Hi! Welcome to Eric Herboso's user page! I've been an editor on Wikipedia since 2004. If you have any questions or comments about any of my edits, I encourage you to leave a message on my talk page. Please note that I only keep wikipedia-related stuff here.
Eric Herboso in 2017.Eric Herboso in 2004, when he joined Wikipedia.
I also regularly watch and edit articles related to my other interests, including rationalist fiction, hobbyist board gaming, video games, philosophy, ethics, and recreational mathematics.
Potential Conflicts of Interest
I helped influence the founding of Animal Charity Evaluators in 2012 and served on ACE's Board of Directors from 2019–2022. I thus restrict my comments there to the talk page.
Although I am a member of the Effective Altruism community, the movement is large and diverse enough that it is not a Wikipedia-relevant COI for me to edit EA-related pages.
More Information
If you are interested in more about me, you may visit my website at EricHerboso.org, where you will find links to my various social media profiles in the sidebar. You may also email me directly at EricHerboso@gmail.com. I currently serve as Executive Director of Effective Giving Quest.
Multi-licensed into the public domain
I agree to multi-license my eligible text contributions, unless otherwise stated, under Wikipedia's copyright terms and into the public domain. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions in the public domain, please check the multi-licensing guide.
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