Strong opinions, weakly held.
 | "You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche |
 | "What is right is not always popular, what is popular is not always right." ~ Albert Einstein |
 | "Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself." ~ Groucho Marx |
Globus | This user does not believe in borders, and is a World citizen. |
 | This user has lived in Poland. |
you one | This user knows that one should not use "you" in encyclopedia articles or other formal works. |
Oh shit! | This user thinks profanity does not exist. They believe that such words are the same as any other words and should be treated as such. |
a lot alot | This user recognizes that linguistic change is a natural and desirable aspect of human language. |
 | This user has left the planet Earth 0 times. |
 | This user believes that Mars had water on its surface in the past. |
 | This user likes to sleep. |
BLACK | This user loves Black |
 | This user is very fond of the color green (but doesn't have just one favorite colour). |
 | This User loves the blue skies smiling at the User. :) |
This user likes all of the colors.
 | This user dreams in color. |
🦆 | A duck walked up to a lemonade stand...  |  |
This user will never give you up, let you down, run around or desert you. |
 | This user supports the legalisation of cannabis. |
 | This user believes that the responsible use of cannabidiol should not be restricted. |
 | This user recognizes that the War on Drugs is racially motivated. |
 | This user abstains from all forms of tobacco. |
MBTI | This user took different MBTI tests and discovered that they had multiple personalities, so they're a bit confused. |
:-/ | This user is a sceptic, even with regard to this userbox. |
This user enjoys reading anything.
 | This user believes in the bright future AI and robotics will bring |
 | This user is head-over-heels in love. |
 | This user knows that the answer is 42. |
This user supports the reunification, return of all Cypriot refugees and withdrawal of all foreign troops, British, Turkish and Greek, from Cyprus.
{User:Rursus/UBX/Philosophical Investigations}}
 | This user believes that all human interaction should be voluntary. |
 | This user is interested in Utilitarianism, the belief that a moral action is one which increases the total happiness of humanity. |
 | This user strives to be unfair against unfounded myth and unbalanced in service of the truth. |
 | This user is a free spirit: goes with the wind~ |
 | This user doesn't invoke conspiracy as explanation, when ignorance and incompetence will suffice. |
This user believes that one should never stop feeding one's brain. |
 | This user loves libraries and appreciates librarians |
 | This user is an autodidact in a wide range of subjects they never took in school or university. |
🤔📚 | HeyTomek is/was a member of a knowledge quizzing team. |
1sex | This user went to a single sex secondary school. |
 | This user likes trains. |
 | This user would like to bring humans back to the Moon. |
 | This user survived an infection of COVID-19. |
 | This user supports the growth and production of hemp. |
 | This user has an innie navel. |
Allergies | This user does not have any allergies! Yay! |
*.* | This user has ADOS, Attention Deficit OOH Shiny |
SAY NO TO POLICE BRUTALITY | This user opposes police brutality |
This user doesn't care what your "ancestries" are; this user likes people for what they are and not because of a place of birth!
 | This user wishes the dodo wasn't extinct. |
 | This user likes cats. |
 | This user likes dogs. |
 | This user loves a good cup of tea. |
 | This user likes Rice. |
 | This user eats Figs. |
 | If they had their little way, this user would eat peaches every day. |
 | This user enjoys eating corn. |
 | This user loves the many varieties of capsicum. |
 | This user enjoys sampling cuisines from all over the world. |
 | This user enjoys going to the sauna. |
I think it's David... | This user enjoys playing Guess Who?. |
Monopoly | This user enjoys playing Monopoly. |
 | This user likes to play Uno. |
Mac | This user contributes using a Macintosh computer. |
 | This user contributes using an Apple computer with the M1 chip. |
 | This user prefers Mac. |
LaTeX | This user can typeset using LaTeX. |
.me | This user has an email account with their own domain name. |
 | This user explores the universe with Celestia. |
 | This user uses LaTeX and admires its power. |
 | This user knows just enough about computers to be dangerous. |
 | This user believes in freedom of all types of information for all. |
 | This user is using a firewall to protect their computer. |
 | This user is against DRM. |
 | This user enjoys watching pointless animations. |
 | Go slowly insane as you sit and stare... |
 | This user is an ape |
 | This user thinks brain is superior to heart. |  |
 | This user is interested in biology. |
 | This user is interested in logic. |
 | This user knows by heart an unspecified number of digits in the decimal representation of pi. |
 | This user is interested in physics. |
This user is interested in Botany.
 | This user enjoys the subject of Design. |
 | This user likes all types of music. |
PUBG | This user plays PUBG. |
 | This user believes that video games are not as dangerous as parental ignorance of the rating system. |
 | This user understands the science behind climate change and makes efforts to mitigate the problem. |
 | This user composts waste whenever possible. |
 | This user loves the environment and wants to protect it. |
 | This user is interested in Taoism. |
K | This user uses the Kelvin scale, because 0K is much cooler than −273.15°C or −459.67°F. |
:( | This user wishes there were more userboxes on Wikipedia. |
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