Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// <nowiki>
// Wiki user script to help maintain {{family *tree}},{{chart}} or {{tree chart}}
// boxes-and-lines diagrams, by allowing you to edit the diagram
// in a simpler and more standard ASCII art format.
// Greg Ubben, 1 Dec 2008
// User:PBS , 31 Jan 2020 added code to parse "family tree" and "tree chart"
// To install, add: importScript("User:Daduxing/familytree.js");
// to your common.js page. This adds an option [Templates → Art]
// to the toolbox menu when editing familytrees.
// It is a two pass operation.
// 1. Press [Templates → Art] -- the template code is changed into an intermediate
// format and the menu option changes to [Art → Templates]
// 2. Press Art → Templates] -- converts the "Art" back in to cleaned up temlate code
// IE may work better than Firefox since it supports typeover mode.
// TODO:
// - Anything we can do to improve [[WP:ACCESSIBILITY]]
// - Some smarts with border/boxstyle
// Advanced ideas:
// - Draw line between start and end of selection
// - Cut/copy/paste rectangular selections (no existing library??)
// - include overwrite/typeover mode emulation for Firefox
// - Java GUI version where you drag boxes and lines on a grid
$ (function() { // wraps entire script
var Summary = "Edited {{%s}} using [[User:Daduxing/familytree.js|familytree.js]]";
var Special = [ "border", "boxstyle", "colspan", "rowspan" ];
var Template; // family *tree, chart or tree chart?
var Style = null;
var Center = 40; // center small diagrams on this column
var Maxwidth = 80;
var Picky = 0; // complain instead of self-correct?
var rows;
var boxes;
// New code 2020-01-31
// This function returns the possible template names
// It is in the form of a regular expression match.
// The parenethasis represents "select"
// The bar character ("|") represents "or"
// so (Foo|Bar) means true if the string contains either Foo or Bar
// and (Foo|Bar|Chart) means true if the string contains either Foo or Bar or Chart.
// In this case there is a fourth option represented by a " *" which means 0 or more
// spaces. In this case it covers "familytree" and "family tree".
// The case of the first letter (is covered by another function so there is no need
// to add cases to these options.
function template_names()
return "(family *tree|chart|tree chart)";
// New code 2020-01-31
// This function returns a pattern for the whole of a family tree.
// Because the string is passed into another function for processing it is necessary to double
// escape the escape character "\", The first one is stripped in this creation leaving
// the second one for the patter match ie "\\{\\{" becomes "\{\{"
function tree_pattern()
return "\\{\\{" + template_names() + "\\/start[\\S\\s]*?\\{\\{" + template_names() + "\\/end\\}\\}";
// Add/replace convert option at top of toolbox menu on sidebar.
function update_menu (item)
var node = document.getElementById("t-diagram");
if (node)
node = document.getElementById("t-whatlinkshere");
if (item == "wiki2art")
addPortletLink ("p-tb", "javascript:wiki2art()",
"Templates → Art", "t-diagram",
"Convert {{" + Template + "}}... to ASCII art", "", node);
if (item == "art2wiki")
addPortletLink ("p-tb", "javascript:art2wiki()",
"Art → Templates", "t-diagram",
"Convert ASCII art back to {{" + Template + "}}...", "", node);
function wiki2art()
try {
Style = null;
var textarea = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
var scroll_pos = textarea.scrollTop;
var pattern = new RegExp(tree_pattern(), "ig");
textarea.value = textarea.value.replace(pattern, wiki2art_replace);
textarea.setAttribute("wrap", "off");
// work around problem with Firefox ignoring wrap (bug 302710) = "block";
textarea.scrollTop = scroll_pos; // Mozilla only?
update_menu ("art2wiki");
document.editform.wpSave.disabled = true;
catch (e) {
alert ("Could not convert to ASCII art because:\n\n" + e);
function wiki2art_replace (text, tmpl)
var rows = [];
var parts = {};
if (text.indexOf("\n") == -1)
return text; // don't convert a 1-line legend
// Sanity check, if non-empty but no lines begin with {{.
