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// <nowiki>
// Script to respond to edit filter false positive reports
// @author DannyS712
$(() => {
const EFFPRH = {};
EFFPRH.config = {
debug: false,
version: '0-dev'
EFFPRH.editSummary = 'Respond to false positive report via [[User:DannyS712/EFFPRH]]'
+ ' (v ' + EFFPRH.config.version + ')';
EFFPRH.init = function () {
[ 'vue', '@wikimedia/codex', 'mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.api' ],
}; = function () {
// Add links to each section to open a dialog
$('').each( function () {
const $editSectionLinks = $( this ).parent().find( '.mw-editsection' );
if ( $editSectionLinks.length === 0 ) {
// Missing links span, nothing to do
const sectionNum = EFFPRH.getHeadingSectionNum( $editSectionLinks );
if ( sectionNum === -1 ) {
// Missing link, no idea what section this is
// Add a hidden div after the headline that will be where the Vue
// display goes
$( this ).parent().after(
$( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'script-EFFPRH-' + sectionNum )
const reporterName = $( this ).text();
EFFPRH.addHandlerLink( $editSectionLinks, reporterName, sectionNum );
} );
* Add styles for our interface.
EFFPRH.addStyle = function () {
.script-EFFPRH-handler {
background-color: #e0e0e0;
border: 1px solid black;
margin: 10px 0 10px 0;
/* Override normal rules for indenting lists */
.cdx-menu ul {
margin-left: 0px;
/* Separate the dropdown and input */
.cdx-menu {
margin-bottom: 10px;
/* Reduce vertical space in the dropdown options */
.cdx-menu-item__content {
line-height: 1em;
/* Center form elements and labels */
.script-EFFPRH-handler td {
vertical-align: middle;
/* Don't use the grey background in the preview */
.script-EFFPRH-preview {
background-color: white;
* Get the section number for a response, given the jQuery element for the
* <span> with the edit section link. Returns -1 on failure.
EFFPRH.getHeadingSectionNum = function ( $editSectionLinks ) {
const editSectionUrl = $editSectionLinks.find( 'a:first' ).attr( 'href' );
if ( editSectionUrl === undefined ) {
return -1;
const sectionMatch = editSectionUrl.match( /§ion=(\d+)(?:$|&)/ );
if ( sectionMatch === null ) {
return -1;
return parseInt( sectionMatch[1] );
* Add a link next to the edit section link that will launch the report handler.
EFFPRH.addHandlerLink = function ( $editSectionLinks, reporterName, sectionNum ) {
const $handlerLink = $( '<a>' )
.attr( 'id', 'script-EFFPRH-launch-' + sectionNum )
.text( 'Review report' );
function () {
// Only allow running once per link (until the Vue handler is removed)
if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'script-EFFPRH-disabled' ) ) {
$( this ).addClass( 'script-EFFPRH-disabled' );
EFFPRH.showHandler( reporterName, sectionNum );
// Add before the closing ] of the links
' | ',
// Handler options, see {{EFFP}}
EFFPRH.responseOptions = [
{ value: 'none', label: 'None' },
{ value: 'done', label: 'Done (no change to filter)' },
{ value: 'defm', label: 'Done (may need a change to filter)' },
{ value: 'notdone', label: 'Not Done (filter working properly)' },
{ value: 'ndefm', label: 'Not Done (may need a change to filter)' },
{ value: 'redlink', label: 'Not Done (notable people)' },
{ value: 'alreadydone', label: 'Already Done' },
{ value: 'denied', label: 'Decline (edits are vandalism)' },
{ value: 'checking', label: 'Checking' },
{ value: 'blocked', label: 'User blocked' },
{ value: 'talk', label: 'Request on article talk page' },
{ value: 'fixed', label: 'Fixed filter' },
{ value: 'question', label: 'Question' },
{ value: 'note', label: 'Note' },
{ value: 'private', label: 'Private filter' },
{ value: 'pin', label: 'Pin' },
{ value: 'moot', label: 'Moot (filter working properly)' },
{ value: 'mootefm', label: 'Moot (may need a change to filter)' }
* Actually show the handler for a given reporter name and section number.
