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/* <nowiki> */
/* Add an editting tab called "ReorgRef" to convert reorganize references */
Simply add ''importScript("User:RossPatterson/Reorganize References.js");'' to your own monobook.js and clear the cache before it will work.
/* Version 1.0 */
var RossPatterson_Reorganize_References = function () {
var _private = {
generatedNameIndex: 0
debugLevel: 0
debug: function(text) {
if (_private.debugLevel > 0) {
reorgRefs: function (articleText, refs) {
_private.debug("reorgRefs: start");
// Match "<ref>...</ref>", "<ref name=x>...</ref>", etc., but not "<ref name=x/>"
var refPat = new RegExp("(<ref[^/>]*>[^<]*</ref\\s*>)", "gi");
var refElements = (articleText.match(refPat));
_private.debug("reorgRefs: Found " + refElements.length + " references");
for (var i=0; i < refElements.length; i++) {
_private.debug("reorgRefs: i=" + i);
_private.debug("reorgRefs: refElements[" + i + "]=" + refElements[i]);
var name = '';
var originalRef=refElements[i];
var refParms=refElements[i].substr(4, refElements[i].indexOf('>') - 4); // "<ref xxxx>yyy" -> " xxxx"
if (refParms != "" && RegExp("\\s+name\\s*=", "i")) != -1) {
// Extract the existing "name=x"
name = refParms.replace(new RegExp("\\s+name\\s*=\\s*([^\\s]*)", "i"), '$1');
_private.debug("reorgRefs: found name=" + name);
} else {
_private.debug("reorgRefs: no name=");
// No "name=x", add one
name = _private.chooseUniqueName(refElements[i], articleText);
refElements[i] = "<ref name=" + name + refElements[i].substr(4); // "<ref xxxx>yyy" -> " <ref name=zzz xxxx>yyy"
_private.debug("reorgRefs: modified refElements[" + i + "]=" + refElements[i]);
articleText = articleText.replace(originalRef, "<ref name=" + name + "/>");
_private.debug("reorgRefs: end");
return articleText;
chooseUniqueName: function (refText, articleText) {
_private.debug("chooseUniqueName: start");
var name='';
// Try to use the parameters of {{cite whatever}} to set the reference name
if ( RegExp("\\{\\{[Cc]ite")) != -1) {
_private.debug("chooseUniqueName: found {{cite");
// Build an array of parameters by name
var temp = refText.substr(refText.indexOf("|")); // "{{cite whatever |aa=bb |cc=dd}}eee" -> "|aa=bb |cc=dd}}eee"
temp = temp.substr(0, temp.indexOf("}}")); // "|aa=bb |cc=dd}}eee" -> "|aa=bb |cc=dd"
var temp2 = temp.split("|"); // "|aa=bb |cc=dd" -> ["aa=bb", "cc=dd"]
var citeParms = new Array();
for (var i=0; i < temp2.length; i++) {
var temp3 = temp2[i].split("="); // "aa=bb" -> ["aa",bb"]
if ((temp2[i] == "") || (temp3[0] == "")) {
citeParms[_private.trim(temp3[0])] = _private.trim(temp3[1]); // citeParams["aa"] = "bb"
// Build the reference name from some of the parameters
if ((citeParms["last1"] != null) && (citeParms["last1"] != "")) {
name = citeParms["last1"]; // Add the last1= value
} else if ((citeParms["last"] != null) && (citeParms["last"] != "")) {
name = citeParms["last"]; // Add the last= value
} else if ((citeParms["author1"] != null) && (citeParms["author1"] != "")) {
name = citeParms["author1"]; // Add the author1= value
} else if ((citeParms["author"] != null) && (citeParms["author"] != "")) {
name = citeParms["author"]; // Add the author= value
} else if ((citeParms["editor1"] != null) && (citeParms["editor1"] != "")) {
name = citeParms["editor1"]; // Add the editor1= value
} else if ((citeParms["editor"] != null) && (citeParms["editor"] != "")) {
name = citeParms["editor"]; // Add the editor= value
} else if ((citeParms["publisher"] != null) && (citeParms["publisher"] != "")) {
name = citeParms["publisher"]; // Add the publisher= value
} else if ((citeParms["title"] != null) && (citeParms["title"] != "")) {
name = citeParms["title"]; // Add the title= value
name = name + " ";
if ((citeParms["date"] != null) && (citeParms["date"] != "")) {
name = name + citeParms["date"]; // Add the date= value
} else if ((citeParms["year"] != null) && (citeParms["year"] != "")) {
name = name + citeParms["year"]; // Add the year= value
name = name.replace(new RegExp("[\\W]+", "g"), " "); // Replace whitespace, specials, ...
