Basically no content
Wentworth Springs, California — cited Waring
Alder Springs, Fresno County, California — not in Waring, Waring p.359 has Alder in Glenn , needs further attention
Old resort, decent coverage in old newspapers, likely notable
Big Springs, California — cited Waring, gets half a sentence in Waring because Big Spring is part of a pair with Little Spring, more attention required
Not much here on topos, but a decent amount of coverage for a Big Springs PTA, a Big Springs 4H club, and the "Big Springs-Mayten district". Needs more attention
Bonanza Springs, California (AfD discussion ) — cited Waring
Castle Rock Springs, California — not in Waring, Waring p.226 has Castle Rock springs in Shasta , needs further attention
Cottage Springs, California — cited Waring, gets 1 sentence and another sentence describes a second Cottage Spring, more attention required
Duncan Springs, California — cited Waring
Etheda Springs, California — not in Waring
Old resort, not much coverage, so Etheda Springs, California (AfD discussion )
Ettawa Springs, California — not in Waring
Old resort, not much coverage, possibly NN Ettawa Springs, California (AfD discussion )
Flinn Springs, California — not in Waring
Granite Springs, California — not in Waring, Waring only has a Granite Spring in San Bernadino, with a 1 sentence mention
Howard Springs, California — cited Waring, Waring names individual springs in the set here
Indian Springs, Los Angeles County, California — Waring only has one in Kern (p.318) and San Diego (p.350) and a 1 sentence mentions of one near Nevada City and one near Daggett
Indian Springs, Madera County, California — as above
Indian Springs, Mendocino County, California — as above
Appears to be either an old resort ranch or a modern Forest Service campsite. Needs more attention.
Kane Spring, California — cited Waring
Kilaga Springs, California — not in Waring
Likely mining-related. 1954 Gold Hill 1:24000 topographic map shows three mine entrances and two mine shafts here with no buildings.
Mark West Springs, California — cited Waring
Napa Soda Springs, California — cited Waring
Newman Springs, California — cited Waring
Parramore Springs, California — cited Waring
Seminole Hot Springs, California — not in Waring
Sierra Springs, California — not in Waring
Appears to be modern suburban sprawl.
Soda Springs (near Boonville), Mendocino County, California — cited Waring, bad article title as there are multiple Soda Springs, (identified in Waring as Singleys), more attention required
Soda Springs (near Burbeck), Mendocino County, California — of the many Soda Springs in Waring, none are in Mendocino
Possibly associated with the California Western RR
Soda Springs, Placer County, California — cited Waring
Vichy Springs, Napa County, California (some content, but it is all about the surrounding area and is not specific to this place, including the zip code) — Waring has the spring, but no mention of a settlement of any kind, cleanup required
Whiskey Springs, California — not in Waring
Old Forest Service/CCC fire suppression camp. Expanded a little, needs further attention.
Willow Springs, Mono County, California — only major Willow Springs in Waring are in Kern, and I cannot correlate any of the 1 sentence mentions with this
Varying degrees of content
Falling Springs, California — not in Waring
Fountain Springs, California — cited Waring, but seems to be mixing several things together, needs further attention
Indian Springs, Nevada County, California — cited Waring
Rubicon Springs, California — cited Waring
Witter Springs, California — cited Waring
Aetna Springs, California — not in Waring
Alder Springs, Glenn County, California — cited Waring
Anderson Springs, California — cited Waring, ridiculously unbalanced, more here about a fire than about the history, some of which is in Waring
Bartlett Springs, California — cited Waring
Bell Springs, California — Waring has half a sentence on this (p.369), but the article claims a town
Benton Hot Springs, California — possibly the same subject as Benton, California , needs further attention
Weird case. The springs and the current site of Benton are a few miles apart. Benton Hot Springs represents the development at the springs, while Benton, California is a modern town that grew up around a railroad station. Likely different topics. Both seem to have been known just as "Benton" at some point, and our articles appear to be conflating certain elements of each. Hog Farm Talk 16:10, 6 April 2021 (UTC)
Box Springs, California — cited Waring
Campbell Hot Springs, California (didn't realize "clothing optional" and "family-friendly" went together) — cited Waring
Casitas Springs, California — not in Waring
Deep Springs, California — cited Waring, confusion about town and springs, needs further attention
Fish Springs, California — cited Waring, seems to be a conflation with a nearby town, needs further attention
Fouts Springs, California — cited Waring
Halloran Springs, California (content is unsourced, added by IPs, and possibly dubious) — cited Waring and removed content based upon misconception that this is a town
Harbin Springs, California — cited Waring significant scope for expansion from Waring alone here if anyone wants to do it
Highland Springs, Lake County, California — cited Waring
Hough Springs, California — cited Waring
Mendenhall Springs, California — cited Waring
Miracle Hot Springs, California — not in Waring
Newberry Springs, California — cited Waring
North Palm Springs, California — not in Waring
Not a spring site, appears to be outgrowth from Palm Springs, California and named after that place.
Orrs Springs, California &mdash cited Waring
Saratoga Springs, California — cited Waring
Seigler Springs, California — cited Waring
Soda Springs, Nevada County, California — not in Waring, by any of the various names
CDP, should be fine.
Vichy Springs, Mendocino County, California — cited Waring
Warner Springs, California — cited Waring
Wheeler Springs, California — cited Waring, needs book citations merging with {{ sfn }} but that is not our immediate problem
Willow Springs, Kern County, California — cited Waring
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