Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// vim: ts=4 sw=4 et ai
( function () {
var api;
var DC_CLS = ' class="diffchange diffchange-inline"'; // the CSS classes for the diffchange (<ins>/<del>) spans
function processText( text, pageName ) {
var chunks = [];
// Types for chunks (I really should've called them "tokens")
var TEXT = 0;
var INS_START = 1;
var INS_END = 2;
var DEL_START = 3;
var DEL_END = 4;
var A_START = 5;
var A_END = 6;
var EXPAND = 7;
// Throughout, "ins or del" is abbreviated as "change" or "chg"
var CHG_RGX = /<(ins|del) class="diffchange diffchange-inline">([^<]+?)($|<\/\1>)/g;
var lastChgEnd = 0;
var chgMatch;
var justText = "";
var firstTextSegment;
var isIns;
do {
chgMatch = CHG_RGX.exec( text );
if( chgMatch ) {
firstTextSegment = text.substring( lastChgEnd, chgMatch.index );
if( firstTextSegment.length ) {
chunks.push( { ty: TEXT, txt: firstTextSegment, idx: justText.length } );
justText += firstTextSegment;
isIns = chgMatch[1] === "ins"; chunks.push( { ty: isIns ? INS_START : DEL_START } );
chunks.push( { ty: TEXT, txt: chgMatch[2], idx: justText.length } );
chunks.push( { ty: isIns ? INS_END : DEL_END } );
justText += chgMatch[2];
lastChgEnd = chgMatch.index + chgMatch[0].length;
} while( chgMatch );
if( lastChgEnd <= text.length - 1 ) {
chunks.push( { ty: TEXT, txt: text.substring( lastChgEnd ), idx: justText.length } );
justText += text.substring( lastChgEnd );
var markupHandlers = [
regex: /\[\[(.+?)(?:\|.+?)?\]\]/g,
handler: function ( match ) {
var linkTarget = match[1];
if( linkTarget.indexOf( "#" ) === 0 ) {
linkTarget = pageName + linkTarget;
var result = [
{ ty: A_START, url: mw.util.getUrl( linkTarget ) },
{ ty: TEXT, txt: match[0] },
{ ty: A_END }
if( linkTarget.indexOf( "File:" ) === 0 || linkTarget.indexOf( "Image:" ) === 0 ) {
result.push( { ty: EXPAND, expandTy: "img", data: linkTarget.replace( /"/g, """ ) } );
return result;
regex: /\{\{(.+?)(?:\|.+?)?\}\}/g,
handler: function ( match ) {
var name = match[1],
fullName = name;
if( name.indexOf( "#" ) === 0 ) {
fullName = name.replace( /^#invoke:/, "Module:" );
} else if( name.indexOf( ":" ) < 0 ) {
fullName = "Template:" + name;
return [
{ ty: TEXT, txt: "{{" }, // "}}" pour one out for vim's syntax highlighter
{ ty: A_START, url: mw.util.getUrl( fullName ) },
{ ty: TEXT, txt: match[1] },
{ ty: A_END },
{ ty: TEXT, txt: match[0].substring( 2 + name.length ) }
regex: /(?:(?:https|http|gopher|irc|ircs|ftp|news|nnttp|worldwind|telnet|svn|git|mms):\/\/|mailto:)([!#$&-;=?-\[\]_a-z~]|%[0-9a-fA-F]{2})+/g,
handler: function ( match ) {
var url = match[0];
if( match.input[ match.index - 1 ] === "[" && url[url.length - 1] === "]" ) {
url = url.substring( 0, url.length - 1 );
return [
{ ty: A_START, url: url },
{ ty: TEXT, txt: url },
{ ty: A_END },
// Definitely among the trickiest code I've written for a user
// script to date. The version that kept detailed track of
// string indices was much worse, trust me!
