- Reformat titles and linkify Directors Label
- Added Greatest Hits Special external links to Björk song pages
Template for music samples
- format - vorbis, ogg, mp3, none
- length - time, size, both, none
- icon -
- linktext/description - "download sample", "SAMPLE", "listen", "Clip"
- misc - "file info", "media help"
- position - inline article, inline track listing, side/infobox, section
- section heading: Sample, Music Samples, Audio samples, Selected samples
Existing templates:
- {{Listen}}, meant to be used for audio files set off from the text, like music clips or sound recordings
- {{Audio}}, a variant of this template meant more for inline sounds like pronunciations.
- {{Multi-listen start}}, {{Multi-listen item}}, and {{Multi-listen end}}, to link to multiple audio files.
- The_Dark_Side_of_the_Moon - inline track listing
- Pink Floyd - inline article, {{Audio}}
- Simon_and_Garfunkel - custom infobox
- I_Wish_It_Would_Rain - section, {{listen}}
- Rhythm of Love (Kylie Minogue album) - inline track listing
- Jackson_5_discography - inline discography, {{audio}}
- Samples_of_music_from_the_United_States - "Download sample"/"Download music"
- The_Temptations - inline discography, {{audio}} as well as section, {{listen}}
- Boards of Canada - section
Cultural references section
- Cultural allusions - The Flying Dutchman
- Popular culture - Land of Nod, Steve Wozniak
- Cultural refernces
- XXX in popular culture
- References in popular culture
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