruptcies and repossession statistics continue to soar in the coming year."

By Philip Thornton, Economics Correspondent in Singapore Published: 14 September 2006

"A sharp rise in interest rates could trigger a slump in house prices, which are overvalued by "any conventional measure", the International Monetary Fund warned yesterday."

digitalindustry explains the Paradox of Rising Interest rates at a falling market economy.

16th sept.

FRB [[Fractional Reserve Banking and Fed Bond Fraud= Money Printed fiat from nothing that draws interest.

As I have said previously, This is not an accident and the Federal Reserve can and will do very little apart from the very unlikely drastic monetary reform, inevitable worsening of conditions will follow.

The Fed's dilemma(s): (this environment is not unique to Australia as I’ll prove)

We are in a unique economic position in many western counties where by two (2) large indicators of economic measurement are in fact going the wrong way....

what is apparent is a falling consumer confidence and economy matched up with rising inflation.... why is this very bad?

What can a FRB / Fed Bond FRAUD Central Bank do about Inflation?

The only way a FRB/Bond fraud Central Bank "supposedly" can curtail inflation (under our current Fraudulent system) is by ramping up the official interest rate to support the currency, this drives an already falling consumer market economy further downwards through the contraction of currency and currency flow in the Spending market.. but then of course the dilemma and contradiction is:

Well if the economy is falling what can a FRB / Fed Bond Fraud Central Bank do to stimulate the Economy?

Well if the rate is left or even lowered the inflationary pressure on the currency will drive prices higher, wages will rise to match in some area's in others they would rise slower, regardless it would have a dramatic effect on the already inflationary conditions because of FRB the same or worse end result is achieved, with the possibility of a complete market economic structural collapse with post WW1 style results..

Summation : The Fed Rases interest rates Pushing the Market Economy even lower or Does nothing and Inflation keeps rising also destroying the market economy

You see the conditions that are supposed to be in place, are such that a surging Sales Market is pushing inflation and thus requiring an interest rate rise at "just the right amount" to slow the economy and keep it at a nice pace of growth, not the "nightmare" situation of a Falling market with rising inflation that is "seemingly" disconnected to the Micro Free Market conditions.

The 64 dollar Question:

It all sounds very complex is there a simple reason, i.e. How did this happen?

Well you need to think about this.. (and this is the answer) paper currency was firstly just a receipt for the actual wealth that was deposited at "banks" or "Coin houses" if you can understand this principal your half way there, the "gold" or Silver" was deposited and the "Fancy" receipt printed as proof of the gold deposited, in this way you can understand how that receipt was transferred for goods and services as a currency.

now that is called "currency backing" you see the back up for the receipt is the gold or silver that was deposited.

Now that we understand that principal let me show you a really great modern swindle that Central Bankers have been able to cleverly get away with in our modern times:

America or the USA or "The very clever Bankers" in the USA have purposely backed the US currency with something as liquid and finite as OIL believe it or not that is what has happened, if you wish to picture it alternatively picture this:

The "gold" being held as the deposit for the receipt in the vault is "Oil" a resource as I’m sure you know is expendable and with quantity shifting all the time, but nevertheless in high demand.

This sad system relies on the U.S. keeping a monopoly on the sale of Oil in US dollars, the results are what we have seen in the 21st century and into the future:

Let me explain:

When the Oil runs out in the "Vault" the Currency runs out.

When demand for the Oil in the "Vault" expands to the world the currency expands.

If the oil in the "Vault" doubles then so has to the Currency.

lets look at the negative effect(s) of this clever set up for distruction of the U.S. Empire:

What if somehow demand value for the Oil in the "Vault" drastically drops? Well lets look at what would happen if the Demand value for the Gold in the vault drastically dropped

The receipts for the gold would buy less and less, wouldn't they? as the demand or value of the gold in the vault backing the receipts dropped. the effects of inflation would be seen as "price rises" because it takes more units of my receipt(s) to buy the items because the value of the gold has diminished.

ok think about it.

A voice from the back says: Hey wait a minute the Price of Oil has gone UP not DOWN so your contradicting yourself the demand for Oil has never been as great as today!