if (\n\s*\{\{.*\n/) == -1 &&\n\s*[^\s<].*\n/) != -1) {
toss ("Out of sync; looks like this already is art.");
return text;
Template = tmpl.toLowerCase();
Maxwidth = (Template.match(/^(chart|tree chart)/i) ? 50 : 80);
Style = Style || new MarkupStyle(text);
parse_templates (text, rows);
var start = "{{" + rows.shift().join("|") + "}}\n";
var end = "{{" + rows.pop().join("|") + "}}";
layout_tiles (rows, parts);
var art = pad_text( touchup( ));
var width = art.indexOf("\n") / 2;
width = (width > 50 && Maxwidth > 50) ? Maxwidth : 50;
var ruler = Array(11).join("0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-")
.slice(0, width*2-1);
return start + "\n" + ruler + "\n" + art +
"\n" + parts.list + "\n" + end;
// Remember markup spacing styles based on first occurrences.
// So to change the markup style, just change the first one
// then toggle twice to "refresh".
function MarkupStyle (text)
this.initial = "";
this.lead = " ";
this.equal = "=";
var res;
text = text || "";
text = text.replace(/^.*\n/, ""); // strip {{family *tree/start}}
res = text.match(/\w( *)\|/);
if (res) {
this.initial = res[1]; // space after template name?
res = text.match(/\|(\s*)\w{2,5}(\s*=\s*)[^\s=|}]/);
if (res) {
this.lead = res[1]; // params indented on new lines?
this.equal = res[2];
this.trail = (/\n/.test(this.lead) ? " " : "");
this.trim = (\| \| (\|?}}|\|\s*\w+\s*=)/) == -1);
this.param = function(name,value) {
return this.lead + name + this.equal + value + this.trail;
// Parse textual series of {{family *tree|...|...}} templates
// into a list of parameter lists. The parameters can contain
// arbitrarily complex nested wiki syntax like [[foo|bar]] and
// {{foo|bar|{{{1|baz}}}}} but this simple strategy of just
// counting double brackets and braces should be good enough.
function parse_templates (text, rows)
var pattern = /([[\]{}])\1|\||<!--[\S\s]*?-->|<nowiki>[\S\s]*?<\/nowiki>/ig;
var level = 0;
var row, start, res;
while ((res = pattern.exec(text)) != null) {
if (res[1]) {
(res[1]=="[" || res[1]=="{") ? level++ : level--;
if (res[0] == "{{" && level == 1) {
row = [];
start = res.index + 2;
if (res[0] == "|" && level == 1) {
row.push(text.slice(start, res.index));
start = res.index + 1;
if (res[0] == "}}" && level == 0) {
row.push(text.slice(start, res.index));
if (level != 0)
throw "Mismatched {{...}} or [[...]]";
function layout_tiles (rows, parts)
var art = "";
var params = {};
var order = [];
var specpat = new RegExp("^((" + Special.join("|") + ")_)\\s*(\\S.*)" );
// Tweak name so it is valid (matches namepat from map_boxes()
// and is 2 to 5 characters long) and so it is unique if the
// same name is used on several templates with different values.
// Then store it in params{} and order[].
// Could remember mappings in another hash, and change
// back to original name on output (if original name not
// already used on line). Probably best not to though.
