I am SpooklesMan (also refered to as Spœkles, Spookles the Scary Skeloton, or just HELP ME!!!) and welcome to my User Page.
I joined to show that Wikipedia is reliable (Haha take that Boomers!!!) and also to be able to tell my friends that I am a Wikipedia editor.
What Is Project IWDO?
Independent Wikipedia Defence Organization (IDWO), is an idea for an independent WikiProject that acts similar to the Counter Vandalism Unit (CVU), but uses the IP address of a vandal to prevent disruption on other websites or wikis/fandoms. The process would go something like this: Someone vandalizes an article and either it gets reported by a user or a bot and fixed. Next, an IWDO agent is informed of the vandalism and determines if the vandal is problematic and if not, the agent doesn't do anything. If the vandal is deemed problematic, then the vandal's IP adress is traced to accounts on other sites. Depending on what the vandal vandalized, the admins of the other websites would be informed of their behavior. The admin would then make sure that there wasn't malicious activity on the other site. If there was malicious activity, then the account may be banned. This would definitely decrease vandalism on Wikipedia and even decrease malicious activity on the internet in general. If you want to discuss this, please reach out to me via my talk page.
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