I don't consider a bulleted list a timeline. It's a list, not a line! I thought a fancy wikitable might do the job, but I just discovered EasyTimeline.
Takes up more space than the bulleted list it replaced
Timeline: Australian history in the 1990s
Hawke is replaced by Paul Keating
Prominent heart surgeon Victor Chang is gunned down
Seven people die in the Strathfield massacre
The Coode Island chemical storage facility in Melbourne explodes, leaving a toxic cloud hanging over the city for days
The Sydney Harbour Tunnel opens
New South Wales Premier Nick Greiner resigns after a corruption inquiry finds against him
The High Court delivers the Mabo Decision, which rules that indigenous native title does exist. This effectively extinguishes the concept of terra nullius.
Keating defeats John Hewson in an election that had been widely described as being "unwinnable" for him; the Australian Greens stand candidates for the first time
The Northern Territory legalises voluntary euthanasia, but it is overruled by the federal government when Liberal MP Kevin Andrews proposes the Andrews Bill
The High Court hands down the Wik Decision, which holds that indigenous native title can survive the granting of pastoral leases.
All Australian states and territories agree to introduce uniform gun laws following the deaths of 35 people in the Port Arthur Massacre
Liberal John Howard becomes Prime Minister, defeating Paul Keating after a record 13 years of Labor government
Expelled Liberal MP Pauline Hanson forms the One Nation Party
Eighteen people die when the Bimbadene and Carinya Lodges collapse at Thredbo Alpine Village at 11.30pm on 30 July
A major strike results when Patrick Stevedores attempt to introduce non-union labour to reduce the influence of the Maritime Union of Australia
The Australian Stock Exchange is demutualised and floated as a public company, becoming the world’s first stock exchange to be listed on an exchange.
Both houses of the federal parliament pass a motion signifying both recognition of and regret at past treatment of indigenous Australians.
Australian soldiers are deployed to East Timor as part of the INTERFET peacekeeping force
A referendum on changing to a republic is unsuccessful
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