function goodname (name, value)
var res, prefix="", nn;
if (res = name.match(specpat)) {
prefix = res[1];
name = res[3];
nn = alias[name];
if (!nn) { // first encounter on this template
nn = name;
if (\w.*\w/) == -1 &&\w.*\w/) > -1)
nn = value.toUpperCase();
nn = nn.replace( /[^\w.\/&]/g, "_");
nn = nn.replace( /_*([\W_])[\W_]*/g, "$1");
nn = nn.replace( /^[\W_]*(.{0,4}[^\W_]).*/, "$1");
nn = nn.replace( /^.?$/, "A0001");
var base = nn;
var num = 1;
while (nn in params && (params[nn] != value || prefix)) {
nn = base.slice(0, 5 - String(num).length) + num;
alias[name] = nn;
nn = prefix + nn;
if (! (nn in params)) {
params[nn] = value;
return nn;
// FRANKLIN = Benjamin Franklin FRANK
// FRANKLIN = Frank N. Furter FRAN2 boxstyle_FRANKLIN = red
// FRANKLIN = Franklin Richards FRAN3
// FRANKLIN = Frank N. Furter boxstyle_FRANKLIN = blue
for (var r=0; r < rows.length; r++) {
var row = rows[r];
var seen = {};
var alias = {}; // mapped to different name on this row?
var pattn = new RegExp("^\\s*" + template_names() + "\\s*$", "i");
if (row[0].search(pattn) == -1)
throw "Unrecognized template {{" + row[0] + "}}";
for (var i=0; i < Special.length; i++)
alias[Special[i]] = Special[i]; // don't truncate boxstyle
// Pass 1: Do only the assignments first, because if the
// same parameter name is used on a previous row with a
// different value, then we need to rename this parameter
// and its boxes before they are output.
for (var c=1; c < row.length; c++)
var cell = row[c];
var i = cell.indexOf("=");
if (i < 0 || cell == "=")
var name = trim(cell.slice(0,i));
var value = trim(cell.slice(i+1));
if (value.indexOf("\n") >= 0)
toss ('Parameter "' + name + '" spans multiple lines.');
value = value.replace(/\n\s*/g, " ");
if (seen[name] && value != seen[name])
throw 'Parameter "' + name + '" has multiple values on template ' + (r+1);
seen[name] = value;
goodname(name, value);
// Pass 2: Now layout the tiles and boxes.
for (var c=1; c < row.length; c++)
var cell = trim(row[c]);
if (istile(cell) && ! (cell in seen))
art += pad(cell, 2);
else if (cell.indexOf("=") == -1) // it's a BOX
cell = goodname(cell, cell.replace(/_/g, " ")).slice(0,5);
// Don't adjoin a {{(chart|tree chart)}} wide cell if can avoid
if (cell.length == 4 && /\w$/.test(art))
cell = " " + cell;
art += (" "+cell+" ").substr(cell.length/2, 6);
art += "\n";
// list the parameter values, one per line
// TODO: Styles referenced via [1], [2], etc
var param_width = 5;
for (var name in params)
if (name.length > 8)
param_width = 14; // any boxstyle_FOO ?
var param_list = "";
while (name = order.shift()) {
param_list += pad(name, param_width) + " = " + (params[name] || "") + "\n";
} = art;
parts.list = param_list;
// Make the art more readable by converting some symbols.
// Mainly just fills in --- and ~~~ horizontal lines for now.
// 1. Fill in a ~ tile followed by a ~ tile or a box
// 2. Fill in a box followed by a ~ tile
// TOM - v - SUE becomes TOM ---v--- SUE
function touchup (art)
art = art.replace( /!/g, "|");
art = art.replace( /([,`^)}*+-]|\b[Xadijqrv]) (?=[.'^({*+-]|[acijlqrv]| ?\w\w)/g, "$1-");
art = art.replace( /([~%#\]]|\b[ADFLVfhy]) (?=[~%#[]|[7ACJKVXehy]| ?\w\w)/g, "$1~");
art = art.replace( /(\w\w ? ?) (?=[.'^({*+-]|[acijlqrv]\b)/g, "$1-");
art = art.replace( /(\w\w ? ?) (?=[~%#[]|[7ACJKVXehy]\b)/g, "$1~");
art = art.replace( /(\w\w ) (-|~)/g, "$1$2$2");
return art;
// Trim and pad a multi-line diagram with spaces to its maximum
// width, adding a margin on both sides and a 1-line padded
// margin above and below. Also tweaks the alignment if most
// of the alignment indicators are mis-aligned on odd.
