Indian WikipedianThis user is an Indian Wikipedian.
mrया व्यक्तीची मातृभाषा मराठी आहे.
hi-4इस उपयोगकर्ता को हिन्दी भाषा का लगभग मातृभाषिक स्तर पर ज्ञान है।


Thanks for having a look at my page.
Wikipedia is an Ocean of Knowldege and I am eager to contribute a drop in it

About Me

My name is Kanchan and I hail from Mumbai (formerly Bombay). I am an IT professional currently working in Navi Mumbai.


Anything that adds to my knowledge, be it history, geography, sciences, people, places, automobiles, computers, ...... (I will add rest of the stuff later on)

My Contributions

Just getting started.

Task Lists


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