This is Operation Enduring Freedom - Afghanistan aerial order of battle which contains information about any aerial assets that participated in the War in Afghanistan (2001–2014) under the International Security Assistance Force during 2012.


TF Mousquetaire / BATHELICO (French)[1]

Air Force







January of 2006, the 10th Aviation Brigade Headquarters, along with the newly formed 3-10 AVN and 277th ASB deployed to Bagram[7] In October of 2010, the 10th CAB Headquarters, along with TF Phoenix (3-10 AVN), and TF Mountain Eagle (277th ASB) deployed to Bagram Airfield[8]

Air Force


January of 2006, 2-10 AVN again deploying to Kandahar, this time with a slice of 277th ASB. Upon completion of their mission in support of OEF VII[16]

Camp Holland (Multinational Base Tarin Kowt)

FOB Fenty (Jalalabad Airport)

In October of 2010, TF Six Shooters (6-6 CAV) deployed to Jalalabad Airfield in support of Operation Enduring Freedom XI.[17]

In October of 2010, TF Tigershark (1-10 AVN) deployed to Salerno in support of Operation Enduring Freedom XI.[18]

In October of 2010, TF Knighthawk (2-10 AVN) deployed to FOB Shank, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom XI.[19]




DEFAULTSORT:Operation Enduring Freedom Afghanistan Aerial Order Of Battle

Category:War on Terror orders of battle

603 avn regt

The 603rd Aviation Support Battalion is an Aviation Support Battalion under 12th Combat Aviation Brigade.


  • Company B "Bulldawgs"
  • Maintenance Platoon
  • Shops Platoon



Commons category

Category:Support battalions of the United States Army|0603

Task Force Spartan

3rd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division after feb 2007

Task Force Spartan – 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (March 2006 – March 2007)

Task Force Spartan – 4th Airborne Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division[4] - suspect jan 12 - april 13

Task Force Spartan (March 2006 to May 2007) was a US led task force in the central and eastern regions of Afghanistan. TF Spartan was made up of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team from 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) and 1/3 Marines. TF Spartan fell under CJTF-76/RC East.

In February 2006, the unit deployed as a member of Task Force Spartan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, operating within Regional Command East

The Intelligence and Signal Companies provided critical support to the entire Task Force, while Headquarters Company and Alpha Company conducted combat operations in Logar Province, and Paktiya Province, respectively. The Vanguard Battalion participated in all major operational campaigns, including Operation Mountain Lion, Operation Mountain Thrust, Operation Mountain Fury and Operation Mountain Eagle. In February 2007, the Spartan Task Force faced an additional four-month extension in order to facilitate a surge into several northern provinces that were experiencing increased insurgent activity. The Battalion relocated from Gardez to Jalalabad and moved to quell violence in the provinces of Nuristan, Nangahar, Kunar and Laghman. The Battalion’s extended OEF tour culminated with a successful relief in place with Task Force Airborne, 173 ABN BCT

In December 2011, the brigade deployed again to eastern Afghanistan as a part of Regional Command East, International Security Assistance Force. The brigade's area of combat operations included Khost, Paktia, and Paktika provinces, all on the border with Pakistan. The brigade headquarters was at Forward Operating Base Salerno in Khost. Known as Task Force Spartan, the brigade was augmented with two battalion-sized units: the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, an aviation battalion from the 82nd Airborne Division, two Provincial Reconstruction Teams, and two A rmy National Guard Agri-Business Development Teams. Total task force strength was approximately 4,500 personnel. Serving under the 1st Cavalry Division, then the 1st Infantry Division, the brigade conducted counter-insurgency operations for 10 months in partnership with Afghan National Security Forces and supervised governance, development, and agriculture projects in coordination with the Afghan government. The brigade redeployed to Fort Richardson in October 2012

501st Infantry Regiment (United States)

OEF XII-XIII: After 18 months of dwell time at their home station Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, 1–501 IN (ABN) deployed once again to Operation Enduring Freedom XII-XIII in December 2011. As one of the three maneuver battalions of 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division – Task Force Spartan – 1–501 IN (ABN), known operationally as Task Force Blue Geronimo, assumed authority of central and eastern Khost province. Task Force Spartan, with a higher headquarters at Regional Command East, International Security Assistance Force, was arrayed across Khost and Paktia Provinces to combat Taliban and Haqqani Network elements. Both the battalion and brigade headquarters were located at Forward Operating Base Salerno in Khost city.

For ten months, through October 2012, the 501st aggressively countered Taliban and Haqqani Network infiltrations into and through Khost province. At the same time, the task force trained two battalions of Afghan National Army, two zones of Afghan Border Police, and the entire contingent of Afghan Uniformed Police (Khost) to conduct security operations with lessening dependence on ISAF assistance. Elements of the task force were sent into Paktia and Paktika provinces on various week-long operations to supplement 3rd Battalion, 509th Infantry Regiment (Airborne) and 1st Squadron, 40th Cavalry Regiment (Airborne) from 4/25 ABCT as well as 1st Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment from 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division. Eight soldiers of Task Force Blue Geronimo were killed in action in Khost province; they are memorialized on a stone monument in front of battalion headquarters at Fort Richardson, where their names are transplanted among other fallen paratroopers of the 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment (Airborne).

Battery E and Company E, Battalion Landing Team 2/6, 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Task Force Spartan) between at least March and May 2016.

Combined Task Force Spartan, U.S. Army's 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, Zhari and Maywand Districts of Kandahar Province

2010 - 2011 probably

==july 2018==

28 id 2nd arm brigade 40 bri eng batt 155 abct 35 eng bri 458 eng batt until july 18 770 engineer co until july 18 Penn Yan NY 387 eng co from july 18 Scottsdale AZ 983 eng batt from july 18 279 engineer ulities det - st Charles , mo until july 2018 665 engineer ultities det - Brookville pa from july 2018 65 fab 449th cab 248 asb 75th combat supt hosp 31 ada brigade

==oct 18==

28 id

Mohamed Naguib Military Base Eqypt

155 abct 2 batt 137 inf reg

Camp Redleg UAE

65 fab

1-121 himars bn 1-145 paladin bn 2-222 paladin bn c co, 101 exp sig batt

feb 2019



cab, 101 armoured

In December 2012, and just 15 months after activation and restationing, the CAB self-deployed the 4-501 Attack Reconnaissance Battalion to Operation Spartan Shield. The CAB then deployed TF 1-501 ARB, TF 3-501 AHB, and elements of 2-501 GSAB and 127th ASB in support of Operation Enduring Freedom Afghanistan in February 2013.

In the fall of 2013, the brigade reunited with all of her battalion colors at Fort Bliss
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