// If margin is not given (wiki2art), it depends on the width.
function pad_text (text, margin)
// trim trailing spaces and leading and trailing lines
text = text.replace(/\t/g, " "); // just in case
text = text.replace(/ *\r*$/mg, "");
text = text.replace(/^\n*/, "\n");
text = text.replace(/\n*$/, "\n");
// trim indentation if not empty
while (^|\n).?\S|^\s*$/) == -1) {
text = text.replace(/^ /mg, "");
var rows = text.split("\n");
var width = 0;
var align = 0;
var alignpat = /[^\w\s=~&\/\[\].-]|[A-Z0-9]+([\/&._]?[A-Z0-9])+/ig;
var res;
for (var i=0; i < rows.length; i++) {
width = Math.max(width, rows[i].length);
// Are majority of alignment indicators on odd or even?
while ((res = alignpat.exec(rows[i])) != null) {
var len = res[0].length;
if (len % 2) // even boxes are ambiguous
((res.index + len/2) & 1) ? align-- : align++;
// If formatting for display, center diagram on column 40, but
// at least a 4-cell left margin unless close to max width.
// The margin gives room to draw another box on the left, and
// you can then toggle view twice to indent another 4 cells.
if (margin == null) {
margin = Center - width / 2;
margin = Math.max(margin & ~1, 8);
if (width/2 + margin > Maxwidth)
margin = 0;
else if (align < 0)
margin = pad("", margin);
text = "";
for (var i=0; i < rows.length; i++) {
text += margin + pad(rows[i], width) + margin + "\n";
return text;
// Pad str with spaces on right to width len, but don't truncate.
function pad (str, len)
if (str.length < len)
str += Array(len - str.length + 1).join(" ");
return str;
function trim (str)
return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
function art2wiki()
try {
var textarea = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
var scroll_pos = textarea.scrollTop;
var pattern = new RegExp(tree_pattern(), "ig");
textarea.value = textarea.value.replace(pattern, art2wiki_replace);
textarea.removeAttribute("wrap"); = "inline"; // Firefox work-around
textarea.scrollTop = scroll_pos; // Firefox only?
document.editform.wpSave.disabled = false;
update_menu ("wiki2art");
if (^(\/\* .* \*\/)? *$/) == 0)
document.editform.wpSummary.value += Summary.replace("%s", Template);
catch (e) {
alert ("Could not convert ASCII art because:\n\n" + e);
function art2wiki_replace (text, tmpl)
var label = {};
var param_rows = [];
Template = tmpl.toLowerCase();
rows = [];
boxes = [];
if (text.indexOf("\n") == -1)
return text; // don't convert a 1-line legend
// Sanity check, if any lines begin with {{...
if (\n\s*\{\{.*\n/) != -1) {
toss ("Out of sync; looks like this already is wikitext.");
return text;
var res = text.match(/^(.*}})([\S\s]*)\{\{/);
if (res == null)
throw "Didn't find end of /start tag on same line";
parse_art (res[2], label,rows);
map_boxes (rows, boxes);
map_tiles (boxes,rows, param_rows);
crop_rows (param_rows);
var temps = to_wikitext (label, param_rows);
var start = summarize (res[1], boxes.count);
return start + "\n" + temps + "{{" + tmpl + "/end}}";
// Parse the simple ASCII art, storing the diagram in
// rows[] and the labels in label{}
function parse_art (text, label,outrows)
// remove any rulers or comments (messages)
text = text.replace(/^.*1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9.*\n/mg, "");
text = text.replace(/^ *\/\/.*/mg, "");
// Parse the name=value definitions into label{}.
// We're as flexible as possible, allowing defs
// with no RHS, defs in multiple columns, and
// defs quickly jotted to the right of the art.
// However, a value cannot span lines. And assume
// foo===bar is part of the art, where === is ---.