name = (_private.trim(name)).replace(new RegExp("[\\s]+", "g"), "_"); // ... with "_"
_private.debug("chooseUniqueName: name=" + name);
if (articleText.indexOf(name) == -1) {
return '"' + name + '"';
_private.debug("chooseUniqueName: name already in use");
// Try to use the URL components to set the reference name
if ( RegExp("^<ref[^/>]*>\\s*\\[\\s*https?:")) != -1) {
_private.debug("chooseUniqueName: found http:");
var URL = (refText.match(new RegExp("https?:[^\\s]*[^?;<\\]]*")))[0]; // "<ref xx>[http://aaa/bbb ccc]</ref>" -> "http://aaa/bbb ccc"
_private.debug("chooseUniqueName: URL=" + URL);
var host = URL.replace(new RegExp("^https?:\\/\\/([^\\/]*)\\/.*$"), '$1'); // Isolate the hostname/IP addr
_private.debug("chooseUniqueName: host=" + host);
var path = URL.replace(new RegExp("^https?:\\/\\/[^\\/]*\\/([^\\s]*).*$"), '$1'); // Isolate the pathname
_private.debug("chooseUniqueName: path=" + path);
var title = URL.replace(new RegExp("^https?:\\/\\/[^\\/]*\\/[^\\s]*\\s+(.*)$"), '$1'); // Isolate the title
_private.debug("chooseUniqueName: title=" + title);
var file= path.replace(new RegExp("^.*([^\\/]*)$"), '$1'); // Isolate the file name from the pathname
_private.debug("chooseUniqueName: file=" + file);
if (host != "") {
name = host;
name = name + " ";
if (title != "") {
name = name + title;
} else if (file != "") {
name = name + file;
} else if (path != "") {
name = name + path;
name = name.replace(new RegExp("[\\W]+", "g"), " "); // Replace whitespace, specials, ...
name = (_private.trim(name)).replace(new RegExp("[\\s]+", "g"), "_"); // ... with "_"
_private.debug("chooseUniqueName: name=" + name);
if (articleText.indexOf(name) == -1) {
return '"' + name + '"';
_private.debug("chooseUniqueName: name already in use");
// Make up a name of our own when all else fails
for (var i=0; i < 20; i++) {
name = '"RRGEN_' + _private.generatedNameIndex++ + '_"';
_private.debug("chooseUniqueName: name=" + name);
if (articleText.indexOf(name) == -1) {
return name;
_private.debug("chooseUniqueName: name already in use");
alert("chooseUniqueName: Unable to generate a unique name for reference: " + refText);
addRefs: function (articleText, refs) {
_private.debug("addRefs: start");
var referencesEndTag = new RegExp("(</references[^>]*>)", "i");
var referencesMinTag = new RegExp("<(references)([^\\/>]*)\\/>", "i");
var reflistWithRefs = new RegExp("(\\{\\{[Rr]eflist[^\\}]*\\s*\\|\\s*refs=)");
var reflistNoRefs = new RegExp("(\\{\\{[Rr]eflist[^}]*)\\}\\}");
if ( != -1) {
// Add our collected refs to the existing <references>...</references>
articleText = articleText.replace(referencesEndTag, refs.join("\n") + "\n$1");
} else if ( != -1) {
// Add our collected refs to the existing {{reflist refs=...}}
articleText = articleText.replace(reflistWithRefs, "$1\n" + refs.join("\n") + "\n");
} else if ( != -1) {
// Expand the references tag and insert our collected refs
articleText = articleText.replace(referencesMinTag, "<$1$2>\n" + refs.join("\n") + "\n</$1>");
} else if ( != -1) {
// Expand the {{reflist}} and include our collected refs
articleText = articleText.replace(reflistNoRefs, "$1 |refs=\n" + refs.join("\n") + "\n}}");
} else {
alert("addRefs: Can't find reference list, adding my own!!!!");
articleText += "<references>\n" + refs.join("\n") + "\n</references>";
_private.debug("addRefs: end");
return articleText;
trim: function (input) {
if (input == null) {
return "";
var start;
var end;
for (start = 0; start < input.length; start++) {
if (input[start] != " ") {
for (end = input.length; end >= 0; end--) {
if (input[end] != " ") {
return input.substr(start, end);
var _public = {
run: function () {
_private.debug("run: start");
var articleTextField = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
var articleText = articleTextField.value;
var refs = new Array();
articleText = _private.reorgRefs(articleText, refs);
articleTextField.value = _private.addRefs(articleText, refs);
// Add a tag to the summary box
var summaryField = document.editform.wpSummary;
var summary = "Reorganize references";
if (summaryField.value.indexOf(summary) == -1) {
// If the summary contains anything other than a section comment, add a separator
if (summaryField.value.match(/[^\*\/\s][^\/\s]?\s*$/)) {
summaryField.value += "; ";
summaryField.value += summary;
// Press the "Show changes" button to let the user see the diffs.
_private.debug("run: end");
initialize: function () {
if (document.forms.editform) {
mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', '',
'RefReorg', 'ca-ref-reorg', 'Reorganize references', '', '');
return _public;
/* </nowiki> */
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