Topór (Polish for "axe") is a Polish coat of arms. It was used by several szlachta (noble) families in medieval Poland and under the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.[1]
The topór coat of arms is one of the oldest szlachta armorial bearings, found on a wax seal dated to 1282. Before the Union of Horodło in 1413, it's believed approximately 220 Polish szlachta families in and around Kraków, Lublin and Sandomierz used these arms.
Under the Union of Horodło the coat of arms was represented by Maciej z Wąsosza, the Voivod of Kraków, and by Jan Butrym, a Lithuanian boyar. After the Union of Horodło the topór coat of arms was transported to Lithuania and adopted by Jan Butrym. Due to its antiquity it was sometimes referred to as Starża, an Old-Polish word meaning "old age".
Gules an axe proper. For a crest, issuant from a ducal coronet an axe proper in bend.
Notable bearers
Notable bearers of this coat of arms have included:
- House of Bogdanowicz
- Jan Jerzy Grabowski
- House of Matuszewski: Szymon Piotr Stefan Matuszewski
- Joey Największy z Gueltjakia
- Cyprian Norwid
- House Okulicz
- House of Ossoliński: Jerzy Ossoliński, Franciszek Maksymilian Ossoliński, Anna Teresa Ossolińska, Józef Kajetan Ossoliński, Jan Zbigniew Ossoliński, Krzysztof Ossoliński
- House of Starza Szolayski: Adam Prince Starza Szolayski, Wanda Princess Starza Szolayska, Gerda Starza Szolayska
- House of Tarło, Teofilia Tarło, Zygmunt Tarło, Jan Tarło, Andrzej Tarło, Pawel Tarło, Jadwiga Tarło, Stanisław Tarło, Jan Karol Tarło, Barbara Tarło
- House of Tęczyński: Zbigniew Tęczyński, Jan Magnus Tęczyński
- Eustachy Trepka
- Józef Zabiełło
- House of Zemło
Variation with the crest in bend sinister blade to base
Variation with the crest in bend sinister
Variation with the field azure
Variation with the field Or
Arms of Ludwik Justyn Deciusz, 1531
Arms of the Counts Tęczyński, 1561
Arms of Wawrzyniec z Kazimierza, 1569
Arms of House Paczeński, 16th cent.
Arms of the Princes Ossoliński, 1633
Arms of the Counts Zabiełło, 1683
Arms of House Morawicki, 17th cent.
Arms of House Jakubowski, 1764
Arms of the Counts Morski, 1781
Arms of the Counts Ossoliński, 1785
Arms of Sebastian Jakubowski, 1790
Arms of House Gumowski, 18th cent.
Arms of Baron Wincenty Jakubowski, 1808
Arms of the Counts Grabowski, 1816
Arms of the Counts Dzierzbicki, 1824
Arms of Julius Paczeński
Portrait of Jerzy Ossoliński with coat of arms in upper left
Portrait of Franciszek Maksymilian Ossolinski with coat of arms on the shield (right bottom corner)
Portrait of Jan Zbigniew Ossolinski with coat of arms in upper right
Jan Magnus Tęczyński with coat of arms in upper right
Topór on the painting of Elizabeth Granowska, 1779
The epitaph of Jan Kanty Tarło (1790-1855) in Szczaworyż, Church of St. James
Coat of arms of the Ossoliński family on the St. Antoni Padewski Church in Warsaw
The ruins of Krzyżtopór Castle in Ujazd (topór coat of arms on the right side of the gate)
See also
- Kasper Niesiecki: Herbarz polski. T. 9. 1839-1846
- Franciszek Piekosiński: Heraldyka polska wieków średnich. Kraków: Akademia Umiejętności, 1899
- Józef Szymański: Herbarz średniowiecznego rycerstwa polskiego. Warszawa: PWN, 1993
- Bartosz Paprocki, Jan Kazimierz Turowski: Herby rycerstwa polskiego przez Bartosza Paprockiego zebrane i wydane r. p. 1584. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Biblioteki Polskiej, 1858.
- Stanisław Teodor Chrząński: Tablice odmian herbowych. Juliusz Karol Ostrowski, 1909, s. V.
- Tadeusz Gajl: Herbarz polski od średniowiecza do XX wieku : ponad 4500 herbów szlacheckich 37 tysięcy nazwisk 55 tysięcy rodów. L&L, 2007, s. 363. ISBN 978-83-60597-10-1.
- Barbara Trelińska: Album armorum nobilium Regni Poloniae XV - XVIII saec. Herby nobilitacji i indygenatów XV - XVIII w.. Lublin: 2001,
- Stanisław Dziadulewicz: Herbarz rodzin tatarskich w Polsce. Wilno: Stanisław Dziadulewicz, 1929
External links
- J. Lyčkoŭski. "Belarusian Nobility Coats of Arms". (in English)
- "Armorial of Belarusian Nobility". (in English)
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