I use Wikipedia fairly often.
I occasionally put comments on the talk pages. Very rarely I edit a main page
I would like to help make wikipedia more accessible to a wider audience and create a wider range of editors.
I’m not sure how to do that without having to get very familiar with lots of technical matters. A significant barrier in itself.
Some personal background:
I have a wide variety of interests. I have a strong technical, mathematical, systems, sociology, psychology, governance and spirituality biases.
One of my technical and mathematical interests over many years started when I was researching how to take paper based engineering drawings onto CAD systems. I got very interested in QuasiCrystals and their generalisations. Also, much more relevant to my research was looking at 1D Aperiodic Crystals, or just long straight digital lines with an irrational slope.
In particular, I got very interested in how such a long straight lines could be automatically recognised. Sadly, I didn't write a paper about this subject, but I have maintained an informal interest in this subject over the years, along with exploring tiles that are a dual of a set of sets of parallel lines, often regularly spaced. This corresponds with some very interesting quasicrystal structures.
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