EFFPRH.showHandler = function ( reporterName, sectionNum ) {
const targetDivId = 'script-EFFPRH-' + sectionNum;
// Need a reference so that it can be unmounted
let vueAppInstance;
// We shouldn't use the mw.loader access directly, but I'm not
// pasing around the `require` function everywhere
const cdx = mw.loader.require( '@wikimedia/codex' );
// Extra component to render wikitext preview
const previewRenderer = EFFPRH.getPreviewComponent();
const handlerApp = {
components: {
CdxButton: cdx.CdxButton,
CdxSelect: cdx.CdxSelect,
CdxTextInput: cdx.CdxTextInput,
CdxToggleButton: cdx.CdxToggleButton,
previewRenderer: previewRenderer
data: function () {
return {
reporterName: reporterName,
sectionNum: sectionNum,
responseOptions: EFFPRH.responseOptions,
selectedResponse: 'none',
commentValue: '',
// Debug information of the state
showDebug: EFFPRH.config.debug,
// Preview
showPreview: false,
// Overall state
haveSubmitted: false,
editMade: false,
editError: false
computed: {
canSubmit: function () {
return !this.haveSubmitted && this.selectedResponse !== 'none';
previewToggleLabel: function () {
return ( this.showPreview ? 'Hide preview' : 'Show preview' );
responseWikiText: function () {
// Computed here so that we can use it for the api preview,
// does not include the leading newline
let responseText = ': {{EFFP|' + this.selectedResponse + '}}';
if ( this.commentValue ) {
responseText += ' ' + this.commentValue;
responseText += ' --~~~~';
return responseText;
methods: {
reloadPage: function () {
// Needs to be a function instead of using href so that we
// can force the page to reload
mw.util.getUrl( mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) + '#' + this.reporterName )
submitHandler: function () {
this.haveSubmitted = true;
// arrow functions to simplify `this`
() => this.editMade = true,
() => this.editError = true
cancelHandler: function () {
if ( vueAppInstance === undefined ) {
console.log( 'Cannot unmount, no vueAppInstance' );
} else {
// Restore link
$( '#script-EFFPRH-launch-' + sectionNum ).removeClass(
template: `
<div class="script-EFFPRH-handler">
<p>Responding to report by {{ reporterName }}.</p>
<p v-if="showDebug">Section {{ sectionNum }}, selected response: {{ selectedResponse }}, comment: {{ commentValue }}.</p>
<!-- Table so that we can align the labels and fields -->
<td><cdx-select v-model:selected="selectedResponse" :menu-items="responseOptions" default-label="Response to report" :disabled="haveSubmitted" /></td>
<td><cdx-text-input v-model="commentValue" :disabled="haveSubmitted" /></td>
<br />
<ul v-show="haveSubmitted">
<li v-show="editMade">Success! <a v-on:click="reloadPage"><strong>Reload the page</strong></a></li>
<li v-show="editError">Uh-oh, something went wrong. Please check the console for details.</li>
<cdx-button weight="primary" action="progressive" :disabled="!canSubmit" v-on:click="submitHandler">Submit</cdx-button>
<cdx-button weight="primary" action="destructive" :disabled="haveSubmitted" v-on:click="cancelHandler">Cancel</cdx-button>
<cdx-toggle-button v-model="showPreview" :disabled="!canSubmit">{{ previewToggleLabel }}</cdx-toggle-button>
<!-- v-if so that we don't call the api to parse and render a preview when its not needed, do not render with no response template chosen -->
<preview-renderer v-if="showPreview && canSubmit" :wikitext="responseWikiText"></preview-renderer>
vueAppInstance = Vue.createMwApp( handlerApp );
vueAppInstance.mount( '#' + targetDivId );
* Extra component: preview of wikitext being added.
EFFPRH.getPreviewComponent = function () {
return {
props: {
wikitext: { type: String, default: '' }
data: function () {
return {
previewHtml: '',
haveHtml: false
methods: {
// Separate from the watcher so that can be called on mounted too
loadPreview: function ( wikitextToPreview ) {
new mw.Api().get( {
action: 'parse',
formatversion: 2,
title: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
text: wikitextToPreview,
prop: 'text|wikitext',
pst: true,
disablelimitreport: true,
disableeditsection: true,
sectionpreview: true
} ).then(
( res ) => {
console.log( res );
if ( res
&& res.parse
&& res.parse.wikitext === this.wikitext
&& res.parse.text
) {
this.previewHtml = res.parse.text;
this.haveHtml = true;
watch: {
wikitext: function ( newValue ) {
// Reset when the wikitext to preview changes
this.previewHtml = '';
this.haveHtml = false;
this.loadPreview( newValue );
mounted: function () {
// Preview starting wikitext
this.loadPreview( this.wikitext );
template: `
<div class="script-EFFPRH-preview">
<div v-if="haveHtml" v-html="previewHtml"></div>
<div v-else>Loading preview of {{ wikitext }}</div>
* Actually make the page edit to respond to the report. Returns a promise
* for the edit succeeding or not.
EFFPRH.respondToReport = function (
) {
return new Promise( function ( resolve, reject ) {
// wikitext is computed in Vue app so that it can have a preview too,
// we just need to add the leading newline
const wikitextToAdd = '\n' + responseWikiText;
const editParams = {
action: 'edit',
title: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
section: sectionNum,
summary: '/* ' + reporterName + ' */ ' + EFFPRH.editSummary,
notminor: true,
baserevid: mw.config.get( 'wgCurRevisionId' ),
nocreate: true,
appendtext: wikitextToAdd,
assert: 'user',
assertuser: mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' )
if ( EFFPRH.config.debug ) {
console.log( { ...editParams } );
new mw.Api().postWithEditToken( editParams )
( res ) => { console.log( res ); resolve(); },
( err ) => { console.log( err ); reject(); }
} );
$( document ).ready( () => {
if (
mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) === 'Wikipedia:Edit_filter/False_positives/Reports'
|| mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) === 'User:DannyS712/EFFPRH/sandbox'
) {
// </nowiki>
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