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I'm a user from Thailand. My home town is Nakon Si Thammarat. I lived in Hatyai, Songkhla.
My major interests are Geography, Palaeontology, Zoology and Botany.
Wikipedian since 2005 (as anonymous user).
Prehistoric animal of Thailand
There are several locality:
- Li Mae Long from Northern Thailand
- Khorat Plateau
- Krabi
The Miocene avifauna of the Li Mae Long[1] locality, Thailand
Family: Anhingidae
- a species of anhinga
Family: Ardeidae
- a new species of heron
Family: Phoenicopteridae
- lesser flamingo, Phoeniconaias siamensis Cheneval, Ginsburg, Mourer-Chauvire & Ratanasthien, 1991[1]
Family: Anatidae
- two new species
Family: Phasianidae
- a new species
Family: Rallidae
- three new species
Family: Strigidae
- a new species
- Siamoperadectes minutus gen. et. sp. nov. Ducrocq, Buffetaut, Buffetaut-Tong, Jaeger, Jongkanjanasoontorn & Suteethorn, 1992[2] - Family Didelphidae from Li Mae Long, Middle Miocene, northern Thailand.
- Thaiagymnura equilateralis gen. nov. Mein & Ginsburg, 1997[3]
- Hylomys engesseri
- Neotetracus butleri
- Scapanulus lampounensis
- cf. Mioechinus
shrews, moles and close relatives Family †Plesiosoricidae
- Siamosorex debonisi Peigne, Chaimanee, Yamee, Marandat,Srisuk, & Jaeger, 2009[4]– n.gen., n.sp. from latest Oligocene of Thailand
- Baluchimys krabiense doi:10.1016/S1251-8050(00)01427-0
eight Rodents from Li Mae Long Mein & Ginsburg, 1997[3]
- Ratufa maelongensis
- ?Atlantoxerus sp.
- Diatomys liensis
- Democricetodon kaonou
- Spanocricetodon janvieri
- Prokanisamys benjavuni Mein & Ginsburg, 1997[3]
- Potwarmus thailandicus
- Neocometes orientalis
- Hydromops nonghenensis Legendre, Rich, Rich, Knox, Punyaprasiddhi, Thrumpy, Wehlert & Napawongse, 1988[6] - middle Miocene free-tailed bat from Nong Hen, Phitsanulok Basin
Li Mae Long - a fossil site in Lamphun ProvinceMein & Ginsburg, 1997[3]
- possibly Taphozous sp.
- Megaderma sp.
- Rhinolophus yongyuthsi
- Hipposideros khengkao (Brachipposideros)
- Hipposideros felix
- Ia lanna
- Rhizomops mengraii
- Unidentified Rhinolophoidea
- Unidentified Vespertilionidae
Family Nimravidae[7]
- Nimravus cf. intermedius
- Hoplophoneus sp.
Family Mustelidae
- Siamogale thailandica Ginsburg, Ingavat & Tassy, 1983[8]
Family Amphicyonidae
- Maemohcyon potisati Peignéa, Chaimanee, Yamee & Jaeger, 2006[9]
Artiodactyla: Ruminantia
- Siamotragulus
- Siamotragulus sanyathanai Thomas, Ginsburg, Hintong and Suteethorn, 1990 (middle Miocene) from Lampang
- Siamotragulus haripounchai Mein and Ginsburg, 1997 (Miocene) from Lamphun
- Archaeotragulus[10]
- Archaeotragulus krabiensis Metais, Chaimanee, Jaeger and Ducrocq, 2001 (late Eocene) from Krabi
- Krabitherium
- Krabitherium waileki Metais, Chaimanee, Jaeger and Ducrocq, 2007 (late Eocene) from Krabi
- Stephanocemas rucha[3]
- Homoiodorcas sp.
Artiodactyla: Tayassuidae
- Egutochoerus jaegeri Ducrocq, Chaimanee, Suteethorn & Jaeger, 1994
Artiodactyla: Anthracotheriidae
- Siamotherium krabiense Suteethom et al. 1990 - from the late Eocene of Krabi
- Anthracotherium chaimanei Ducrocq (1995)
- Anthracokeryx thailundicus Ducrocq (1995)
- Bothriogenys orientalis Ducrocq (1995)
- Merycopotamus thachangensis Hanta, Ratanasthien, Kunimatsu, Saegusa, Nakaya, Nagaoka, & Jintasakul, 2008[11] - from the Late Miocene of Nakhon Ratchasima, Northeastern Thailand
Artiodactyla : Suidae
- Conohyus thailandicus
- Tetraconodon sp.[12] - from Tha Chang, Nakhon Ratchasima.
