Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// <nowiki>
// InvestorGoat, a suite of CheckUser tools.
// Parts taken from
/* global mw, $, UAParser */
$(async function ($) {
if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') && mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName').startsWith('CheckUser')) {
await mw.loader.using('mediawiki.util')
const InvestorGoatwmbApiKey = mw.user.options.get('userjs-wmbkey')
const InvestorGoatUAMap = new Map()
let InvestorGoatCompareTarget = null
async function InvestorGoatPrepUAs () {
await mw.loader.getScript('')
$('.mw-checkuser-agent').each(async function () {
const $el = $(this)
const ua = $el.text()
// Add indicators
$('<span>').addClass('InvestorGoat-device').text('DEV').css({ margin: '2px', 'user-select': 'none' }).appendTo($el.parent())
$('<span>').addClass('InvestorGoat-OS').text('OS').css({ margin: '2px', 'user-select': 'none' }).appendTo($el.parent())
$('<span>').addClass('InvestorGoat-browser').text('BR').css({ margin: '2px', 'user-select': 'none' }).appendTo($el.parent())
if (InvestorGoatwmbApiKey) {
if (!InvestorGoatUAMap.has(ua)) {
InvestorGoatUAMap.set(ua, null)
} else {
const parser = new UAParser()
if (!InvestorGoatUAMap.has(ua)) {
const uaObj = parser.getResult()
InvestorGoatUAMap.set(ua, uaObj)
// Set up dummy link
const $link = $('<a>').attr('href', '#').on('click', InvestorGoatUAClicked)
if (InvestorGoatwmbApiKey && InvestorGoatUAMap.size > 0) {
// Do a batch query if we're using the WhatIsMyBrowser API
const query = {}
query.user_agents = {}
query.parse_options = {
return_metadata_for_useragent: true
for (const [key, _] of InvestorGoatUAMap.entries()) {
query.user_agents[key] = key
const result = await $.ajax({
type: 'post',
url: '',
data: JSON.stringify(query),
headers: {
'x-api-key': InvestorGoatwmbApiKey
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(result.parses)) {
InvestorGoatUAMap.set(key, value)
// Flag interesting results
$('.mw-checkuser-agent').each(async function () {
const $el = $(this)
const ua = $el.text()
const val = InvestorGoatUAMap.get(ua)
// Add indicators
$('<span>').addClass('InvestorGoat-seen').text('#️⃣').css({ margin: '2px', 'user-select': 'none' })
.attr('title', `Estimated popularity: ${Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log10(val.user_agent_metadata.times_seen))).toLocaleString()}s`).appendTo($el.parent().parent())
if (val.parse.is_weird) {
$('<span>').addClass('InvestorGoat-weird').text('❓').css({ margin: '2px', 'user-select': 'none' })
.attr('title', `UA flagged as weird: ${val.parse.is_weird_reason_code}`).appendTo($el.parent().parent())
if (val.parse.is_abusive) {
$('<span>').addClass('InvestorGoat-abusive').text('‼️').css({ margin: '2px', 'user-select': 'none' })
.attr('title', 'UA flagged as abusive').appendTo($el.parent().parent())
if (val.parse.is_spam) {
$('<span>').addClass('InvestorGoat-spam').text('🥫').css({ margin: '2px', 'user-select': 'none' })
.attr('title', 'UA flagged as spam').appendTo($el.parent().parent())
if (val.parse.is_restricted) {
$('<span>').addClass('InvestorGoat-restricted').text('🛑').css({ margin: '2px', 'user-select': 'none' })
.attr('title', 'UA flagged as restricted').appendTo($el.parent().parent())
if (val.parse.software_type === 'bot') {
$('<span>').addClass('InvestorGoat-bot').text('🤖').css({ margin: '2px', 'user-select': 'none' })
.attr('title', `UA flagged as bot: ${val.parse.software_sub_type}`).appendTo($el.parent().parent())
async function InvestorGoatUAClicked (event) {
InvestorGoatCompareTarget = InvestorGoatUAMap.get($(
if (InvestorGoatwmbApiKey) {
} else {
async function InvestorGoatUpdateUAColors () {
const match = { backgroundColor: 'DarkGreen', color: 'white' }
const familyMismatch = { backgroundColor: 'DarkRed', color: 'white' }
const majorVersionSelectedAhead = { backgroundColor: 'orange', color: 'black' }
$('.mw-checkuser-agent').each(async function () {
const $el = $(this)
const uaObj = InvestorGoatUAMap.get($el.text())
const $devEl = $el.parent().parent().children('.InvestorGoat-device')
if (uaObj.device.type !== InvestorGoatCompareTarget.device.type) {
$devEl.css(familyMismatch).attr('title', `Device type mismatch, this is ${uaObj.device.type}, selected is ${InvestorGoatCompareTarget.device.type}`)
} else if (uaObj.device.vendor !== InvestorGoatCompareTarget.device.vendor) {
$devEl.css(majorVersionSelectedAhead).attr('title', `Device vendor mismatch, this is ${uaObj.device.vendor}, selected is ${InvestorGoatCompareTarget.device.vendor}`)
} else if (uaObj.device.version !== InvestorGoatCompareTarget.device.version) {