// AAA=Freddy overrides AAA=AAA overrides AAA=
text = text.replace(/([^\s=]+) *=(?!=) *(.*?)(\t| (?=.*\w.*=)| *$)/mg,
function (str,name,value) {
if (! /\w/.test(name)) // art
return str;
if (! label[name] || label[name] == name && value)
label[name] = value;
if (value != label[name] && value != name && value)
throw 'Parameter "' + name + '" has multiple values.';
return "";
// Treat ..... same as ~~~~~
text = text.replace(/\.{3,}/g, function(s){ return s.replace(/./g, "~"); });
text = pad_text(text, 4);
var a = text.slice(0,-1).split("\n");
while (a.length)
// At this point, outrows[] should contain the diagram padded
// to the maximum width with two extra blank cells on each
// side (1 box overlap + 1 neighbor) and with the vertical
// lines aligned on the even characters (assuming diagram is
// consistent in this).
// Find which cells are occupied by boxes, even if the box
// names are real short (must be at least 2 characters) or
// real long. Doing this first makes processing the tiles
// easier. Returns the 2D boxes array.
function map_boxes (rows, boxes)
var namepat = /[A-Z0-9]+([\/&._]?[A-Z0-9])+/ig;
var row, map, res, name, pos;
boxes.count = 0;
for (var i=0; i < rows.length; i++) {
row = rows[i];
map = new Array(row.length);
while ((res = namepat.exec(row)) != null) {
name = res[0];
// Handle cases where wide {{(chart|tree chart)}} tiles look like boxes.
// If it looks like they could be tiles, then they're tiles,
// else they're boxes. We rely on user to not use ambiguous
// box names like a2b2c (though names like a2 and a2b should
// actually work as long as they remain aligned on odd).
if (Template.match(/^(chart|tree chart)/i) && res.index % 2 == 0)
while (^[a-z]2[^\W_].../) == 0) {
name = name.slice(2);
res.index += 2;
// Tiles: m2 m2P m2n2 m2n2P Boxes: m2ab m2abc m2Pn2
if (^([a-z]2)*.?$/) == 0)
// Also allow convenience shortcut of SPPPRPPPPPP
// to be used as alternative to S P R P P P
if (^(?=.*PPP)([bmnoPSYWMHR]P){3,}.?$/) == 0)
// Even allow on odd alignment if it's all PPPPPPPPPPPs
if (Template.match(/^(chart|tree chart)/i) &&^P{6,}.$/) == 0)
if (name.length % 2 == 1 && res.index % 2 == 0)
toss (name + " is aligned ambiguously");
pos = (res.index + name.length / 2) & ~1;
if (map[pos-2])
throw "box [" + name + "] overlaps [" + map[pos-2] + "]";
map[pos-2] = name;
map[pos] = name;
map[pos+2] = name;
// Blank out the name. If it's a long name (>5) and
// a horizontal line joins it, extend the line into
// the extra space from shortening the name.
var before = row.slice(0, res.index);
var blank = name.replace(/./g, " ");
var after = row.slice(res.index + name.length);
var half = name.length / 2;
if (res = before.match(/(-|~) ?$/))
blank = Array((half+1)|0).join(res[1]) + blank.slice(half);
if (res = after.match(/^ ?(-|~)/))
blank = blank.slice(0,half) + Array((half+1.6)|0).join(res[1]);
row = before + blank + after;
if (row.slice(pos-2, pos+3).search(/[^\s[\]P~=_-]/) >= 0)
toss ("A tile overlaps box [" + name + "]");
rows[i] = row;
function map_tiles (boxes,rows, param_rows)
for (var r=1; r < rows.length-1; r++)
var row = rows[r];
var params = [];
var res = row.match(/^.(..)*?([^\s[\]P~=_-])/);
if (res)
toss (res[2] + " is mis-aligned on row " + r);
for (var c=2; c < row.length-2; c += 2)
if (boxes[r][c]) {
params.push( boxes[r][c] );
c += 4;
else {
var t = new Tile(r,c);
t.tweak(r-1, c, 0);
t.tweak(r+1, c, 2);
t.tweak(r, c-2, 3);
t.tweak(r, c+2, 1);
params.push( t.symbol() );
// Crop unneeded spaces from beginnings and ends of parameter
// lists if entire columns are unused. The rows are assumed
// to be the same virtual width. If a margin is desired, use
// {{family *tree/start| style=margin:1em}}, not empty rows/columns.
