Hello to my fellow Wikipedians, I am a longtime user and lover of Wikipedia and learning. As an undergraduate college student living in the United States of America, my strengths and primary intrests concerning Wikipedia and its improvement are:

  • History, especially Andean history, Mesoamerican history, Mesopotamian history, and to a much lesser extent modern world history, along with a strong grasp of and passion for Ancient History as a whole.
  • Linguistics. Though I am not a proffessional linguist, but I have studied very extensively on linguistics independently of formal schooling. Furthermore, I have taken a linguistics course at my aforementioned community college. Anyway, my primary interests and strengths in this area are in the study of writing systems (of which I know several); classical languages in general, but particularly Classical (and contemporary) Quechua, Middle Egyptian, Classical Sumerian and Classical Chinese, each of which I consider myself to have a good understanding of the general grammatical structure of; and the study of language grammars in general.
  • Agriculture and agronomy, as a whole. Principally, I am interested in sustainable agriculture and agronomy and the use of science and industrialization to aid poor people, countries and areas.
  • Economics; however, I have highly heterodox views.
  • Space exploration, space advocacy and space science as a whole. I consider myself fairly knowledgeable on the Gallilean moons, Titan, Enceledus and I am currently reading up on Triton.
  • Ichthyology. I feel that I am knowledgeable in terms of the human uses of fish, and I have acceptable grasp of other aspects of the science as well. I am an aquarist by hobby.

Finally, I hope that I can and will be of the best possible service to Wikipedia and in the spreading of human knowledge.

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