Hello, I am a Senior at Rice University majoring in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. I am minoring in Poverty, Justice, and Human Capabilities.

Last semester I worked on the "Debt bondage" article. Below is my proposal and the outline of the revisions I made.


This semester 2017 I am interested in working on the "Domestic violence in Pakistan" article. To bring this article to a higher level such as a B-class rating, more content is needed that does justice to the issue in adequate coverage of history, incidence, and socio-economic impacts. First, I will be adding an overview section that contains sub-sections of definitions of domestic violence globally and according to the Pakistani government and statistics of incidence. Definitions from Pakistani laws and scholarly review articles will be used. Furthermore, statistics from UN Women will be also be used to highlight the occurrence of domestic violence in Pakistan. Next, a brief history section will be added regarding how the Pakistani government has viewed this issue as one of public or private concern and the history behind related laws. Most importantly, the “Types of abuse” section will highlight the crux of the issue by honing in on abuses specific to Pakistan like honor killing and acid attacks. For this section, I will be primarily using articles that are case studies and review articles. Expansion on this section is necessary to show the wide range of abuses that domestic violence covers. Lastly, three other new sections will be added that cover family dynamics, policy initiatives and support organizations.

Below is a bibliography for each section planned:

References by section

“Overview” section

"Global Database on Violence against Women." Pakistan. Accessed February 04, 2017. http://evaw-global-database.unwomen.org/en/countries/asia/pakistan?formofviolence=fac5fe48636e4d3882bbd2ebbf29bd60.

Qureshi, S. (2012). Legislative Initiative in the Area of Domestic Violence in Pakistan: Gender Approach to the core provisions of the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act 2009. Pakistan Vision, 13(2), 200-223.

Syed, A. G., Shaikh, F. M., Ali Hassan, H., & Abdul Sattar, S. (2013). Domestic violence against women: A case study of Shikapur, Sindh, Pakistan. International Journal Of Business & Public Administration, 10(1), 114-127.

 “History” section

Nasrullah, M., Zakar, R., & Zakar, M. Z. (2014). Child marriage and its associations with controlling behaviors and spousal violence against adolescent and young women in Pakistan. Journal Of Adolescent Health, 55(6), 804-809. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2014.06.013

Zakar, R., Zakar, M., & Abbas, S. (2016). Domestic Violence Against Rural Women in Pakistan: An Issue of Health and Human Rights. Journal Of Family Violence,

“Types of abuse” section

Ayub, M., Mushtaq, I., Mushtaq, S., Hafeez, M. A., Helal, N., Irfan, M., & Naeem, F. (2013). Domestic violence, mental illness and suicidal ideation - A study from Lahore, Pakistan. Journal Of Mental Health, 22(6), 474-481.

Dobson, R. (2009). 'Honour Killings' Are a Public Health Problem for Pakistan. BMJ: British Medical Journal, (7697). 739.

Jamal, A. (2015). Piety, Transgression, and the Feminist Debate on Muslim Women: Resituating the Victim-Subject of Honor-Related Violence from a Transnational Lens. Signs: Journal Of Women In Culture & Society, 41(1), 55-79.

Muhammad, N., Omer, F., Mushtaq, A., & Shah, M. (2012). Honor killing in Pakistan: An Islamic perspective. Asian Social Science, 8(10), 180-185.

Shaikh, M. (2016). Domestic violence in consanguineous marriages — Findings from Pakistan demographic and health survey 2012-13. Journal Of The Pakistan Medical Association, 66(10), 1319-1323.

 “Family dynamics” section

Nasrullah, M., Zakar, R., & Zakar, M. Z. (2014). Child marriage and its associations with controlling behaviors and spousal violence against adolescent and young women in Pakistan. Journal Of Adolescent Health, 55(6), 804-809. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2014.06.013

Vogel, J. (2013). Effective gender-based violence screening tools for use in primary health care settings in Afghanistan and Pakistan: a systematic review. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal = La Revue De Santé De La Méditerranée Orientale = Al-Majallah Al-Ṣiḥḥīyah Li-Sharq Al-Mutawassiṭ, 19(3), 219-226.

“Socioeconomic impacts” section

Chatha, S. A., Ahmad, K., & Sheikh, K. S. (2014). Socio-economic Status and Domestic Violence: A Study on Married Women in Urban Lahore, Pakistan. South Asian Studies (1026-678X), 29(1), 229-237.

Kanwal Aslam, S., Zaheer, S., & Shafique, K. (2015). Is Spousal Violence Being "Vertically Transmitted" through Victims? Findings from the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2012-13. Plos One, 10(6), e0129790. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129790

Zakar, R., Nasrullah, M., Zakar, M. Z., & Ali, H. (2016). Clinical article: The association of intimate partner violence with unintended pregnancy and pregnancy loss in Pakistan. International Journal Of Gynecology And Obstetrics, 13326-31. doi:10.1016/j.ijgo.2015.09.009

 “Policy initiatives” section

Ayub, M., Mushtaq, I., Mushtaq, S., Hafeez, M. A., Helal, N., Irfan, M., & Naeem, F. (2013). Domestic violence, mental illness and suicidal ideation - A study from Lahore, Pakistan. Journal Of Mental Health, 22(6), 474-481.

Qureshi, S. (2012). Legislative Initiative in the Area of Domestic Violence in Pakistan: Gender Approach to the core provisions of the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act 2009. Pakistan Vision, 13(2), 200-223.

 “Support organizations” section

Jamal, A. (2015). Piety, Transgression, and the Feminist Debate on Muslim Women: Resituating the Victim-Subject of Honor-Related Violence from a Transnational Lens. Signs: Journal Of Women In Culture & Society, 41(1), 55-79.

"Stopping Violence against Women NGOs." Violence against women NGOs in Pakistan. Accessed February 04, 2017. http://www.ngos.org.pk/rights/women-violence-ngos.htm.

Syed, A. G., Shaikh, F. M., Ali Hassan, H., & Abdul Sattar, S. (2013). Domestic violence against women: A case study of Shikapur, Sindh, Pakistan. International Journal Of Business & Public Administration, 10(1), 114-127.

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