$devEl.css(majorVersionSelectedAhead).attr('title', `Device version mismatch, this is ${uaObj.device.version}, selected is ${InvestorGoatCompareTarget.device.version}`)
} else {
$devEl.css(match).attr('title', 'Devices match')
const $osEl = $el.parent().parent().children('.InvestorGoat-OS')
if ( !== {
$osEl.css(familyMismatch).attr('title', `OS mismatch, selected is ${}`)
} else if (uaObj.os.version !== InvestorGoatCompareTarget.os.version) {
$osEl.css(majorVersionSelectedAhead).attr('title', `OS version mismatch, selected is ${InvestorGoatCompareTarget.os.version}`)
} else {
$osEl.css(match).attr('title', 'OSes match')
const $browserEl = $el.parent().parent().children('.InvestorGoat-browser')
if ( !== {
$browserEl.css(familyMismatch).attr('title', `Browser mismatch, selected is ${}`)
} else if (uaObj.browser.version !== InvestorGoatCompareTarget.browser.version) {
$browserEl.css(majorVersionSelectedAhead).attr('title', `Browser version mismatch, selected is ${InvestorGoatCompareTarget.browser.version}`)
} else {
$browserEl.css(match).attr('title', 'Browsers match')
async function InvestorGoatUpdateUAColorsWmb () {
const match = { backgroundColor: 'DarkGreen', color: 'white' }
const totalMismatch = { backgroundColor: 'DarkRed', color: 'white' }
const majorMismatch = { backgroundColor: 'orange', color: 'black' }
const minorMismatch = { backgroundColor: 'Yellow', color: 'black' }
const versionSelectedBehind = { backgroundColor: 'DarkBlue', color: 'white' }
const versionSelectedAhead = { backgroundColor: 'Yellow', color: 'black' }
$('.mw-checkuser-agent').each(async function () {
const $el = $(this)
const uaObj = InvestorGoatUAMap.get($el.text())
const $devEl = $el.parent().parent().children('.InvestorGoat-device')
if (uaObj.parse.hardware_type !== InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.hardware_type) {
$devEl.css(totalMismatch).attr('title', `Device type mismatch, this is "${uaObj.parse.hardware_type}", selected is "${InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.hardware_type}"`)
} else if (uaObj.parse.hardware_sub_type !== InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.hardware_sub_type) {
$devEl.css(majorMismatch).attr('title', `Device subtype mismatch, this is "${uaObj.parse.hardware_sub_type}", selected is "${InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.hardware_sub_type}"`)
} else if (uaObj.parse.hardware_sub_sub_type !== InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.hardware_sub_sub_type) {
$devEl.css(minorMismatch).attr('title', `Device sub-subtype mismatch, this is "${uaObj.parse.hardware_sub_sub_type}", selected is "${InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.hardware_sub_sub_type}"`)
} else if (uaObj.parse.simple_operating_platform_string !== InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.simple_operating_platform_string) {
$devEl.css(totalMismatch).attr('title', `Platform mismatch, this is "${uaObj.parse.simple_operating_platform_string}", selected is "${InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.simple_operating_platform_string}"`)
} else {
$devEl.css(match).attr('title', 'Devices match')
const $osEl = $el.parent().parent().children('.InvestorGoat-OS')
if (uaObj.parse.operating_system_name_code !== InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.operating_system_name_code) {
$osEl.css(totalMismatch).attr('title', `OS mismatch, this is "${uaObj.parse.operating_system_name}", selected is ${InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.operating_system_name}`)
} else if (uaObj.parse.operating_system_flavour_code !== InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.operating_system_flavour_code) {
$osEl.css(majorMismatch).attr('title', `OS flavor mismatch, this is "${uaObj.parse.operating_system_flavour}", selected is ${InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.operating_system_flavour}`)
} else {
let mismatch = false
for (let i = 0; i < uaObj.parse.operating_system_version_full.length; i++) {
if (i >= InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.operating_system_version_full.length) {
if (parseInt(uaObj.parse.operating_system_version_full[i]) < parseInt(InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.operating_system_version_full[i])) {
$osEl.css(versionSelectedAhead).attr('title', 'OS version mismatch, selected version is newer than this')
mismatch = true
} else if (parseInt(uaObj.parse.operating_system_version_full[i]) > parseInt(InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.operating_system_version_full[i])) {
$osEl.css(versionSelectedBehind).attr('title', 'OS version mismatch, selected version is older than this')