// (In rare cases there could also be leading/trailing rows that
// are empty, but don't crop them. Should only happen if these
// lines were blank exept for character(s) in the odd cells.
// Which shouldn't happen by accident.)
function crop_rows (rows)
var min = 9999;
var max = 0;
// Find first and last columns used
for (var r=0; r < rows.length; r++) {
var params = rows[r];
var col = 0; // virtual column / width
var first = 9999; // first used column
var last = 0; // last used column
for (var i=0; i < params.length; i++) {
var param = params[i];
if (param != ' ' && first > col)
first = col;
if (! istile(param))
col += 2; // it's a 3-wide box
if (param != ' ')
last = col;
min = Math.min(min, first);
max = Math.max(max, last);
if (min > max) return; // all blank
var extra = col - max - 1; // amount to trim on right
// Now crop leading and trailing params in blank columns.
// Though the param list lengths vary, their virtual widths
// should all be the same, and will continue to be consistent
// after shaving the same amount off of each end.
for (r=0; r < rows.length; r++) {
rows[r].splice(0, min);
rows[r].splice(rows[r].length - extra, extra);
function to_wikitext (label, rows)
var style = Style || new MarkupStyle();
var result = "";
var first_part = "{{" + Template + style.initial;
var label_used = {};
var i, attr;
for (i=0; i < Special.length; i++) {
attr = Special[i];
if (attr in label) {
first_part += "|" + attr + "=" + label[attr];
label_used[attr] = 1;
for (var r=0; r < rows.length; r++)
var params = rows[r];
var seen = {};
var last_part = "";
var param;
result += first_part;
while (param = params.shift()) {
result += "|";
if (istile(param) && !(param in label)) {
result += param;
if (! (param in seen)) {
seen[param] = 1;
if (param in label) {
last_part += "|" + style.param(param, label[param]);
label_used[param] = 1;
for (i=0; i < Special.length; i++) {
attr = Special[i] + "_" + param;
if (attr in label) {
last_part += "|" + style.param(attr, label[attr]);
label_used[attr] = 1;
seen[param] = 2;
// If param.length < 5, center it so it looks better.
// Unless it's used in any per-box attributes like boxstyle_FOO,
// in which case it must be flush left to work correctly.
if (seen[param] == 2 || param.length > 5)
result += pad(param, 5);
result += (" "+param+" ").substr(param.length/2, 5);
if (style.trim)
result = result.replace(/(\| )+$/g, ""); // trim empty cells
result += last_part + "}}\n";
var unused = "";
for (i in label) {
if (! (i in label_used) && label[i] && label[i] != i)
unused += "|" + style.param(i, label[i]);
if (unused)
result += "<!-- Unused parameters: -->\n" +
"{{" + Template + style.initial + unused + "}}\n";
return result;
// Create a slightly more useful summary than the default.
