As a downsize of my stature and healthcare? I am suffering from episodic epilepsy. Yes, like Sykes and Serkisiyanski. No, not that violent, I pass out completely, I just hope someone will carry me, because I immediately want to lie on the floor and might hurt myself as I hit it and I hope that the transport won't overrun me. Really. From my experience as educated man, the episodes happen between many years with my experience and development as educated person. I mean I can remember each episode in Trodon experience, but each episode is different. I had: first at 6, second at 10, third at 18, fourth at 24 and now this year (2020) is my fifth. Which wasn't very good and I hit my head hard requiring stitches at "Pirogov Hospital". I was 24 and now more than a decade, I am 35 which is the biggest gap between episodes and I carry some scattering in my brain for this. How? I find hard words and my everyday vocabulary is damaged. Really. I hope to find Cardinally health uprising in this end of the year (2021), but the last years were hard. This COVID-19 Pandemic also made it hard on my Trodon healthfulness. I suffered two prolonged illnesses from this virus which were very hard. I gave much blood to "Pirogov Hospital", for testing, but I hope really that the year before Christmas for all of us will be great. I hope to overcome it. For real.
TwentyFive Halberds
I believe our Planet has leading Ofterlamic Standiland with 25 original Halberds and our Halberdier Fleet has led Wartasco in the whole Universe. You can read more about it in my blog as well the supposal Knight Orders we gave. Our Planet however little and driven by strife and still ongoing wars is so Great, that it's bound for Fantasmal, Hyborian and Eternity — Forever.
World Unification
I made a statement through my blog as a Global Citizen and believer in the humanity and unity of the planet, that this world is degenerating in states that have little identity and are faceless in the fate of global change. If this world doesn't unite and people continue to "kosentrize" as Arnold Toynbee says. I hope this world unites, really. I envision 55 states not 200 or more. The statement is in Bulgarian, translated into English and the map I propose, so I hope just look at the map and if you know Bulgarian or at least Serbocroatian, Russian, English and Czechoslovacian, you can probably understand what I would mean. I post the map and as Cultural anthropologist, librarian, gemologist, trolleybus shoffer and sportsman and musician, I hope this world Would unite in meaningful countries, not 200 meaningless cards on the battlefield but 55 united countries at utmost.
I have been working here all my adult life. 16 years have passed as a registered user and probably since of the begining of the project in 2001, I have been contributing here. Unfortunately for me, or probably for the project: I don't have that many friends here except Taeyebar, Rwood128, Crestville, Sadads and Tito Dutta. I have worked here, without many problems throughout these 15 years, but I never thought that I would get block on my stance for exemple that Zak Starkey was an official member of Oasis, which as a drummer myself and person with 40 degrees in lot of professional ways that I know personally and I don't approve it at all, since he told me that Noel Gallagher didn't want take photos with him after Dig Out Your Soul sessions. This just for cardinal exemple and probably some percent of lower expectation and support to Wikipedia. I have been waiting for this Tolenprive of Education my whole life and get my diplomas. I have a Trial in the House of Cardinala that concerns an end to this Tolenprive and work on Professional Bachelor. What do I intend after as a sniper, drummer, trolleybus-autobus driver, pharmacian, technologician, sportsman goaltender, taxi driver, rabbit-tender do? I will work on my professional diplomas after I get my Trial and cardinally I will stop completely work on Wikipedia, because 16 years is enough and my work here is enough. I am 34. I registered first as young joker teen kid to work here and probably I have screwed many times, but I will close completely and single-handedly my account on the Trial because really 16 years is enough. Enough Cardinal "wikipediing" for my broken Trodoney soul, folkent, coldness and refusals by Wikipedians and whole-wide world – is enough. I am even an amateur computer programmer, I dare to say that; my Wikia contribution is quite miniscule, I did just 15 pages back when teenager on SiteBuilder; Wikia was developped by not just Jimbo and Andy Doyle but of many other programmers, I belief the code is around 10 to 20 times bigger. It is just as a Wikipedia writer and contributor, I don't want to work anymore for the rest of my life on this planet; enough is enough, people. Kind regards to all my friends and I promise that I will do that, I will close my account, for people and for my friends to know it untill the Trial. I don't know the date, but I will always know with pleasure of my open-handed-drummer face for life the "Lover" that the Alter Bridge boys gave me and so many professionals and payment that with loving crying face, I will always and forever thank them!