- Hippopotamodon sp. - from Tha Chang, Nakhon Ratchasima.
- Siamochoerus banmarkensis Ducrocq, Chaimanee, Suteethorn & Jaeger, 1998[13]
eBook - ฟอสซิลไพรเมตชั้นสูงในประเทศไทย[14]
Adapiformes, incertae sedis
- Muangthanhinius siami Marivaux, Chaimanee, Tafforeau & Jaeger, 2006 - strepsirrhine primate from the late Eocene of Peninsular Thailand (Krabi Basin)
Family Tarsiidae
Genus Tarsius
- Tarsius thailandica Ginsburg & Mein, 1987[15] - from Early Miocene in northwestern Thailand
- Tarsius sirindhornae Chaimanee, Lebrun, Yamee & Jaeger, 2010[16] - from Middle Miocene Thailand
Family Lorisidae
Family Sivaladapidae
- Siamoadapis maemohensis Chaimanee, Yamee, Tian, Chavasseau & Jaeger 2008 - Adapiform primate from Mae Mo, Lampang, northern Thailand
- Wailekia orientale Ducrocq et al., 1995
Family Amphipithecidae Godinot, 1994
- Siamopithecus eocaenus Chaimanee, Suteethorn, Jaeger & Ducrocq, 1997[17]
Family Hominidae
Genus Khoratpithecus Chaimanee, Suteethorn, Jintasakul, Vidthayanon, Marandat & Jaeger. 2004[18]
- Khoratpithecus chiangmuanensis Chaimanee et al. 2003
- Khoratpithecus piriyai Chaimanee et al. 2004
Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes)
- Family Thaiodontidae Cavin, Suteethorn, Kamha, & Buffetaut, 2008, a new family:
- Thaiodus ruchae Cappetta, Buffetaut & Suteethorn, 1990
- Khoratodus foreyi Cavin, Suteethorn, Kamha, & Buffetaut, 2008
- Parvodus sp.
- Hybodus aequitridentatus Cavin, Suteethorn, Kamha, & Buffetaut, 2008 - Khok Kruat Formation
- Isanodus paladeji Cavin, Suteethorn, Kamha, Buffetaut & Philippe, 2006
- Lonchidion khoratensis Cavin, Suteethorn, 2006[19]
- Acrorhizodus khoratensis
- Heteroptychodus chuvalovi
- Heteroptychodus kokutensis Cuny, Cheychiw, Laojumpon & Lauprasert, 2010
- Heteroptychodus steinmanni
- Mukdahanodus trisivakulii Cuny, Cavin & Suteethorn, 2009 - from the Sao Khua Formation (Lower Cretaceous)
- Lonchidion reesunderwoodi Cuny, Srisuk, Khamha, Suteethorn & Tong, 2009[20] – Khlong Min Formation (Middle Jurassic), southern Thailand
- Belemnobatis aominensis Cuny, Srisuk, Khamha, Suteethorn & Tong, 2009[20] – Khlong Min Formation (Middle Jurassic), southern Thailand
Osteichthyes (bony fishes): Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish)
- Siamamia naga Cavin, Suteethorn, Buffetaut, Claude, Cuny, Le Loeuff & Tong, 2007
- Lepidotes buddhabutrensis
- Isanichthys palustris
'Lake Phetchabun' Locality[21] middle to late Miocene
- Hypsibarbus antiquus Roberts & Jumnongthai, 1999 - Family Cyprinidae
- Mystacoleucus sp. - Family Cyprinidae
- Bangana sp. - Family Cyprinidae
- Proluciosoma pasakensis Roberts & Jumnongthai, 1999 - Family Cyprinidae
- Hemibagrus major - catfish in the family Bagridae
- Leiocassis siamensis - catfish in the family Bagridae
- Cetopangasius chaetobranchus Roberts & Jumnongthai, 1999 - giant catfish in the family Pangasiidae
- Parambassis goliath - Family Ambassidae
- Parambassis paleosiamensis - Family Ambassidae
Osteichthyes (bony fishes): Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fish)
- Ferganoceratodus martini Cavin, Suteethorn, Buffetaut & Tong 2007- lungfish
Shan–Thai or 'Sibumasu' Terrane
- Siamochelys peninsularis Tong, Buffetaut & Suteethorn 2002 - (Middle Jurassic) turtles from southern Thailand
- Mauremys thanhinensis Claude, Suteethorn, & Tong, 2007 - geoemydid turtles from the late Eocene – early Oligocene of Krabi Basin in southern peninsula of Thailand
- Hardella siamensis Claude, Suteethorn, & Tong, 2007[22]