// The user is hoped to revise this to a more meaningful summary
// than can be calculated automatically. For example:
// summary = family *tree diagram for Barack Obama, connecting
// 29 individuals in 4 generations. Generations are
// arranged in rows, with Barack appearing 3rd on the
// 3rd such row.
function summarize (tag, count)
if (\|\s*summary\s*=/) == -1)
tag = tag.replace(/}}$/,
"| summary=Boxes and lines diagram with " + count + " boxes}}");
tag = tag.replace(/\d+(?= (boxes|nodes|individuals))/, count);
return tag;
function istile (sym)
return sym.length <= 1 ||
Template.match(/^(chart|tree chart)/i) && /^[a-z]2$/.test(sym);
function Tile(r,c)
var a = get_tile(r,c);
this.orig_sym = a[0];
this.sides = a[1].slice(0,4); // copy vs ref
this.weight = a[1][4];
// If edge is a line but next tile not same with > weight, change it
// If edge is blank but next tile is line with >= weight, change it
this.tweak = function (r,c,dir)
var neighbor = get_tile(r,c);
var specs = neighbor[1];
var ne_line = specs[dir ^ 2];
var us_line = this.sides[dir];
if (us_line > 0 && ne_line != us_line && specs[4] > this.weight ||
us_line == 0 && ne_line > 0 && specs[4] >= this.weight)
this.sides[dir] = ne_line;
this.symbol = function()
var ch = new_symbol[this.sides];
if (ch == null || /[ :~!-]/.test(ch))
ch = this.orig_sym;
return ch;
function get_tile(r,c)
if (boxes[r][c])
return ["BOX", [0, 0, 0, 0, 20]];
var ch = rows[r].charAt(c);
var ch2 = rows[r].charAt(c+1);
if (/[ P_=~-]/.test(ch) && /[^ [\]P_=~-]/.test(ch2)) // mis-aligned?
ch = ch2;
if (/\w/.test(ch) && ch2 == '2') // {{(chart|tree chart)}} long symbol?
ch += '2';
if (ch == '|' || ch == '1')
ch = '!';
if (ch == '_' || ch == '=')
ch = '-';
var specs = symbols[ch] || [0, 0, 0, 0, 20];
if (specs.length > 5 && Template.match(/^(chart|tree chart)/i)) // t, T, k, G
specs = specs.slice(5);
return [ch, specs];
// Build reverse lookup table needed by Tile objects.
// There is some conflict between the {{family *tree}} and {{chart}} or {{tree chart}} symbols.
// A few recently-added symbols map to different specs, and some specs
// map back to different symbols. Hence the extra logic here depending
// on the current Template family.
Tile.invert_symbols = function()
new_symbol = {};
var start = Template.match(/^(chart|tree chart)/i) ? -5 : 0;
for (var sym in symbols) {
var nesw = symbols[sym].slice(start,start+4).join();
if (! (nesw in new_symbol) || Template.match(/^(chart|tree chart)/i) )
new_symbol[nesw] = sym;
function toss (msg) // Soft throw.
if (Picky) throw msg;
// I haven't tuned many of these weights yet.
// Hopefully we won't need to go to per-edge weights.
// Doubt:
// 0 space
// 1 ^ v ( )
// 2 - ! ~ :
// 3 + . , ' ` / \ BOX
var new_symbol = {};
