Terbium monoselenide is an inorganic compound, with the chemical formula of TbSe. It is one of the selenides of terbium.[2] It is a yellow-red solid.


Terbium monoselenide can be prepared by reacting terbium and selenium:[3]

Tb + Se → TbSe


Terbium monoselenide has the sodium chloride crystal structure, with space group Fm3m.[2][4][5][6] It can undergo a peritectic reaction in thallium monoselenide to generate TlTbSe2:[7]

TlSe + TbSe → TlTbSe2


  1. ^ "C&L Inventory". echa.europa.eu.
  2. ^ a b Pribyl'skaya, N. Yu.; Orlova, I. G.; Shkabura, O. N.; Eliseev, A. A. Synthesis and study of the physicochemical properties of terbium selenides. Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1985. 30 (3): 603-606.
  3. ^ Olcese, Giorgio L. Structure and magnetic properties of MX compounds from terbium and metalloids of the Groups V and VI. Atti Accad. Nazi. Lincei Rend. Classe Sci. Fis. Mat. e Nat., 1961. 30: 195-200.
  4. ^ Н. П. Лякишева, ed. (2000). Диаграммы состояния двойных металлических систем. Vol. 3 Книга 2. М.: Машиностроение. ISBN 5-217-02932-3.
  5. ^ B. Predel (1998). "Se-Tb (Selenium-Terbium)". Pu-Re – Zn-Zr. Landolt-Börnstein - Group IV Physical Chemistry. Vol. 5J (Landolt-Börnstein - Group IV Physical Chemistry ed.). p. 1. doi:10.1007/10551312_2716. ISBN 3-540-61742-6.
  6. ^ H. Okamoto (2001). "Se-Tb (Selenium-Terbium)". Journal of Phase Equilibria. 22 (2) (Journal of Phase Equilibria ed.): 185. doi:10.1361/105497101770339229.
  7. ^ Guseinov, G. D.; Kerimova, E. M.; Agamaliev, D. G.; Nadzhafov, A. I. The phase diagram of the system thallium monoselenide-terbium monoselenide. zvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1987. 23 (10): 1632-1634.
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