Very good but let me explain, it's just a little bit more complicated than that but still very simple what is happening is the net "Value" of the Oil dropping "in relation" to the U.S. receipts because they no longer hold a monopoly on the Point of sale. that is to demand that you can only Buy Oil in U.S. Receipts / Dollars only :

Let's explain it a different way : the English "Tally stick" (a stick of wood ) was in high demand and become a currency because it was good for the Payment of Kings taxes (that is where the demand came from! he would only accept these sticks), now what if all of a sudden, the French could carve the sticks and pay English Kings tax now there is suddenly an increase of the currency with these new "French Tallys" and the Original English Tally sticks would be devalued downwards because there would be more currency and less demand, now what if the Germans could also Carve the Sticks the King has lost his monopoly on Carving the sticks and the English Tallys would soon become as worthless as the sticks of wood they are.

You see the Demand for U.S. Dollars is Driven primarily and totally by the fact that Economies Need Oil and To get Oil they then NEED us Receipts / dollars, ok that is the point you need to understand because Oil is as of 2006 NOT sold in any major way in any other currency, only US Dollars:

Do you see where the Demand for U.S. dollars comes from?

What would happen to the demand for US Dollars if Oil is not sold in U.S. receipts/Dollars but some other currency or even just the idea that Oil will not be sold in Dollars becomes the norm and people would Need to move into or possess the NEW currency to gain that oil, the Seller ultimately decides what to demand for the product, If it is ANY Currency at a point then so be it, the counties will not need the mountain of U.S. dollars and start to move away from the U.S. receipts/dollars that they possess, pre-empting that they can purchase Oil in other currencies?

the net effect on that currency backing that oil is increasing worthlessness.

As it has had a massive expansion and a sudden drop in demand, the currency is no longer "Backed" in the individual country that is Purchasing that Oil if that micro economy / nation state moves it's purchase of oil to a different Currency.

What we would find then is a huge inflationary pressure on the U.S. Currency as demand drops for U.S. Backed and sold Oil and demand grows for "Other" currency backed Oil, so... the counties holding dollars sell them into the market to gain the "other" currency to buy oil with.

The inflationary Pressure is Seen to happen that is to say Price rises appear to happen, as The worth of dollars drops as the demand for US sold OIL drops and thus the Market has to many /Dollars they do not want or need..

In that way The Price in U.S. Dollars (a standard the west keeps) of Oil Rises, also look what happens to other U.S. dollar measured commodities they rise also like say, Gold, Silver, copper, etc etc as the U.S. Receipts become more worthless.

All the US Federal Reserve can do is Buy it's own US dollars and prop up the Currency by making the Demand for US treasury Bonds more attractive by lifting the rate of return, that is the Interest rate. This has a negative effect on a micro contained US population in high personal debt and this also hurts Housing prices. What the US empire is facing, is the possible destruction of the US currency. It is a well know fact that it is only the Chinese Purchase of Treasury bonds or Dollars the is keeping this from happening, considering the extra spending for the US Iraq war.

don't take my word for it look it up... type something as simple as "China purchase of US treasuries" in a search engine

So that explains U.S. inflation and why your house price is dropping and the paradox of an economy falling but interest rates climbing.

A Central Bank Symbolised as a Cog

The Central Bank is a Giant cog picture a giant cog in the centre of the country the commercial banks are smaller cogs connected to this central cog as the central cog spins to the right money is expanded into the country the smaller cogs spin at a higher ratio.

if the central cog spins left the money in the country is reduced.

because of Fractional reserves the smaller cogs are all geared at a much higher ratio , picture a smaller cog connected to the large cog, then picture smaller still connected to those.

when the Central Cog turns just slightly to the right money gets pushed out by the higher ratio in the smaller cogs, but then when the (Fed) or (central Bank) (central Cog) wishes to crash or stop the economies expansion it will stop the central cog and turn it to the left (all the outside cogs push money back at the higher ratio) the economy crashes.

Fractional Reserve is the Cog ratio.

Why would the (central Cog) do this well because no one will blame them they will blame the government an that is effective control.

-Theblackbay 05:20, 28 August 2006 (UTC)

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