var symbols = {
// N, E, S, W, Weight
" " : [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 90 ],
"-" : [ 0, 1, 0, 1, 50 ],
"!" : [ 1, 0, 1, 0, 50 ],
"+" : [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 20 ],
"," : [ 0, 1, 1, 0, 20 ],
"." : [ 0, 0, 1, 1, 20 ],
"`" : [ 1, 1, 0, 0, 20 ],
"'" : [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 20 ],
"^" : [ 1, 1, 0, 1, 70 ],
"v" : [ 0, 1, 1, 1, 70 ],
"(" : [ 1, 0, 1, 1, 70 ],
")" : [ 1, 1, 1, 0, 70 ],
"~" : [ 0, 2, 0, 2, 50 ],
":" : [ 2, 0, 2, 0, 50 ],
"%" : [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 20 ],
"F" : [ 0, 2, 2, 0, 20 ],
"7" : [ 0, 0, 2, 2, 20 ],
"L" : [ 2, 2, 0, 0, 20 ],
"J" : [ 2, 0, 0, 2, 20 ],
"A" : [ 2, 2, 0, 2, 70 ],
"V" : [ 0, 2, 2, 2, 70 ],
"C" : [ 2, 0, 2, 2, 70 ],
"D" : [ 2, 2, 2, 0, 70 ],
"*" : [ 2, 1, 2, 1, 51 ],
"#" : [ 1, 2, 1, 2, 51 ], // don't tweak ---#---
"h" : [ 1, 2, 0, 2, 33 ],
"y" : [ 0, 2, 1, 2, 33 ],
"{" : [ 2, 0, 2, 1, 33 ],
"}" : [ 2, 1, 2, 0, 33 ],
"t" : [ 2, 1, 0, 1, 33, 1, 2, 1, 2, 51 ],
"[" : [ 1, 0, 1, 2, 33 ],
"]" : [ 1, 2, 1, 0, 33 ],
"X" : [ 2, 1, 2, 2, 33 ],
"T" : [ 0, 1, 2, 2, 33, 0, 0, 3, 3, 20 ],
"K" : [ 2, 0, 1, 2, 33 ],
"k" : [ 1, 0, 2, 2, 33, 3, 1, 3, 0, 33 ],
"G" : [ 2, 2, 1, 0, 33, 3, 0, 3, 3, 70 ],
// chart
"P" : [ 0, 3, 0, 3, 50 ],
"Q" : [ 3, 0, 3, 0, 50 ],
"R" : [ 3, 3, 3, 3, 20 ],
"S" : [ 0, 3, 3, 0, 20 ],
"Y" : [ 3, 3, 0, 0, 20 ],
"Z" : [ 3, 0, 0, 3, 20 ],
"W" : [ 3, 3, 0, 3, 70 ],
"M" : [ 0, 3, 3, 3, 70 ],
"H" : [ 3, 3, 3, 0, 70 ],
"c" : [ 2, 0, 2, 1, 33 ],
"d" : [ 2, 1, 2, 0, 33 ],
"i" : [ 2, 1, 0, 1, 33 ],
"j" : [ 0, 1, 2, 1, 33 ],
"e" : [ 1, 0, 1, 2, 33 ],
"f" : [ 1, 2, 1, 0, 33 ],
"a" : [ 3, 1, 3, 1, 51 ],
"b" : [ 1, 3, 1, 3, 51 ], // don't tweak ---b---
"l" : [ 3, 0, 3, 1, 33 ],
"m" : [ 0, 3, 1, 3, 33 ],
"n" : [ 1, 3, 0, 3, 33 ],
"o" : [ 1, 3, 1, 0, 33 ],
"p" : [ 1, 0, 1, 3, 33 ],
"q" : [ 3, 1, 0, 1, 33 ],
"r" : [ 0, 1, 3, 1, 33 ],
"a2" : [ 3, 2, 3, 2, 54 ],
"b2" : [ 2, 3, 2, 3, 54 ],
"k2" : [ 3, 2, 3, 0, 44 ],
"l2" : [ 3, 0, 3, 2, 44 ],
"m2" : [ 0, 3, 2, 3, 44 ],
"n2" : [ 2, 3, 0, 3, 44 ],
"o2" : [ 2, 3, 2, 0, 44 ],
"p2" : [ 2, 0, 2, 3, 44 ],
"q2" : [ 3, 2, 0, 2, 44 ],
"r2" : [ 0, 2, 3, 2, 44 ]
window.wiki2art = wiki2art; // expose to HTML link
window.art2wiki = art2wiki;
if (document.editform) {
var textbox = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
var pattn = new RegExp(tree_pattern(), "ig");
var res = textbox.value.match(pattn);
if (res) {
Template = res[1];
pattn = new RegExp("^\\s*\\{\\{" + template_names() + "\\s*\\|", "mi");
if (res[0].search(pattn) > 0)
update_menu ("wiki2art");
update_menu ("art2wiki");
} ); // end of script and addOnloadHook() wrapper
// </nowiki>
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