mismatch = true
if (!mismatch) {
$osEl.css(match).attr('title', 'OSes match')
const $browserEl = $el.parent().parent().children('.InvestorGoat-browser')
if (uaObj.parse.software_type !== InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.software_type) {
$browserEl.css(totalMismatch).attr('title', `Software type mismatch, this is "${uaObj.parse.software_type}", selected is ${InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.software_type}`)
} else if (uaObj.parse.software_sub_type !== InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.software_sub_type) {
$browserEl.css(totalMismatch).attr('title', `Software subtype mismatch, this is "${uaObj.parse.software_sub_type}", selected is ${InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.software_sub_type}`)
} else if (uaObj.parse.software_name_code !== InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.software_name_code) {
$browserEl.css(totalMismatch).attr('title', `Browser mismatch, this is "${uaObj.parse.software_name}", selected is ${InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.software_name}`)
} else {
let mismatch = false
for (let i = 0; i < uaObj.parse.software_version_full.length; i++) {
if (i >= InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.software_version_full.length) {
if (parseInt(uaObj.parse.software_version_full[i]) < parseInt(InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.software_version_full[i])) {
$browserEl.css(versionSelectedAhead).attr('title', 'Browser version mismatch, selected version is newer than this')
mismatch = true
} else if (parseInt(uaObj.parse.software_version_full[i]) > parseInt(InvestorGoatCompareTarget.parse.software_version_full[i])) {
$browserEl.css(versionSelectedBehind).attr('title', 'Browser version mismatch, selected version is older than this')
mismatch = true
if (!mismatch) {
$browserEl.css(match).attr('title', 'Browsers match')
const InvestorGoatSPECIALIPS = [
{ addr: '', cidr: 8, color: 'red', hint: 'Internal IP' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 12, color: 'red', hint: 'Internal IP' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 16, color: 'red', hint: 'Internal IP' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 8, color: 'red', hint: 'Loopback (WTF?)' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 22, color: 'yellow', hint: 'WMF IP' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 24, color: 'yellow', hint: 'WMF IP' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 23, color: 'yellow', hint: 'WMF IP' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 22, color: 'yellow', hint: 'WMF IP' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 24, color: 'yellow', hint: 'WMF IP' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 16, color: 'orange', hint: 'US Congress' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 29, color: 'orange', hint: 'US Congress' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 28, color: 'orange', hint: 'US Congress' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 22, color: 'orange', hint: 'US Congress' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 16, color: 'orange', hint: 'US Congress' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 16, color: 'orange', hint: 'Executive Office of the President' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 23, color: 'orange', hint: 'Executive Office of the President' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 24, color: 'orange', hint: 'Executive Office of the President' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 16, color: 'orange', hint: 'US Department of Justice' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 24, color: 'orange', hint: 'US Dept of Homeland Security' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 24, color: 'orange', hint: 'US Dept of Homeland Security' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 20, color: 'orange', hint: 'US Dept of Homeland Security' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 14, color: 'orange', hint: 'Canadian Dept of National Defence' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 14, color: 'orange', hint: 'Canadian Dept of National Defence' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 15, color: 'orange', hint: 'Canadian Dept of National Defence' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 24, color: 'orange', hint: 'Canadian House of Commons' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 18, color: 'orange', hint: 'UK Parliament' },