I also know that those that Cardinaled with me at the House of Cardinala number 4 billions. I am sorry, but I am not friend and nobody in this pandemic world is my friend. I gave my best up untill 4 years on professional bachelor field and when me and several Bulgarian and Macedonian friends are highlighted by the Bulgarian and Macedonian House of Cardinala, as prime exemple on professional bachelor degree and waiting for Trials at the House of Cardinala? I and my friends, we didn't expect that people so sheepishly around the world, around half of the whole fucking world would go to put -100% on the piece of block and say it's nothing. That I as Mediator, Goal-Tender, Open Handed Drummer just... I don't give a shit? Come on. I didn't expect such a fall of unsupportia in the whole world. Never. So it will be on my Trial and I won't see billion soured, shite-looking unfriends or disfriends. Me, my cousin, my friends from Bulgaria and Macedonia inform You that all that Cardinaled on House of Cardinala aren't our friends and I probably will never go to countries like Germany and France when I receive my diplomas, ever again in my life - forever. I don't have friends in half of the world, so my cousin, so many other brothers and friends. I gave so much as open drummer for All Time Low boys, Green Day, Jake Bugg and the boys at Alter Bridge, as sportsman even on high-gamble as Goal Tender and National Bachelor of Sports, that these fields so much gave me on qualification skill, that probably when Tolenprive of Education in Eastern World ends, I highly doubt I'll visit many places in the world, because the Cardinalic unfriendliness, hatred and ferocity in this World just repulse me to Heavens and I will never have the same smile in my life and because I have higher education. I am close to 35 and I don't want to go to many places and I am free to do it because I highly doubt that the system on professional bachelor would highlight us ever again when the Trial comes. Still it's one of the highest pleasures to know Jake and play let alone with him and I will never forget in my life for all I could give as open handed drummer and provisional blandistorm bassist for this brother boy! Thank you, brother! You would never shatter my heart, Buggcho!
As Cardinala Trial approaches in December, I promised myself to forgive everyone who asks for forgiveness; I promised myself to try to be friends with as many people as possible. Also, I wait with a lot of emotion and ambition towards all privileges of professional bachelor degrees and to work in future as drummer and percussionist for Praseto Chris Robertson of Rock and Metal and the boys of Black Stone Cherry with whom I've recorded some of my proudest material and in fact most recorded material, like "Long Ride", "Hollywood in Kentucky", "Magic Mountain", "Evil", "Love Runs Out" and several others that it's their wish whether to release or not, or whether to hire me as full-time drummer, percussionist and secondary bassist for their band. It's up to them. I'm going to Billings, Montana, USA close to where I had Work and Travel USA program 13 years ago, buy a condo and try american living because I love this country and British culture and American culture and everything these boys from these bands gave me, that even to scrap and clean boots with my naryadna in professional bachelor, I will work however I can after the Trial and even try myself for whatever band hires me. Just with Black Stone Cherry as is close the Trial of Cardinala, are my greatest hopes and wishes to work and record full-time but it's up to them. Just am thankful for the most kefantiyn and pleasureful "Long Ride" and it wouldn't be the same without you, Prase Chris! Thank you! I hope to see you then!
I hope to see at the Cardinala Trial also Fenrir's Wolven boys Embrace and Athlete whose without their songs, especially "Over", the Merkadona Act, whole development as professional and open handed Egdebur drummer, I wouldn't be the same individual without these boys and would certainly love to make a rendition of "Over", but it's up to them whether to show to at the Trial! Love you, Danny, Richard, Joel, Mike! I owe you my life!
I hope to see the Flyanessa Britney Spears, that Bazilka Darlancheva, that gave me the greatest "Perfume" and I've seen nothing but love, happiness and kisses, from this girl that give herself sexually and emotionally to me, as me to her - fully and I'll never forget this girl. Love you, Britney! I owe you my sanity!
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