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Thanky: Adds thank links next to diff links on special pages (e.g. watchlist, recent changes, etc)
/* jshint esversion: 5, laxbreak: true, undef: true, eqnull: true, maxerr: 3000 */
/* globals $, mw, OO, extraJs */
/* <nowiki> */
// Resource loader modules
'mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.Uri',
'oojs-ui-core', 'oojs-ui-widgets', 'oojs-ui-windows'
// Page ready
).then(function() {
var config = {
scriptVersion: "0.0.1",
mw: mw.config.get(['wgNamespaceNumber', 'wgUserName', 'wgCanonicalSpecialPageName'])
if( != -1 ) {
// only operate in Special: namespace
var API = new mw.Api( {
ajax: {
headers: {
'Api-User-Agent': 'Thanky/' + config.scriptVersion +
' ( )'
} );
API.get( {
action: 'query',
meta: 'allmessages',
ammessages: [ 'Thanks-confirmation2', 'Thanks-thank', 'Thanks-thanked', 'Error', 'Centralauth-rename-table-status-failed' ],
amenableparser: 1,
amargs: mw.config.get('wgUserName')
} ).then(function(response) {
var messages = {};
response.query.allmessages.forEach(function(message) {
messages[message.normalizedname] = message['*'];
var makeErrorMsg = function(code, jqxhr) {
var details = '';
if ( code === 'http' && jqxhr.textStatus === 'error' ) {
details = 'HTTP ' + messages.error + ' ' + jqxhr.xhr.status;
} else if ( code === 'http' ) {
details = 'HTTP ' + messages.error + ': ' + jqxhr.textStatus;
} else if ( code === 'ok-but-empty' ) {
details = messages.error + ': Got an empty response from the server';
} else {
details = 'API ' + messages.error + ': ' + code;
return details;
// Hook on to changes in page content - initial load, 'New filters for edit review' changes, etc
mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( function ( $content ) {
$content.find("").not(".thanky-linkAdded").each(function() {
var uri = new mw.Uri(this.attributes.href.value);
var diffNumber = Number(uri.query.diff);
var oldidNumber = Number(uri.query.oldid);
if(isNaN(diffNumber) && isNaN(oldidNumber)) {
// Can't work out revision, so can't send thanks
var revision = isNaN(diffNumber) ? oldidNumber : diffNumber;
var $thank = $("<a>").attr("href","#").text( messages["thanks-thank"] ).click(function(e){
OO.ui.confirm( messages["thanks-confirmation2"] ).then( function ( confirmed ) {
if ( confirmed ) {
API.postWithToken("csrf", {
action: "thank",
rev: revision,
source: "Thanky/" +
function() {
mw.notify("✓ " + messages["thanks-thanked"]);
$thank.hide().after( messages["thanks-thanked"] );
function(code, err) {
mw.notify( makeErrorMsg(code, err), {
title: "✗ " + messages["thanks-thank"] + " " + messages['centralauth-rename-table-status-failed'].toUpperCase(),
type: 'warn'
} );
$("<span class='thanky-container'> | </span>").append($thank)
/* </nowiki> */
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