Indochina Terrane
- Basilochelys macrobios Tong, Claude, Naksri, Suteethorn, Buffetaut, Khansubha, Wongko, & Yuangdetkla, 2009 - primitive Trionychoidae from the Phu Kradung Formation (latest Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous) of the Khorat Plateau, Northeastern Thailand
- basal eucryptodiran turtles from the Phu Kradung Formation (?Late Jurassic)
- Isanemys srisuki - the adocid from the Sao Khua Formation (Early Cretaceous)
- Kizylkumemys sp. - the carettochelyid from the Sao Khua Formation (Early Cretaceous)
- undetermined Trionychoidea from the Sao Khua Formation (Early Cretaceous)
- Kizylkumemys khoratensis - the carettochelyid from the Khok Kruat Formation (Aptian)
- Shachemys sp. - the adocid from the Khok Kruat Formation (Aptian)
Waiting list
- Naksri, W., Thirakhupt, K., Lauprasert, K., Suteethorn, V., Jintasakul, P., Tong, H., and Claude, J. 2010. Neogene giant tortoise from Tha Chang sandpit, Nakhon Ratchasima province, Thailand. in Somana, R. et. al (eds.), Programme and Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Palaeontology of Southeast Asia (ICPSEA 2010), 1-5 November 2010, Mahasarakham University, Thailand (http://www.khoratfossil.org/museum/download/abstracs/stegodontid%20Y%208.pdf)
- Goniopholis phuwiangensis Buffetaut & Ingavat, 1983
- Siamosuchus phuphokensis Lauprasert, Cuny, Buffetaut, Suteethorn & Thirakhupt, 2007
- Khoratosuchus jintasakuli Lauprasert, Cuny, Thirakhupt & Suteethorn, 2009
- Krabisuchus siamogallicus Martin & Lauprasert, 2010
- Theriosuchus grandinaris Lauprasert, Laojumpon, Saenphala, Cuny, Thirakhupt & Suteethorn
- Siamosaurus suteethorni Buffetaut & Ingavat, R. 1986 - the first theropod dinosaur from Thailand, with 'semiaquatic'[23] lifestyle
- Psittacosaurus sattayaraki Buffetaut& Suteethorn, 1992
- Phuwiangosaurus sirindhornae Buffetaut & Suteethorn, 1994
- Isanosaurus attavipachi Buffetaut, Suteethorn, Cuny, Tong, Le Loeuff, Khansubha, & Jongautchariyakul, 2000
- Kinnareemimus khonkaenensis Buffetaut, Suteethorn & Tong, 2009
- Siamodon nimngami Buffetaut & Suteethorn, 2011
Neogene: Miocene
Mae Long fauna[24]
Pisces: Osteichthyes
- Cyprindae indet.
- Siluridae indet.
- Percidae indet.
- Testudinata: Emydidae indet.
- Lacertilia indet.
- Serpentes: Viperidae indet.
- Ardeidae: Proardeola walkeri Harrison, 1979
- Phoenicopteridae: Phoeniconaias siamensis Cheneval, Ginsburg, Mourer-Chauvire & Ratanasthien, 1991[1], Lesser Flamingo (Phoenicopterus)
- Anatidae indet. I and 2
- Rallidae: Paraortygometra porzanoides (Milne-Edwards, 1867-1871)
- Marsupialia -- Didelphidae: Siamoperadectes minutus Ducrocq, Buffetaut, Buffetaut-Tong, Jaeger, Jongkanjanasoontorn & Suteethorn, 1992[24]
- Insectivora indet.
- Chiroptera:
- Hipposideridae indet.
- Vespertilionidae indet.
- Molossidae indet.
- Primates
- Tarsiidae: Tarsius thailandica Ginsburg et Mein, 1987
- Rodentia
- Sciuridae: ?Atlantoxerus
- Sciuridae: Ratufa maelongensis Mein et al., 1990
- Platacanthomyidae: Neocometes orientalis Mein et al., 1990
- Cricetodontidae: Spanocricetodon kahni de Bruijn et al., 1981
- Cricetodontidae: Spanocricetodon sp.
- Cricetodontidae: Democricetodon sp.
- Muridae: Potwarmus thailandicus (Jaeger et al., 1985)
- Rhizomyidae: Prokanisamys benjavuni (Mein et Ginsburg, 1985)
- Pedetidae: Diatomys liensis Mein et Ginsburg, 1985
- Pedetidae: Diatomys sp.
- Artiodactylia
- Cervidae: Stephanocemas rucha Ginsburg et Ukkakimapan, 1983
- Proboscidea
- Mastodon indet.
