Hello there, My name is Salomeeaalexandru899. But you can call me Alexander Marin.
20 | This user is 20 years, 4 months, and 13 days old. |
 | This user watches videos on YouTube. |
 | This user is sorry for things they have done in the past on Wikipedia, and is determined to make things right. |
| As of March 27, 2025 (2025-03-27), this user is watching 0 pages. |
yy-N | This user is a native xx programmer. |
 | This user has visited Italy. |
0 | This user currently has no spouse. |
0 | This user has no children. |
I believe in freedom of speech, net neutrality (if i live in USA), democracy, capitalism, gay marriage, right to an abortion, free university education, limiting police powers and free healthcare.
I am against racism, antisemitism and fake news.
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