for( var handlerIdx = 0; handlerIdx < markupHandlers.length; handlerIdx++ ) {
var regex = markupHandlers[handlerIdx].regex,
handler = markupHandlers[handlerIdx].handler;
var match;
do {
match = regex.exec( justText );
if( match ) {
var replacementChunks = handler( match );
// Locate the start and end of `match` in `chunks`
var startChunkIdx = -1,
endChunkIdx = -1;
for( var chunkIdx = 0; chunkIdx < chunks.length; chunkIdx++ ) {
if( chunks[chunkIdx].ty !== TEXT ) {
} else if( startChunkIdx < 0 ) {
if( ( chunks[chunkIdx].idx + chunks[chunkIdx].txt.length ) > match.index ) {
startChunkIdx = chunkIdx;
if( ( startChunkIdx >= 0 ) && chunks[chunkIdx].idx >= ( match.index + match[0].length ) ) {
endChunkIdx = chunkIdx;
// Edge-case handling for the start/end chunk locator
if( startChunkIdx < 0 ) {
console.error( "whoops" );
} else if( endChunkIdx < 0 ) {
endChunkIdx = chunks.length - 1;
} else {
while( chunks[endChunkIdx].ty !== TEXT ) endChunkIdx--;
// Split the start and end chunks, so we can cleanly insert the A_START and A_END
var startChunk = chunks[startChunkIdx];
var idxInStartChunk = match.index - startChunk.idx;
if( idxInStartChunk > 0 && idxInStartChunk < ( startChunk.txt.length - 1 ) ) {
chunks.splice( startChunkIdx, 1,
{ ty: TEXT, txt: startChunk.txt.substring( 0, idxInStartChunk ), idx: startChunk.idx },
{ ty: TEXT, txt: startChunk.txt.substring( idxInStartChunk ), idx: startChunk.idx + idxInStartChunk }
startChunk = chunks[startChunkIdx];
var endChunk = chunks[endChunkIdx];
var idxInEndChunk = match.index + match[0].length - endChunk.idx;
if( idxInEndChunk > 0 && idxInEndChunk < ( endChunk.txt.length - 1 ) ) {
chunks.splice( endChunkIdx, 1,
{ ty: TEXT, txt: endChunk.txt.substring( 0, idxInEndChunk ), idx: endChunk.idx },
{ ty: TEXT, txt: endChunk.txt.substring( idxInEndChunk ), idx: endChunk.idx + idxInEndChunk }
// Make sure the new text chunks have correct idx's set
var replacementTextLength = 0;
for( var i = 0; i < replacementChunks.length; i++ ) {
if( replacementChunks[i].ty === TEXT ) {
replacementChunks[i].idx = startChunk.idx + replacementTextLength;
replacementTextLength += replacementChunks[i].txt.length;
// Insert the new chunks in place of the old ones - keeping all the formatting intact!
var newChunks = [];
var newTextLen = 0;
var existingChunks = chunks.slice( startChunkIdx, endChunkIdx + 1 );
var replIdx = 0, existIdx = 0; // counters in `replacementChunks` & `existingChunks` respectively
var replInnerIdx = 0, existInnerIdx = 0; // indices into text chunks
while( true ) {
// Non-TEXT chunks are formatting/control and always get pushed
while( replacementChunks[replIdx] && ( replacementChunks[replIdx].ty !== TEXT ) ) {
newChunks.push( replacementChunks[replIdx] );
while( existingChunks[existIdx] && ( existingChunks[existIdx].ty !== TEXT ) ) {
newChunks.push( existingChunks[existIdx] );
if( newTextLen >= match[0].length ) {
// Pick the shorter chunk, so as not to miss any formatting.
var replEndIdx = ( replIdx < replacementChunks.length )
? ( replacementChunks[replIdx].idx + replacementChunks[replIdx].txt.length )
: Infinity;
var existEndIdx = ( existIdx < existingChunks.length )
? ( existingChunks[existIdx].idx + existingChunks[existIdx].txt.length )
: Infinity;
var usingRepl = replEndIdx <= existEndIdx;
if( usingRepl ) {
var newText = replacementChunks[replIdx].txt.substring( replInnerIdx );
newChunks.push( { ty: TEXT, txt: newText, idx: startChunk.idx + newTextLen } );
newTextLen += newText.length;
replInnerIdx = 0;
while( true ) {
if( !replacementChunks[replIdx] || ( replacementChunks[replIdx].ty === TEXT ) ) break;
newChunks.push( replacementChunks[replIdx] );
existInnerIdx += newText.length;
for( ; existIdx < existingChunks.length; existIdx++ ) {
if( existingChunks[existIdx].ty !== TEXT ) {
newChunks.push( existingChunks[existIdx] );
} else if( existInnerIdx >= existingChunks[existIdx].txt.length ) {
existInnerIdx -= existingChunks[existIdx].txt.length;
} else {
} else {
var newText = existingChunks[existIdx].txt.substring( existInnerIdx );
newChunks.push( { ty: TEXT, txt: newText, idx: startChunk.idx + newTextLen } );
newTextLen += newText.length;
existInnerIdx = 0;
while( true ) {
if( !existingChunks[existIdx] || ( existingChunks[existIdx].ty === TEXT ) ) break;
newChunks.push( existingChunks[existIdx] );
replInnerIdx += newText.length;
