Hksky is a form 4 (grade 10) student from Hong Kong.
Hksky studies science and liguistics, and is a fanatic of Computer Programming and Mathematics. He is a member of the HKOI training team. He is also a representative of the Hong Kong Team in various Mathematics Olympiads, including the China Southeastern Mathematical Olympiad, China National Junior Secondary School Mathematical Olympiad and Asia Intercities Teenagers Mathematics Olympiad.
Dictation Passage
The other evening I thought I was dog food when I inadvertently slipped down a dimly lit side street. The place was illuminated by nothing more than shards of moonlight. I ran straight into the firing line of two semi-wild dogs who sprang up on all fours and machine-gunned some serious woofs at me.
Naturally, I took a few steps back and, luckily for me, I found that each was chained to a stout post. The dogs seemed desperate to strangle themselves as they lunged at what they thought was a 2m-tall, curly-haired cat.
Hksky study
I'm quite interested in science (especially in Mathematics and Computer Programming) and linguistics. Specific learning fields include mathematics, linguistics and computer programming.
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