List of articles that I have created
- Siamamia
- Argostemma
- Vanilla aphylla
- Vanilla pilifera
- Pseudophilautus
- Pseudocalotes khaonanensis
- Khoratpithecus
- Coelodonta thibetana
- Kyphosichthys
- ^ a b c Cheneval, J., Ginsburg, L., Mourer-Chauvire, C. and Ratanasthien, B. (1991). "The Miocene avifauna of the Li Mae Long locality, Thailand: systematics and paleoecology". Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences. 6 (2): 117–126. doi:10.1016/0743-9547(91)90103-5. JSTOR 4523461.
{{cite journal}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) - ^ Ducrocq, S., Buffetaut, E., Buffetaut-Tong, H., Jaeger, J.-J., Jongkanjanasoontorn, Y. and Suteethorn, S. (1992). "First Fossil [[Marsupial]] from South Asia". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 12 (3): 395–399. doi:10.1080/02724634.1992.10011468. JSTOR 4523461.
{{cite journal}}
: URL–wikilink conflict (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) - ^ a b c d e Mein, P. and Ginsburg, L. 1997. Les mammifères du gisement miocène inférieur de Li Mae Long, Thaïlande : systématique, biostratigraphie et paléoenvironnement. Geodiversitas 19(4):783–844 (in French). Abstract in French and English.
- ^ Peigne, S., Chaimanee, Y., Yamee, C., Marandat, B., Srisuk, P. and Jaeger, J.-J. (2009). "An astonishing example of convergent evolution towardcarnivory: Siamosorex debonisi n.gen., n.sp. (Mammalia, Lipotypha, Soricomorpha, Plesiosoricidae) from the latest Oligocene of Thailand" (PDF). Geodiversitas . 31 (4): 973–992. doi:10.5252/g2009n4a973.
{{cite journal}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) - ^ >Marivaux, L., L. Bocat, Y. Chaimanee, J.-J. Jaeger, B. Marandat, P. Srisuk, P. Tafforeau, C. Yamee, and J.-L. Welcomme (2006). "Cynocephalid dermopterans from the Palaeogene of South Asia (Thailand, Myanmar and Pakistan): systematic, evolutionary and palaeobiogeographic implications". Zoologica Scripta. 35 (4): 395–420. doi:10.1111/j.1463-6409.2006.00235.x.
{{cite journal}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) - ^ S. Legendre, T. H. V. Rich, P. V. Rich, G. J. Knox, P. Punyaprasiddhi, D. M. Trümpy , J. Wahlert and P. Napawongse Newman, 1988. Miocene Fossil Vertebrates from the Nong Hen-I(A) Exploration Well of Thai Shell Exploration and Production Company Limited, Phitsanulok Basin, Thailand. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 8: 278-289
- ^ Peignéa, S., Chaimanee, Y., Jaeger, J.-J., Suteethorn, S. and Ducrocq, S. 2000. Eocene nimravid carnivorans from Thailand. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 20(1):157-163 http://dx.doi.org/10.1671/0272-4634(2000)020[0157:ENCFT]2.0.CO;2
- ^ Ginsburg, L., Ingavat, R. and Tassy, P. 1983. Siamogale thailandica, nouveau Mustelidae (Carnivora, Mammalia) néogène du Sud-Est asiatique. Bull. Soc. Géol. France. 25:953–956.
- ^ Peignéa, S., Chaimanee, Y., Yamee, C., and Jaeger, J.-J. 2006. A new amphicyonid (Mammalia, Carnivora, Amphicyonidae) from the late middle Miocene of northern Thailand and a review of the amphicyonine record in Asia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 26: 519-532.
- ^ Métais, G., Chaimanee, Y., Jaeger, J.-J. & Ducrocq, S. 2001. New remains of primitive ruminants from Thailand: evidence of the early evolution of the Ruminantia in Asia. Zoologica Scripta. 30, 231-248. http://www.thaiscience.info/Article%20for%20ThaiScience/Article/5/Ts-5%20new%20remains%20of%20primitive%20ruminants%20from%20thailand%20evidence%20of%20the%20early%20evolution%20of%20the%20ruminantia%20in%20asia.pdf
- ^ Hanta, R., Ratanasthien, B., Kunimatsu, Y., Saegusa, H., Nakaya, H., Nagaoka, S. and Jintasakul, S. (2008). "A New Species of Bothriodontinae, Merycopotamus thachangensis (Cetartiodactyla, Anthracotheriidae) from the Late Miocene of Nakhon Ratchasima, Northeastern Thailand". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 28 (4): 1182–1188. doi:10.1671/0272-4634-28.4.1182.