for( ; replIdx < replacementChunks.length; replIdx++ ) {
if( replacementChunks[replIdx].ty !== TEXT ) {
newChunks.push( replacementChunks[replIdx] );
} else if( replInnerIdx >= replacementChunks[replIdx].txt.length ) {
replInnerIdx -= replacementChunks[replIdx].txt.length;
} else {
// Now, splice the new chunks in place of the old ones
var spliceArgs = [ startChunkIdx, endChunkIdx - startChunkIdx + 1 ].concat( newChunks );
Array.prototype.splice.apply( chunks, spliceArgs );
} while( match );
// Write out chunks into text
var html = "";
var activeTag = "";
for( var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++ ) {
var chunk = chunks[i];
switch( chunk.ty ) {
case TEXT: html += chunk.txt; break;
case INS_START: html += "<ins" + DC_CLS + ">"; activeTag = "ins"; break;
case INS_END: html += "</ins>"; activeTag = ""; break;
case DEL_START: html += "<del" + DC_CLS + ">"; activeTag = "del"; break;
case DEL_END: html += "</del>"; activeTag = ""; break;
case A_START:
if( activeTag ) {
html += "</" + activeTag + ">";
html += "<a class='fancy-diffs' href=\"" + chunk.url + "\">";
if( activeTag ) {
html += "<" + activeTag + DC_CLS + ">";
case A_END:
if( activeTag ) {
html += "</" + activeTag + ">";
html += "</a>";
if( activeTag ) {
html += "<" + activeTag + DC_CLS + ">";
case EXPAND:
html += '<span class="fd-expand" data-' + chunk.expandTy + '="' + + '">(show)</span>';
return html;
function processDiff( diffTable ) {
if( !diffTable.querySelector ) {
// Assume diffTable is a jQuery object
diffTable = diffTable.get( 0 );
if( diffTable.getElementsByClassName( "fancy-diffs" ).length > 0 ) {
// We already ran on this diff
// Determine page name, because processText wants it
var pageName;
switch( mw.config.get( "wgCanonicalSpecialPageName" ) ) {
case "Contributions":
pageName = diffTable.parentNode.querySelector( "" ).textContent;
case "Watchlist":
pageName = diffTable.previousElementSibling.querySelector( "" ).textContent;
pageName = mw.config.get( "wgPageName" );
var rows = diffTable.querySelectorAll( "tr" );
for( var rowIdx = 0, numRows = rows.length; rowIdx < numRows; rowIdx++ ) {
var row = rows[rowIdx];
if( row.tagName.toLowerCase() === "colgroup" ) {
if( row.querySelector( "a" ) ) {
for( var cellIdx = 0, numCells = row.children.length; cellIdx < numCells; cellIdx++ ) {
var td = row.children[cellIdx];
if( td.className.indexOf( "diff-context" ) >= 0 ) {
if( td.children && td.children.length ) {
var text = processText( td.children[0].innerHTML, pageName );
td.children[0].innerHTML = text;
row.children[cellIdx + 2].innerHTML = text;
continue rowLoop;
} else if( ( td.className.indexOf( "diff-addedline" ) >= 0 ) ||
( td.className.indexOf( "diff-deletedline" ) >= 0 ) ) {
if( td.children && td.children.length ) {
td.children[0].innerHTML = processText( td.children[0].innerHTML, pageName );
var expandSpans = diffTable.querySelectorAll( "span.fd-expand" );
for( var spanIdx = 0, numSpans = expandSpans.length; spanIdx < numSpans; spanIdx++ ) {
var span = expandSpans[spanIdx];
span.addEventListener( "click", function () {
if( !this.nextElementSibling || this.nextElementSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "div" || this.nextElementSibling.className !== "fd-img" ) {
api.get( {
action: "query",
titles: this.dataset.img,
prop: "imageinfo",
iiprop: "url"
} ).done( function ( data ) {
if( data.query && data.query.pages ) {
var url = data.query.pages[ Object.keys( data.query.pages )[0] ].imageinfo[0].url;
var div = document.createElement( "div" );
div.className = "fd-img";
var img = document.createElement( "img" );
img.className = "fancy-diffs";
img.src = url;["max-width"] = "100%";
div.appendChild( img );
this.parentNode.insertBefore( div, this.nextSibling );
}.bind( this ) );
this.textContent = "(hide)";
} else {
if( === "none" ) { = "";
this.textContent = "(hide)";
} else { = "none";
this.textContent = "(show)";
} );
mw.loader.using( [ "mediawiki.api", "mediawiki.util" ] )
).then( function () {
var table = document.querySelector( "table.diff" );
api = new mw.Api();
mw.util.addCSS( ".fd-expand { cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline; background-color: #faf3; }" );
if( table ) {
processDiff( table );
mw.hook( "wikipage.diff" ).add( processDiff );
mw.hook( "new-diff-table" ).add( processDiff );
mw.hook( "diff-update" ).add( processDiff );
} );
} )();
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