Hi, Wikipedia; I'm Mark.

Given my U.S. military and law enforcement (LE) background, I mainly edit and/or contribute to military and LE pages. I consider myself an amateur military historian, semi-professional law enforcement historian, amateur hopologist, and amateur phalerist. My focus is on military aviation, especially. I also enjoy alternate history novels, video games, working out, and... that’s about it.

I'm from New England.

I'm a former USAF SOWT and current civilian law enforcement officer.

Article ideas (article titles are work-in-progress)
· AN/ASQ-239 Barracuda
· Boston School Police (I kind of did it, here)
· Hospital police
· Marineküstenpolizei
· St. Paul Pioneer Guard
· Super-heavy armor-piercing shell (briefly discussed here; Otherwise, I have begun working on it here)
· Vermont Capital Police

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