Hello fellow Wikipedians and users of Wikipedia!
My name is SageSolomon! Many just call me Sage. :)
I am from
 | This user is a storm chaser. |
I have never been able to afford college, so I have no degrees. I do, however, have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and am fascinated by the world we live in. As such I am a life long student of many fields. I have a love of politics and geopolitics, theology, geography, astronomy, meteorology, volcanology, etymology, physics, science fiction, high fantasy, folklore, mythology and history (any history, not modern, not medieval, ANY history).
My most valuable skill I would say is my ability of reading and writing. I started reading when I was 4 years old, so I have an excellent grasp of the English language. (I also had some truly amazing English teachers.) I can absorb quite a lot of information in a short time. Research is a passion of mine, along with ability to convey those findings to others. Other skills include categorizing, martial arts and swordsmanship, meteorological storm spotting and out-side-the-box critical thinking.
Passing interests of mine are a long list. Everything from what could be considered factual and based in reality, to fantastical and the whimsy of a child. From supernova to the supernatural, if it is a field that has -ology at the end of it, I just might be into learning more about it. I am well known among family and friends as top tier nerd, having grown up around Star Trek, Star Wars (even studied all seven Forms), and have also played and hosted a number of games of Dungeons & Dragons. :P
AS I am having to take a crash course in CSS coding, (something I have not used in almost a decade), and how much material I am having to go over in WP:Policies and guidelines, my contributions will be minor at first, and I would very much appreciate any fellow Wikipedians assistance or advice from the admins.
My userpage here is probably a fair example of how new I am, and will be revised in time. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to message me on my talk page.
"Knowledge is power, but that power is useless without the wisdom to know how to wield it. And in the end, it does not matter how much power we gather or gain, what matters is what we do with the power that we have."
- Page originally created by SageSolomon (talk) at 02:46, 15 January 2020 (UTC)
 | This user is interested in the belief that there is no light or dark side of the Force, but only a single Unifying Force. |
This user is not what you expect. |  |
 | SageSolomon would like to edit from the ISS (even an old laptop in Kibō would do). |
ST | This user is an expert in Something
 | This user reserves the right to completely screw up his own edits. |
 | This user is against the practice of paid editing on Wikipedia. |
In another 'verse this user would be a Browncoat.
This user has absolutely no life. +
 | This user has a userbox addiction. It is highly suggested that you run while you can. ± |
 | Because of real life, this user will be editing on and off. |
tools | This user reverts vandalism manually, without the help of any tools such as Twinkle. |
no ads | This user is against commercials in Wikipedia. |
 | This user enjoys playing Chess. |
 | This user loves the fjords of Norway. |
Trebuchet | This user has built a Trebuchet and knows that trebuchets are not to be confused with wimpy catapults! |
This user is interested in fantasy.
This user activates the Stargate to invade other planets.
ST | If anyone asks, this user has left the country. |
SCII | This user enjoys playing StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. |
 | This user is interested in Africa. |
 | This user is interested in the Americas. |
 | This user is interested in the Arctic. |
 | This user is interested in Asia. |
 | This user is interested in Eurasia. |
 | This user is interested in Europe. |
 | This user is interested in Oceania. |
HIST | This user is an expert in History. |
 | This user likes foggy days. |
 | This user loves rainy days. |
 | This user is fascinated by tornadoes, and has had an encounter with one - being fortunate enough to survive. |
 | This user knows how to spot the ISS from earth. |
 | This user refers to The Sun by its proper Latin name, Sol. |
 | Don't worry, Pluto, I'm not a planet either. |
 | This user is interested in law. |
This user will get around to being a member of the Wikipedian Procrastination Club
 | This user believes in the right of every human being to have access to Wikipedia. |
 | This user believes that the press is not the enemy. |
strong support/ oppose | This user thinks that strength comes from one's argument. Adding Strong to Support/Oppose doesn't give it any more weight. |
 | This user understands that a republic is a system of law while a democracy is a political system, and that the two are not opposing choices. |
This user ardently opposes all forms of RACISM. |
 | This user doesn't like Nazis. |
 | This user respects the beliefs and religions of others. |
 | This user is interested in occult history. |
 | This user believes in and is fascinated by the paranormal. |
 | This user is a scary Ghost. |
 | This user loves to read. |
 | This user remembers VHS. |  |
This is where I stand. | TODAY |
 | This user has totally not destroyed Wikipedia. |
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