This user wishes that the manufacturer did not install Windows Vista on their computer.
Hello, and welcome to my user page. My real name is Dale Calderon, but I mostly go by my online alias Aridnyk. For the most part I am a graduated teenager working full time as a Flash Programmer and Animator for Vanir Construction Management Inc. I contribute to what I can in Wikipedia, and if I notice that an article needs cleaning up, or re-writing, I do my best to adjust it accordingly. Although this technically is a new user account, I have edited under my IP address. Thats pretty much all I have to say about myself, as I don't like to talk about myself.
What I'm About Here
Here on Wikipedia, I try to edit or help articles in which I know I have extensive knowledge in, and can provide an unbiased opinion. If I feel very strongly or take only one stance about a topic, i tend to stand clear of the article, as I kno my personal preferences will be in the way of good judgment. I'm not fond of the admin system on Wikipedia (if you want to call it a 'system') although I do support some regulations and rules on wikipedia, and I know not every admin is evil, but all it takes is a few bad apples to make you hate applesauce.
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