Quick Info
Set of vandals I'm currently tracking (suspected to all be the same person):
Roomlived (contribs)
Songsneeds (contribs)
Blameoften (contribs)
Globelovers (contribs) (contribs)
Assdog137 (contribs) (A shoutout, I think?)
Pages they've (/he's/she's) been vandalizing:
Windows on the World
American Airlines Flight 11
Diesel engine
Marriott World Trade Center
List of tenants in Two World Trade Center
Norman, Oklahoma
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Nintendo DS Lite
PlayStation 3
iPod nano
My user and talk pages
And he/she/they harassed this poor user with a vandalism warning for reverting their vandalism: (...although they didn't sign their "warning").
Any help catching other vandalism by this user would be appreciated. :)
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