{{cite journal}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) - ^ Hanta, R., Kunimatsu, Y., Ratanasthien, B., Jintasakul, P., and Vidthayanon, C. (2010). "Neogene Suidae of Thailand" (PDF). In Somana, R. Et. Al (Eds.), Programme and Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Palaeontology of Southeast Asia (ICPSEA 2010), 1-5 November 2010, Mahasarakham University, Thailand.
{{cite journal}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) - ^ Ducrocq, S., Y. Chaimanee, V. Suteethorn, and J-J. Jaeger. 1998. The earliest known pig from the upper Eocene of Thailand. Palaeontology 41:147–156. http://palaeontology.palass-pubs.org/pdf/Vol%2041/Pages%20147-156.pdf
- ^ ชัยมณี, เยาวลักษณ์ (2546). ฟอสซิลไพรเมตชั้นสูงในประเทศไทย (PDF). กรมทรัพยากรธรณี.
{{cite book}}
: Check date values in:|year=
(help) - ^ Ginsburg, L. and Mein, P. 1987. Tarsius thailandica nov. sp., premier Tarsiidae (Primates, Mammalia) fossile d'Asie. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. 304:1213–1215.
- ^ Chiamanee, Y., Lebrun, R., Yamee, C., and Jaeger, J.-J. (2010). "A new Middle Miocene tarsier from Thailand and the reconstruction of its orbital morphology using a geometric–morphometric method". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 278 (1714): 1956–1963. doi:10.1098/rspb.2010.2062. PMC 3107645. PMID 21123264.
{{cite journal}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) 2 - ^ Chaimanee, Y., V. Suteethorn, J-J. Jaeger, and S. Ducrocq. 1997. A new Late Eocene anthropoid primate from Thailand. Nature 385:429–431.
- ^ Chaimanee, Y., Suteethorn, V., Jintasakul, P., Vidthayanon, C., Marandat, B. and Jaeger, J-J. 2004. A new orang-utan relative from the Late Miocene of Thailand. Nature. 427:439–441. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v427/n6973/full/nature02245.html?free=2
- ^ Cuny, G., Suteethorn, V. et al. 2006. A new hybodont shark assemblage from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand. Historical Biology: A Journal of Paleobiology. 18: 21-31.
- ^ a b Cuny, G., Srisuk, P., Khamha, S., Suteethorn, V. and Tong, H. (2009). [sp.lyellcollection.org/content/315/1/97.abstract "A new elasmobranch fauna from the Middle Jurassic of southern Thailand"]. Geological Society, London, Special Publications. 315: 97–113. doi:10.1144/SP315.8 (inactive 2023-08-02).
{{cite journal}}
: Check|url=
value (help); zero width space character in|doi=
at position 9 (help)CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of August 2023 (link) CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) - ^ Roberts, T.R. and Jumnongthai, J. 1999. Miocene fishes from Lake Phetchabun in North- central Thailand, with descriptions of new taxa of Cyprinidae, Pangasiidae and Chandidae. Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 47: 153-189." http://www.nakornban.net/makamhwan/fossil.htm http://www.pantown.com/board.php?id=52308&area=4&name=board1&topic=1&action=view
- ^ Claude, J., Suteethorn, V. and Tong, H. 2007. Turtles from the late Eocene – early Oligocene of the Krabi Basin (Thailand). Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France. 178(4):305-316 http://dx.doi.org/10.2113/gssgfbull.178.4.305
- ^ Amiot, Romain; Buffetaut, Eric; Lécuyer, Christophe; Wang, Xu; Boudad, Larbi; Ding, Zhongli; Fourel, François; Hutt, Steven; Martineau, François; Medeiros, Manuel Alfredo; Mo, Jinyou; Simon, Laurent; Suteethorn, Varavudh; Sweetman, Steven; Tong, Haiyan; Zhang, Fusong; Zhou, Zhonghe (2010). "Oxygen isotope evidence for semi-aquatic habits among spinosaurid theropods". Geology. 38 (2): 139–142. doi:10.1130/G30402.1.
{{cite journal}}
: CS1 maint: date and year (link) - ^ a b Ducrocq, S., Buffetaut, E., Buffetaut-Tong, H., Jaeger, J.-J., Jongkanjanasoontorn, Y. and Suteethorn, S. (1992). "First Fossil [[Marsupial]] from South Asia". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 12 (3): 395–399. doi:10.1080/02724634.1992.10011468. JSTOR 4523461.
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: URL–wikilink conflict (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
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