This user is from the planet Earth .
This user is a stub. Please help this user expand by feeding.
This user is interested in The Sith Order .If only you knew the power of the Dark Side.
This user is a Leo .
This user was born in the Year of the Boar . 豬
This user firmly believes that this is a better world because of the presence of dogs .
This user's favourite animal is the Grey wolf .
Ninja stars rock!!!
This user likes all of the colors.
This user prefers eating pizza with pineapple .
If she had her little way, this user would eat peaches every day.
This user couldn't live without bagels , but NO CREAM CHEESE!
This user eats M&Ms .
You better keep your hands off my peeps !
This user likes pie .
This user drinks tea .
This user believes in logic .
This is where I stand. TODAY
? This user follows her own political ideals.
This user believes it is every citizen's duty to vote .
This user supports Anarchist ideas, although she is not an Anarchist herself.
This user reserves the right to question authority .
Name This user wants her name to be confidential. XXX
This user identifies as queer .
This User is excessively addicted to Wikipedia.
This user believes penguins will rule the Earth!
This user does not
smoke .
This user has blond hair.
This user is flammable.
This user stole the Precious . It's ours and we want it!
This user exists. This is not claiming that this user is not a bot, sockpuppet, blocked user, or inactive user, it is just stating that this user EXISTS. He/She/It/They would like to point out that the reader must exist as well. Existent
Scrubs This user enjoys watching Scrubs .
This user likes all types of music .
This user is a vampire and vants to suck your blood. BLEH!
This user pretends ignorance and stupidity for tactical reasons.
Burrito ergo sum
I fart, therefore I am.
DAMN! This user's computer is CRAPPY!
This user has edited at least 7 articles!!! {wow} 7!!
This user supports the right to arm bears .
This user is standing behind you.
This user honestly just doesn't care anymore about what shape the Earth is. Let it go, man.
This user believes that anyone who thinks Wikipedia is an unreliable source should continue their quest to find a better website.
Dr. Who This User can't decide which is better, the Daleks or the Cybermen ?
Fox News This user hates Fox News and anything connected to it.
This user is a NINJA !What Ninja? I don't see a... *SCHHING!* AAH!
ubx -5This user uses entirely too many userboxes .
This user is of Slovak ancestry.
This user believes that ain't is a proper word to use in place of a contraction of a verb and a pronoun. Ain't that right?
you oneThis user knows that one should not use "you " in encyclopedia articles or other formal works.
Majority ≠ right
This user recognizes that even if 300,000,000 people make the same mistake, it's still a mistake .
This user remembers VHS . ±
This user likes to sleep .
This user spends most of her free time thinking about random things...
This user supports immigration and the right to travel freely upon the planet we share.
This user believes the world would be a better place if everyone had access to a quality, free education .
This user knows your mother (and will say "hi" to her for you)
This user is interested in the human soul or spirit .
This user respects others' religions and realises not all people wish to follow the same path.
This user believes if you're old enough to go to war , you're old enough to drink alcohol .
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