{ addr: '', cidr: 16, color: 'orange', hint: 'US Department of the Navy' }
function InvestorGoatIsIPInRange (addr, targetRange, targetCidr) {
const mask = -1 << (32 - +targetCidr) // eslint-disable-line no-bitwise
if (mw.util.isIPv4Address(addr, false)) {
const addrMatch = addr.match(/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/)
const addrInt = (+addrMatch[1] << 24) + (+addrMatch[2] << 16) + (+addrMatch[3] << 8) + // eslint-disable-line no-bitwise
(+addrMatch[4]) // eslint-disable-line no-bitwise
const targetMatch = targetRange.match(/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/)
const targetInt = (+targetMatch[1] << 24) + (+targetMatch[2] << 16) + (+targetMatch[3] << 8) + // eslint-disable-line no-bitwise
(+targetMatch[4]) // eslint-disable-line no-bitwise
return (addrInt & mask) === (targetInt & mask) // eslint-disable-line no-bitwise
// TODO: figure out ipv6
* Get all IP userlinks on the page
* @param {JQuery} $content page contents
* @return {Map} list of unique users on the page and their corresponding links
function InvestorGoatGetBlockLinks ($content) {
const userLinks = new Map()
const blockLinkRe = '^Special:Block/(.*)$'
$('a', $content).each(function () {
if (!$(this).attr('title')) {
// Ignore if the <a> doesn't have a title
const blockLinkMatch = $(this).attr('title').toString().match(blockLinkRe)
if (!blockLinkMatch) {
const user = decodeURIComponent(blockLinkMatch[1])
if (mw.util.isIPAddress(user)) {
if (!userLinks.get(user)) {
userLinks.set(user, [])
return userLinks
async function InvestorGoatIPHook ($content) {
const usersOnPage = InvestorGoatGetBlockLinks($content)
usersOnPage.forEach(async (val, key, _) => {
let color = ''
let hint = ''
for (const range of InvestorGoatSPECIALIPS) {
if (InvestorGoatIsIPInRange(key, range.addr, range.cidr)) {
color = range.color
hint = range.hint
if (!color) {
val.forEach(($link) => {
$link.css({ backgroundColor: color })
$link.attr('title', hint)
const InvestorGoatCHECKREASONS = [
{ label: 'Check type (optional)', selected: true, value: '', disabled: true },
{ label: 'SPI-related', selected: false, value: 'spi' },
{ label: 'Second Opinion', selected: false, value: '2o' },
{ label: 'Unblock Request', selected: false, value: 'unblock' },
{ label: 'IPBE Request', selected: false, value: 'ipbe' },
{ label: 'ACC Request', selected: false, value: 'acc' },
{ label: 'CU/Paid Queue', selected: false, value: 'q' },
{ label: 'Suspected known sockmaster', selected: false, value: 'sock' },
{ label: 'Suspected LTA', selected: false, value: 'lta' },
{ label: 'Comparison to ongoing CU', selected: false, value: 'comp' },
{ label: 'Collateral check', selected: false, value: 'coll' },
{ label: 'Cross-wiki request', selected: false, value: 'xwiki' },
{ label: 'Discretionary check', selected: false, value: 'fish' },
{ label: 'Self-check for testing', selected: false, value: 'test' }
function InvestorGoatAddQuickReasonBoxHook ($content) {
const $select = $('<select>')
for (const reason of InvestorGoatCHECKREASONS) {
.prop('selected', reason.selected)
.prop('disabled', reason.disabled)
$select.on('change', function (e) {
const $target = $('[name=reason]', $content)
* Highlight CU log links where the log exists
* @param {JQuery} $content page contents
function InvestorGoatHighlightLogs ($content) {
const cuSearchTargetRe = 'cuSearch=(.*)'
$('a.external.text', $content).each(async function () {
if (!$(this).attr('href')) {
// Ignore if the <a> doesn't have a title
const cuTargetMatch = $(this).attr('href').toString().match(cuSearchTargetRe)
if (!cuTargetMatch) {
const target = decodeURIComponent(cuTargetMatch[1]).replaceAll('+', ' ')
const api = new mw.Api()
const request = {
action: 'query',
list: 'checkuserlog',
cultarget: target,
cullimit: 100
try {
const response = await api.get(request)
const filteredEntries = response.query.checkuserlog.entries.filter(entry =>
!'/') || parseInt('/')[1]) >= 16)
const checkCount = filteredEntries.length
if (checkCount > 0) {
$(this).attr('title', `${checkCount} checks`)
let color = ''
if (response.query.checkuserlog.entries[0].checkuser === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
color = 'lightskyblue'
} else {
color = 'lightgreen'
// Have to use .style vice .css because .css doesn't understand !important
$(this).attr('style', `background-color: ${color} !important`)
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Error checking CU log: ${error}`)
function InvestorGoatAddQuickReason (source) {
const $inputField = $('[name=reason]')
$inputField.val('[' + source.val() + '] ' + $inputField.val())
// </nowiki>
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